vid for gardnerhill: Something Good (Will Come From That)

Jun 12, 2016 12:00

Title: Something Good (Will Come From That)
Recipient: gardnerhill
Author: sanguinity
Characters/Pairings: Holmes & Watson; Holmes/Watson
Rating: General
Summary: One hundred years of moving pictures about Holmes and Watson.
Author Notes:

My deepest thanks to my collaborator and source-monkey, k_e_p, without whom this would have required twice the work and been half as ( Read more... )

source: asylum holmes, source: granada, source: new russian holmes, source: ritchie movie, source: multi, source: sherlock hound, pairing: holmes/watson, source: elementary, source: russian holmes, source: private life of sherlock holmes, source: 1954 howard holmes, source: bbc, source: rathbone films, source: sherlock holmes and the 22nd cen, source: my dearly beloved detective, 2016: gift: vid

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Comments 46

punknovelette June 12 2016, 23:48:51 UTC
What a wonderful tribute to the history of Sherlock Holmes. I enjoyed it very much!


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:35:38 UTC
Thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed!


Magnificent!! red_chapel June 12 2016, 23:57:15 UTC
You have captured the true meaning of Holmestice. The all-inclusive, charming, witty, genius true reason why we are all here, where it will always be 1895--even in the 22nd century.


Re: Magnificent!! sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:50:52 UTC
Aw, thank you!

Fun fact (and one which startled me somewhat, when I was watching source): Holmes and Watson weren't 'always' 1895 until after WWII. In fact, outside of the first two Rathbone films, H&W were never 1895. Aside from those, everything I watched that was made before 1946 was all set during the various years they were filmed. That wasn't a marked thing during the 1910s, of course -- Holmes' last adventure was in 1914, and new stories were still being published through the 1920s -- but by the time you get into the 1930s and the 1940s, the non-Victorianness of these productions was pretty noticeable.

And then boom, WWII finished, and suddenly Holmes and Watson were always 1895. I tell you, I learned so many cool things, watching source for this. :-)


graycardinal June 13 2016, 06:38:15 UTC
Oh, spectacular, for all the reasons already given.

And now I am intrigued, because either someone has been extraordinarily busy this round, or I am going to be very surprised by one of at least two reveals when the time comes.


sanguinity June 25 2016, 03:53:21 UTC
Thank you!

As it turns out, I was extraordinarily busy this round, but sadly, it wasn't because I was making treats or pinch-hits. :-)


xfdryad June 13 2016, 11:36:12 UTC
Omfg this is amazing!!!

To say I love it is an understatement, and it's kind of made my Monday.

(I'd forgotten Data and Geordi LaForge!)


sanguinity June 25 2016, 04:01:12 UTC
Aw, I'm so pleased I was able to bring cheer to a Monday!

Data and Geordi! I had wanted to include them, but went back and forth because they're not 'really' Holmes and Watson (for what are admittedly shaky values of 'really'), they're just play-acting Holmes and Watson, but then I suddenly had a whole verse of people playing Holmes to someone else's Watson (or vice versa) and they fit in beautifully there. :-)


haikitteh June 13 2016, 14:18:41 UTC
OMG you even included Data & Geordi, you darling!

Loved the song choice, it was absolutely perfect. This was such a special treat!


swissmarg June 17 2016, 08:41:56 UTC
Perfect icon is perfect! ;)


sanguinity June 25 2016, 13:32:54 UTC
Data and Geordi spent a little while moving around the vid while I tried to find the right place for them. (For a long while, it looked like they might be the punchline of 'strolling through the where-sis' -- France, Toronto, SPACE! -- before I settled them where they are now.) But Data and Geordi were on the spreadsheet pretty early in the game and were definitely going in the vid, if I could at all swing it. Because Data and Geordi! :-)

And thank you! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!


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