Yule potluck party post is here! Open RP for all school

Dec 21, 2010 23:03

On the day of the Hufflepuff-hosted potluck, the Great Hall had been transformed to accommodate the event, courtesy of Skwisgaar, a few of his bandmates, and several other helpful volunteers from Hufflepuff -- and one Ravenclaw. Skwisgaar and Toki's adoptive dragon-son, Smaug, had assisted with arranging some of the heavier items ( Read more... )

nathan explosion, vladimir harkonnen, susan foreman, andy bernard, rubeus hagrid, dean winchester, rp, toki wartooth, sage, vislor turlough, jasper hale, ariane emory ii, cthulhu, ulquiorra schiffer, c-3p0, beowulf, admiral zex, glorfindel, cathy dollanganger, rose tyler, berwald oxenstierna, all school, sephiroth, coraline jones, kuronue, joachim armster, george st bartleigh, t-rex, a, charles foster ofdensen, wishbone, laori vaus, china sorrows, pickles, elrond, jack harkness, cyd sherman, rat, sokka, megan gwynn, smaug, dwight schrute, skwisgaar skwigelf, valentine wolfe, igor, miranda barker, alucard tepes, chocolate, claire saunders, vishous, castiel, r2-d2

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Comments 411

dangerous_pets December 22 2010, 05:35:52 UTC
Hagrid was entirely pleased with his gifts. They even fit him properly.

Grinning happily, the half-giant snagged a huge plate of food and walked outside to stand near the bonfire. The night was cold, and a fire seemed like an excellent idea. In a few moments, he was going to get one of those robes from the sleigh, assuming one could be charmed to fit him.


igorofmalaria December 22 2010, 18:10:01 UTC
Hagrid was interrupted by Igor, who stared up at the giant.

"Hey, I know you! You're the guy with all the monsters!"

There was a moment of silence as Igor stared, swaying a little.

"You're very taaaall." He gave a disturbing giggle. "I bet you could beat any of thoshe creatures up, no problem."


dangerous_pets December 22 2010, 19:49:52 UTC
Hagrid glanced down at Igor aand smiled. "Well... they are monsters, most of 'em, aye, but mostly the ones I keep are real sweet, once yeh get ter know 'em."


igorofmalaria December 22 2010, 22:40:50 UTC
"Oh, yeah?" he said, encouragingly.

He was mildly surprised- sweetness wasn't the first thing he thought of when monsters came to mind. He gave Hagrid a friendly poke with his elbow. "What all've you got, eh? I know there's shome dragons around."

All the while Igor was giving the giant a big, adoring (if unsteady) grin. "Say, you're not a bad looking guy" he blurted finally.


oh_artoo December 22 2010, 05:41:43 UTC
R2-D2 rolled in, ready to get the party started. The shirt wouldn't fit and the beer was for later, so he'd had to find another way to get in the holiday spirit. The solution was a sprig of mistletoe dangling from his extended periscope, inviting one and all to come kiss him.

C-3PO followed with mincing metallic steps. "Oh Artoo! How exciting! Is my holly on straight?" Indeed, the droid had somehow attached a festive holly branch to his chestplate.


isnotabumblebee December 22 2010, 20:35:46 UTC
Toki was enjoying himself- he was a bit drunk, a bit high (although he wasn't entirely certain what had caused this, he didn't care, being quite delightedly stoned), and quite immersed in the shiny new watch he'd received for his Yule Goat gift, and which was exceptionally cool in his opinion, and playing with the ears on Skwisgaar's deddy-bear hat. As soon as he saw something gold and humanoid entering the Great Hall, however, he stopped wiggling the knit ears and stared at the entering pair of robots in amazement ( ... )


i_shot_a_dick December 22 2010, 05:46:46 UTC
Dean had slipped in to the room, he figured he would try to make sure no one saw him drop off the small box, because it was kind of a girly gift he had found and he didn't want to hear Sam say a word about it. Then he found the package for himself and Dean whooped like a kid in a candy store. The six-shooter alone was sweet but special bullets that gave him from what he could tell a variety of choices on what to do to the target was like Christmas morning to Dean and probably was going to land him in detention again ( ... )


hunter_returns December 22 2010, 22:07:32 UTC
Sam snuck into the hall, depositing his gifts on the table. He had a name as far as who to give them to, and would look for her in a moment. First, there was a little matter of brotherly revenge. He scanned the crowd, looking for Dean. The scarf was bad enough, but the hat? Now that just demanded payback. He looked around to make sure Bobby didn’t catch him in the act and drew his wand, muttering a hex that would turn Dean’s beloved leather jacket into wizarding robes.

Pink, frilly, wizarding robes.


i_shot_a_dick December 23 2010, 01:10:12 UTC
Dean was just about finished with that first beer when he felt a rush of air and realized one thing, it felt really breezy down there all of a sudden. Slowly, as if in suspended animation he glanced down at himself, the gun some how attaching itself to the robes, along with the bullets for it as he gawked in surprise at what he saw.

And he knew right off who had done it, he glanced up fast and started looking for Sam with a bellow "SAMMY!!!" Because what Dean Winchester found was himself, in robes that were not just pink and frilly oh no, they had to drag down past his feet, causing Dean to trip when he tried to stalk off to find his brother and come up with some diabolical plan to make him pay for this.


hunter_returns December 23 2010, 03:56:52 UTC
He really should be running, his mind protested. Right now. Really. Now.

Sam was nearly doubled over with laughter. The hex had worked better than he had hoped. Not only was it pink and frilly.. it was too long. He was fairly sure that when Dean tripped, he was going to pass out.

Once Dean charged off in his direction, Sam took off down the hall, still laughing.


j_whitlock December 22 2010, 06:41:59 UTC
Jasper had spent the last several hours in the Great Hall helping with the set up, and once that was done with, he left to change into nicer attire of the wizarding sort and to collect a few items. He dropped off his Yule Goat gifts in the relevant area and was keeping an eye out for someone who looked appropriately captain-y, to determine if his gifts were a hit or miss. Sadly, it seemed his own Yule Goat had forgotten about him. He smiled when he noticed Skwisgaar wearing the robe he'd given him-it did look remarkably good on the Swede, just as Jasper had thought it would.

For his potluck dishes, he'd had house-elves prepare some blood pudding and their best attempts at svartsoppa and mykyrokka, and he'd filled a star-shaped glass dish with assorted 'blood' candies (in reality all were artificially flavoured), all of which were set out with the rest of the potluck offerings. Now freed from obligation, he wandered through the Great Hall to mingle and admire the decorations.


codex_of_good December 23 2010, 02:21:11 UTC
Codex was not a holiday person. Okay, so she liked the idea of holidays, and wanted desperately to be a holiday person, but every year--every single year--when Christmas or Thanksgiving or even freaking Halloween rolled around, she had a quiet breakdown about two days before because she sucked at following through on plans.

And she was kind of broke. Perpetual unemployment was also never a good thing around holidays.

So with the party approaching, and someone actually counting on her so there was no way of her backing out of it, and no freaking game to hop on and relieve some stress by killing kobolds or something dammit, she buckled down and Did Something.

She slunk in to the party, gave the food a dubious once-over before deciding to wait until she was so hungry that she was willing to eat a table leg (adventurous: not Codex) and made a few mumbled inquiries until she found her recipient. "Um. Hi?" she squeaked, waving a little with one hand and holding a small gift bag in the other ( ... )


j_whitlock December 28 2010, 11:59:17 UTC
((Aw, don't worry about it. I'm so slow with RP right now the lateness of gifts doesn't actually matter.))

Jasper turned to face the person who seemed to be addressing him-he wasn't entirely sure, but unless she was attempting to communicate with the Christmas tree behind him (stranger things happened at Hogwarts), he was the most logical choice. "Hey," he replied, offering a friendly smile in spite of his uncertainty. That was the thing about being an empath. He liked to put people at ease, because it made everything more comfortable for him as well. "Enjoying the party?"

Being chatted up by strangers wasn't anything unusual for him, and he clearly didn't expect her to have a reason for doing so. It was a social gathering, after all. That meant socialising. Of course, the other thing about being an empath was knowing when someone approached him for a Very Specific Purpose, which she obviously had. It wasn't difficult to put two and two together ( ... )


codex_of_good December 29 2010, 04:51:34 UTC
"If you're Jasper Hale, then I'd be your Yule goat." Somehow, having someone say Yule goat first made it slightly less ridiculous. Slightly. As icebreakers went, it could have been worse. "Sorry. I, uh... anyway. Here." She held out the bag. "It's not really... you know... much. But I hope you like it. Or don't hate it, at least."


ilikemyscars December 22 2010, 07:05:39 UTC
Dr. Saunders fulfilled her culinary obligation by bringing in a small cauldron filled with miniature candy canes from Honeydukes; mixed in with the traditional peppermint candies were canes striped in all the house colors.

Finding something suitable to wear had been a chore. Her suitcase was packed with her work wardrobe, relentlessly black, purple and gray plus her ever present white lab coat. But she found a black cheongsam sheath with a little red embroidery, and that would have to do for Solstice spirit.

She set her cauldron on one of the tables, picked up a glass and caught some of the red wine from the fountain. Then she eased her way around the edges of the room, watching the party gather steam.


i_shot_a_dick December 23 2010, 05:02:33 UTC
Thankfully Dean spotted the candy cane and their owner before his brother caught him and hexed him in to the frilly pink robe that was to come later on. He noticed Claire and wandered over in his typical jeans, t-shirt and opened button down with sleeves rolled, hardly festive at all, but comfortable at least.

Dean snagged a candy cane and unwrapped it to place the candy in his mouth before edging his way around until he bumped elbows with Claire, a quick grin and he raised his beer some in a welcoming gesture to the woman.

"Nice addition, don't think I've had a candy cane since I was a kid, thanks."


ilikemyscars December 23 2010, 09:23:55 UTC
"You're welcome," she replied, returning the gesture with her wineglass. "I don't really have a traditional Christmas dish, but I figured those never go out of style."


i_shot_a_dick December 30 2010, 04:02:01 UTC
"Yeah, I just threw out two of my favorites and figured that was good." Dean sipped his beer, then offered a hand out to the woman, the candy cane hanging from one side of his mouth "Name's Dean, nice to meet ya'"


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