vid for gardnerhill: Something Good (Will Come From That)

Jun 12, 2016 12:00

Title: Something Good (Will Come From That)
Recipient: gardnerhill
Author: sanguinity
Characters/Pairings: Holmes & Watson; Holmes/Watson
Rating: General
Summary: One hundred years of moving pictures about Holmes and Watson.
Author Notes:

My deepest thanks to my collaborator and source-monkey, k_e_p, without whom this would have required twice the work and been half as ( Read more... )

source: asylum holmes, source: granada, source: new russian holmes, source: ritchie movie, source: multi, source: sherlock hound, pairing: holmes/watson, source: elementary, source: russian holmes, source: private life of sherlock holmes, source: 1954 howard holmes, source: bbc, source: rathbone films, source: sherlock holmes and the 22nd cen, source: my dearly beloved detective, 2016: gift: vid

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sanguinity June 25 2016, 02:55:26 UTC
Well, us Elementary fans love our mirroring shots; the camerawork doesn't give us much else to play with, shippiness-wise. Gotta use them when you find them! (Myself, I'm ridiculously pleased with how well that sequence came out -- thank you for your help with it!)

'Would you like to (take a walk?)" is soooooo much better than what 22C!Holmes is actually saying right there. ("Eyes and brains, Watson! Eyes and brains!" It takes real nerve to deliberately fake your death and then, immediately upon revealing yourself to be alive, to scold your closest companion for falling for it.)

Oh, no you don't! You don't get credit for having seen The One With the Dinosaurs until you've sat through every execrable minute of it! I will say, though, that you've now seen... a third? of all the dinosaur footage in the film. The dinosaurs only show up a few times, and they're very blink-and-you'll-miss-them.

Hee! The pterodactyl amuses me greatly, too. If you can't have multiple adaptations with dinosaurs, you can at least bring in the mechanical paleofauna as you find it.

You wouldn't have reason to notice most of them, but there are a lot of flopped clips in the vid! I didn't want to flop the Elementary blue carbuncle scene -- I figured it was iconic enough that Elementary fans would notice -- but it works so much better when it's flopped like that. (And it's not just to match Granada -- although that's where the bigger payoff is -- but to match the spatula clip before that, too.) Another flopped clip you might have noticed is the opening shot of Lucy Liu approaching the brownstone for the first time: flopped to make her part of a progression of Watsons, making their way across the screen. I originally had a temporal sequence of Watsons -- 1916, 1954, 1984, 2012 -- before deciding that at the rate I was clipping, a spatial sequence read more cleanly and comfortably than a chronological one.

I talk about the song a bit in the commentary post (because you asked!), but it's a song that I've loved forever, and it occurred to me one day that it'd make for a great Holmestice vid. How or why it occurred to me, I don't remember, but I'm very pleased it did. :-)

And thank you for the very kind rec you made on tumblr!


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