Index--Links, Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek II

Jun 03, 2010 20:48

Fiction: Fanfiction--Star Trek, continued
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Sex Pollen and Alien voodoo
Prompt: Today my best friend who I secretly want to have sex with thought it was a good idea to get exposed to a massive dose of sex pollen. Now he won't leave me alone. FML.
Warnings: Slash, Sex Pollen

Title/Prompt: I want some sex pollen hijinx happening to the away team, which Kirk is part of by McCoy is not. But Kirk manages not to give in to it because his Bones isn't there.
Warnings: Slash, Language, Sexual Situations

Title/Prompt: This is pure crack. Just... letting you know ahead of time. Kirk gets hit with an alien whammy, and when he gets back to the Enterprise for his checkup, Bones discovers that Kirk has WINGS! I'm talking PRETTY GLITTERY IRIDESCENT GOSSAMER FAIRY WINGS. And, embarrassingly enough, it turns Bones on.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: KITTIES!
Warnings: Crack?

Title/Prompt: Bones gets turned into a cat/dog/monkey, whatever the ano decides and he's stuck like that for a few days. Being a good friend, Kirk takes care of him and while Bones is transformed, Kirk tells him how he really feels about him, how much he loves him and it never occurs to him that Bones will actually remember any of this. But he does.
Warnings: See prompt

Non-con, Dub-con, Pon Farr, and Slavery
Title/Prompt: In the Prime Universe, McCoy Prime and Spock Prime were a couple. Nero knows this. When Spock and Jim beam onboard the Narada at the end of the movie, Nero captures them. He forces them to get McCoy to beam onto the Narada (Pike needs immediate attention, we need some extra help, etc). When McCoy arrives, Nero captures him as well, then rapes him in front of Jim and Spock, believing that in this universe McCoy and Spock are still in love. The twist - Jim and McCoy are together in this universe. Happy-ish ending please - all three make it back to the Enterprise, Nero gets his ass handed to him by a enraged Jim, but no healing sex please.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: It was about Kirk being kidnapped into sex slavery. He's tortured, drugged with aphrodisiacs, forced into submission, whatever. He does everything to survive. Then Enterprise comes to save him, and everything is back to normal, but he has some old habits (like looking down, or sleeping at the floor, or being aroused by command, anything) and is afraid of any sort of intimacy. Spock (or Bones, or anyone else) notices and helps.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Lotta rape prompts for McCoy, so can we get a fic where, immediately after McCoy is raped, Kirk takes care of him? Like, holding his hand while his injuries are being treated, taking him back to his room to help him get cleaned and into bed, talking him calmly and gently through the trauma? I need some fluffy, sweet, aftercare, guys! Please?
Warnings: See prompt

Title: Tarsus
Prompt: Have McCoy get fucked by some sort of animal. Something huge (in every sense of the word) and wild, with claws and fangs, that leaves him near death. And have his friends watch but be unable to stop it.
Warnings: Violence, Rape

Title/Prompt: Standard "slave" fic setup--Bones is captured on an away mission and dressed up in finery by his new "owners"--naked, oiled, jewels, the whole nine yards. Jim sees him but is not turned on--instead, he's appalled and totally sympathetic to Bones's plight. Once they get back to the Enterprise, though, he can't get that image of Bones out of his head. What happens then is up to anon, but I'd like Jim to continue to be understanding and sympathetic and not get off on Bones's humiliation.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Unkown to Kirk, while at the acadamy, McCoy was raped by an admrial/teacher, someone with VIP status. McCoy never told anyone and now, fast foward about a year into the mission, his attacker is on The Enterprise for some reason, getting the royal treatment because of who he is. Cue McCoy pulling away from everyone, having nightmares, lots of angst and drama. Kirk knows somethings wrong, and eventually he finds out the truth - maybe McCoy finally tells him or he walks in on McCoy and the person in question having some sort of argument and he overhears the details. What happens to the bad guy is up to anon, but I just want lots of hurt and comfort and Kirk offering his best friend/lover support.
Warnings: See prompt

(Implied) Character Death
Title/Prompt: The Importance of Three
Warnings: Slash, Implied Character Death

Title/Prompt: "To the well organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."~Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Warnings: Nothing major

Prawn, PWP, etc.
Title/Prompt: McCoy and Jim are close, close enough that McCoy doesn't think anything of calling Jim darlin', or sugar, or angel, or any other of the many Southern-styled endearments he uses. He's fond of Jim so it's just second-nature to him. Jim, on the other hand, gets an instant trip to Boner Town every time McCoy calls him something sweet. McCoy discovers Jim's pet name kink. Sexy times ensue.
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Don't mind how it is done, but major win for some one noticing the dogtags round Kirks neck on several occasions and trying to work out what they are. Also how important the Dog Tags are to Kirk. Could also have some Kirk/Reaper!Bones PWP thrown in for fun!
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations, Crossover (Doom)

Prompt: Today, my boyfriend renamed all the contacts in my comm to see if I'd notice. Thanks to him, I've been sending dirty texts to my boss. The worst part is my boss was responding back. FML
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations

Prompt: Offered to cook my best friend dinner and to give him a backrub after he'd had a really bad day. He laughed at me, said I just wanted to get into his pants, and told me to fuck off. I really just wanted to give him a backrub--my day sucked too. FML.
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations

Prompt: The man I have a secret and unrequited passion for met my mother today and was all flirty and charming with her. She flirted back. FML
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations, Language

Title/Prompt: Reboot obviously. SpockPrime tries to tell Bones he has to break up with Jim because Spock and Kirk are soulmates (which is just no. I love Zack but no.). Bones tells him to fuck off. Bones and Jim live happily ever after.
Warnings: Language, Slash

Title/Prompt: Doctor McCoy needs subjects for his medical experiments. He finds a steady supply in the people who've managed to piss off the captain. Sadistic!Bones and sketchy experiments. Bonus points for background Kirk/Bones and...I wouldn't say no to vivisection kink, explicit or implied.
Warnings: Mirrorverse, see prompt

Title/Prompt: The one thing each of the crew would take with them if they had to evacuate the Enterprise. People, keepsakes, memories! Anything goes.
Warnings: None

Title/Prompt: "The end is just the beginning of something new."
Warnings: Slash, Spoilers for Star Trek XI

Title/Prompt: Bones/Kirk 5 gifts Kirk gave to Bones
Warnings: Friendship

Title/Prompt: #13 Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Jim! I'm not kidding, you need to keep your heart rate down! J/B NC-17
Warnings: Some fantasizing about dub-con (being drugged/immobilized)

Title/Prompt: #13 Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: Jim! I'm not kidding, you need to keep your heart rate down!
Warnings: Slash, Sexual Situations, Language

Title/Prompt: #24 James T. Kirk: Stardate: two two five eight point four two... four... uh, whatever J/B NC-17
Warnings: See prompt

Title/Prompt: Of course Jim proposes in a filthy jail cell, Jim with an eye swollen shut and Bones with a broken ankle. That's just how they roll. And of course Bones doesn't hesitate in saying yes.
Warnings: Slash, see prompt

Title/Prompt: Bones and the cool damp weather in San Francisco do not get along. Jim helps his new BFF get warm.
Warnings: Slash

Title/Prompt: Indelible
Warnings: Kink, Slash, Language

++fanfiction, media: star trek, +mod, media: doom, ++links, +index

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