vid for gardnerhill: Something Good (Will Come From That)

Jun 12, 2016 12:00

Title: Something Good (Will Come From That)
Recipient: gardnerhill
Author: sanguinity
Characters/Pairings: Holmes & Watson; Holmes/Watson
Rating: General
Summary: One hundred years of moving pictures about Holmes and Watson.
Author Notes:

My deepest thanks to my collaborator and source-monkey, k_e_p, without whom this would have required twice the work and been half as ( Read more... )

source: asylum holmes, source: granada, source: new russian holmes, source: ritchie movie, source: multi, source: sherlock hound, pairing: holmes/watson, source: elementary, source: russian holmes, source: private life of sherlock holmes, source: 1954 howard holmes, source: bbc, source: rathbone films, source: sherlock holmes and the 22nd cen, source: my dearly beloved detective, 2016: gift: vid

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Comments 46

amindamazed June 12 2016, 22:07:59 UTC
This is a fantastic tour de force, so beautifully done. My favorite bits not yet mentioned by others are the sequence of H&W mirroring each other clips and the sync of "Would you like to" as 22ndC Holmes (I think) spoke.

ps: and now I've finally seen The One With the Dinosaurs


amindamazed June 21 2016, 00:34:31 UTC
more favorite bits: the "butterfly" and the flip of the Elementary ring scene so that Watson is on the same side of the screen as in the Granada Blue Carbuncle clip that comes next.

background detail I want to know: the story of finding the song. is it something you've been wanting to use in a vid? did you somehow find it after decided to vid for Holmestice? how did this magic come to be?!?


sanguinity June 25 2016, 02:55:26 UTC
Well, us Elementary fans love our mirroring shots; the camerawork doesn't give us much else to play with, shippiness-wise. Gotta use them when you find them! (Myself, I'm ridiculously pleased with how well that sequence came out -- thank you for your help with it ( ... )


phoenixfalls June 12 2016, 22:35:04 UTC
Oh, how completely and utterly delightful this is! So many wonderful moments, so many absolutely amazing parallels, so many adaptations I still have to consume myself! In addition to all the stuff mentioned above, I was particularly squeeful when I spotted the recent Elementary proposal scene and John Boyega(?!?), and then all the scenes of Holmes torturing Watson with his violin had me grinning. But seriously, everything I recognized was so perfectly chosen and everything I didn't recognize was still so obviously Holmes & Watson, that the vid as a whole was so much of a piece, such a wonderfully unified 'verse.


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:21:58 UTC
You know, I originally thought that there was going to be more domestic-harmony violin stuff, but I found waaaaaay more footage of violin-strife. (That opening shot from the 1954 Howard TV series looks peaceful, but Watson has earplugs in, unbeknownst to Holmes.)

And John Boyega, as I know you already know by now, is a popular fancast for Holmes in 221B Baker towers; I was riffing off of mind-tardis' vid with those two clips.

And I am very, very pleased to know that the vid works even when one doesn't know all these Holmeses and Watsons. I did various vidderly things to try to make the continuity of characters as clear as possible, but... It's very nice to know that it was effective. :-)


saki101 June 12 2016, 23:22:32 UTC
Oh, that was a delight! You wove them all together with the lyrics so beautifully. Data and Geordi and the ending were particular treats! (I can't stop smiling!)

Thank you for this! :-D


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:22:26 UTC
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!


venusinthenight June 12 2016, 23:36:43 UTC
*reads the source list* OH. MY. GOD. MUCH THOROUGH.

*watches the vid* SO MANY HEARTS. Love, love, love!


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:23:49 UTC
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


burnt_hearts June 12 2016, 23:44:13 UTC
Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much! I can't even imagine the time and effort that when into this. Really superb work, perfect song choice, great editing, and SO much source material! You've really done a great thing here. My favorite bit was about the last ten seconds before the credits roll; the open affection between (the many iterations of) Watson and Holmes really shines in those last few snippets.

Again, fantastic work!


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:26:27 UTC
I love the ending, too. I spent a long time fussing with the close, trying to find something that worked, before finally deciding that yeah, I really could just pack those final lyrics with a bunch of miscellaneous shots of them gazing adoringly at each other, across several countries and decades. :-)

Thank you so much!


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