Yule potluck party post is here! Open RP for all school

Dec 21, 2010 23:03

On the day of the Hufflepuff-hosted potluck, the Great Hall had been transformed to accommodate the event, courtesy of Skwisgaar, a few of his bandmates, and several other helpful volunteers from Hufflepuff -- and one Ravenclaw. Skwisgaar and Toki's adoptive dragon-son, Smaug, had assisted with arranging some of the heavier items ( Read more... )

nathan explosion, vladimir harkonnen, susan foreman, andy bernard, rubeus hagrid, dean winchester, rp, toki wartooth, sage, vislor turlough, jasper hale, ariane emory ii, cthulhu, ulquiorra schiffer, c-3p0, beowulf, admiral zex, glorfindel, cathy dollanganger, rose tyler, berwald oxenstierna, all school, sephiroth, coraline jones, kuronue, joachim armster, george st bartleigh, t-rex, a, charles foster ofdensen, wishbone, laori vaus, china sorrows, pickles, elrond, jack harkness, cyd sherman, rat, sokka, megan gwynn, smaug, dwight schrute, skwisgaar skwigelf, valentine wolfe, igor, miranda barker, alucard tepes, chocolate, claire saunders, vishous, castiel, r2-d2

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i_shot_a_dick December 22 2010, 05:46:46 UTC
Dean had slipped in to the room, he figured he would try to make sure no one saw him drop off the small box, because it was kind of a girly gift he had found and he didn't want to hear Sam say a word about it. Then he found the package for himself and Dean whooped like a kid in a candy store. The six-shooter alone was sweet but special bullets that gave him from what he could tell a variety of choices on what to do to the target was like Christmas morning to Dean and probably was going to land him in detention again.

He fixed the gun so that it was held secure in his pants and picked up the beer with it's nice bow "Well aren't you a pretty thing.". Remembering then that he had a pie and case of beer that he had sat down the hunter walked over, picked up both items and took them over to the food tables. Then Dean moved off to blend in some and see just who or what was at this party any way. The beer he had gotten as a present cracked open as the man took a long swig, things were looking pretty good and that put Dean in a better mood than usual. Not to mention, he was back in his body and not seventeen any more.


hunter_returns December 22 2010, 22:07:32 UTC
Sam snuck into the hall, depositing his gifts on the table. He had a name as far as who to give them to, and would look for her in a moment. First, there was a little matter of brotherly revenge. He scanned the crowd, looking for Dean. The scarf was bad enough, but the hat? Now that just demanded payback. He looked around to make sure Bobby didn’t catch him in the act and drew his wand, muttering a hex that would turn Dean’s beloved leather jacket into wizarding robes.

Pink, frilly, wizarding robes.


i_shot_a_dick December 23 2010, 01:10:12 UTC
Dean was just about finished with that first beer when he felt a rush of air and realized one thing, it felt really breezy down there all of a sudden. Slowly, as if in suspended animation he glanced down at himself, the gun some how attaching itself to the robes, along with the bullets for it as he gawked in surprise at what he saw.

And he knew right off who had done it, he glanced up fast and started looking for Sam with a bellow "SAMMY!!!" Because what Dean Winchester found was himself, in robes that were not just pink and frilly oh no, they had to drag down past his feet, causing Dean to trip when he tried to stalk off to find his brother and come up with some diabolical plan to make him pay for this.


hunter_returns December 23 2010, 03:56:52 UTC
He really should be running, his mind protested. Right now. Really. Now.

Sam was nearly doubled over with laughter. The hex had worked better than he had hoped. Not only was it pink and frilly.. it was too long. He was fairly sure that when Dean tripped, he was going to pass out.

Once Dean charged off in his direction, Sam took off down the hall, still laughing.


i_shot_a_dick December 23 2010, 04:53:41 UTC
He could hear that laugh and as he picked himself up in that frilly pink robe that was too long Dean had murder in his eyes, or at least some serious prank time was coming, cause no way was Sam getting away with this.

As he went to hike the robe up to run after his brother Dean had a thought and glanced down quickly, more than relieved to find that at least his undergarments were still his and that on his feet were his typical motorcycle boots.

Then some thing brushed his ear and Dean reached up to feel a floppy, pointed hat that he was almost certain had to match the robe "I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!!" He pulled that gun and loaded a bullet, not caring what hex it might contain, because it was just the beginning of this prank war.

Running out in to the hallway Dean couldn't help himself, just like a kid he laughed as he tore off down the hallway in the direction he heard Sam laughing "Ohhh Sammy, come out to plaaaay."


hunter_returns December 23 2010, 23:36:39 UTC
Sam could hardly breathe. He dashed down a side hallway and paused to gasp for air. God, if he only had a camera. The utter shock and fury on his brother’s face.. in frilly pink robes.. and the floppy hat.. Sam honesly couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so damned hard.

“What’s the matter, Dean? I’m sure I can find some pink fairy wings and a tiara if you wanna accessorize!” he taunted. He peeked around the corner to see his indignant brother charging in his direction. He was holding a gun.

“Oh shi-“ Sam bolted down the hall. “Dean, put the gun down! It was just a joke, you dick!”

Yes, Sam remembered the no-kill spell and he trusted his brother, but getting shot still hurt


i_shot_a_dick December 30 2010, 04:01:34 UTC
Dean couldn't keep the smile off his face and that alone should have told Sam he wasn't going to really shoot him, at least not with a bullet that would hurt, it helped that Sam reacted the way he did, because that just made this joke even funnier and he kept right on barreling after Sam.

"Dam it Sammy! You hold still! I'm gonna accessorize your ass!!" Dean caught Sam in the sights of that gun and aimed, pulling the trigger as a bullet released from the chamber, Dean watched the swirling colors as that aimed right at Sammy's chest.


nerdofthelord December 30 2010, 04:38:28 UTC
In a spectacular display of both lousy timing and inept navigation, Castiel chose that moment to materialize directly between the boys.

The hexed bullet caught him square in the middle of the back, and he lurched forward with a surprised sound, twisting to try to see what had hit him--he'd heard the gun's report, but it didn't feel like a bullet, not even close....

His eyes went suddenly wide, and he grimaced and arched, gasping, "Dean, you--"


Two enormous pinions burst through the back of the angel's coat and arched over his head. Each was longer than he was tall, gloriously plumed with sleek and shining feathers...and bright fuschia.

The torrent of expletives that followed would likely have made even Dean blush, if it hadn't been delivered entirely in Enochian.


junkyard_hunter December 30 2010, 04:50:15 UTC
Sam had already aimed his wand and the hex had already begun to form on his lips when the angel appeared right in Dean's line of fire. The terrible tearing sound and appearance of fuschia wings caused Sam's concentration to waver. The wand slipped to the side and a bright pink bolt caught Bobby in the chest, flinging him backwards in a burst of light.

"Damnit Sam!" he thundered.
That didn't sound right at all. Bobby pulled himself up and cautiously looked down. Ok, those were new.

"If this hex doesn't wear off within the hour, I'm going to kick both of your asses across this school," a transformed.. female Bobby threatened.


i_shot_a_dick December 30 2010, 05:02:29 UTC
"Cas, du!" Dean was too late and as that bullet made contact with the angel Dean's eyes went wide, but what happened next made it even better, he didn't even have time to think of what it could have done to Sam as he stared at the bright color of those wings and lost it, doubled over in laughter in the next instant he saw Bobby from the corner of his eye.

But when the smoke cleared so to speak, that wasn't Bobby he heard speaking and it sure as hell wasn't Bobby standing there. It didn't even register to Dean at that moment that Sam had been about to turn him in to a woman and instead all he could do was fall right to the floor laughing for a moment "OH CRAP!!!"

He knew he needed to grab Sam and run now, but he just couldn't stop laughing.


nerdofthelord December 31 2010, 01:58:05 UTC
"This isn't funny, Dean," Cas said stonily, looking up at one of the graceful appendages as he stretched and rotated it carefully. "There's a reason I don't walk around with these things manifest."

His wings weren't, technically speaking, wings at all. There was no direct physical analog for their function, but humans would persist in thinking of gigantic bird's wings as somehow appropriate to angels, and therefore that was the form they nearly always took when they were rendered visible. There was no denying they looked impressive (when not dyed eye-searing pink,) but they were also anatomically absurd, awkward as hell, potentially dangerous and presented a major point of vulnerability.

Cas had tried literally flying with them once, just to see what would happen. If Dean thought he looked amusing now, he had no idea.

His scowl deepened as another complication came to his attention. "I can't put them away," he growled, turning on Dean and fanning them in what should have been a menacing display of angelic wrath, but unfortunately came off more along the lines of Celestial Avenger Ken. "Dean!"


junkyard_hunter December 31 2010, 03:43:16 UTC
Sam gaped.

He had never seen an angel's wings manifest like that and was impressed. Even if the color was all wrong. Then he saw just how pissed the angel was.
Then there was Bobby. Transformed, female Bobbby.

Now they really needed to run. At least until the hexes wore off.

He dashed forward, grabbing his brother and bodily dragging him down the hall.

Bobby watched them run. "Boys! Get your asses back here right now!"

He.. she? rubbed an aggravated hand across his face, grimacing at the lack of beard. As much as he'd like to take off after them both and kick their asses across the school, he couldn't very well leave Castiel stuck with his wings out like that.

"Well, shit. Least it ain't permanent."


nerdofthelord December 31 2010, 04:10:00 UTC
Cas winched the ridiculous things in as close to his back as possible, eyeing the Christmas decorations, floating candles, House banners and other assorted obstacles in the hallway warily. "It had better not be," he said ominously, not willing to go chasing after the perpetrators either with such large impediments attached to his back. The muscles back there were already starting to grouse about the poorly-distributed load.

He glanced at Bobby, only now really taking in the man's predicament. "So much for intervening before they caused trouble," he said, deeply disgruntled. "I suppose it could have been worse."


junkyard_hunter December 31 2010, 04:38:18 UTC
Bobby used his wand to flick any floating candles or other assorted fire hazards further away from the angel's wings. It was bad enough they were screamingly pink, they shouldn't wind up on fire either.

"Yeah. And somehow we wind up with the worst of it," he grumbled, snagging a pair of bottles from a passing tray.

"So while we're waiting this damn thing out," he passed a drink to Cas. "I think it's time we plot a little payback on those two idjits."


nerdofthelord December 31 2010, 04:54:52 UTC
Castiel nodded in agreement, accepting the drink and following where Bobby (Roberta?) led. "What did you have in mind?"


i_shot_a_dick January 1 2011, 04:04:17 UTC
Dean went wide eyed when Cas turned on him, but the even with the fury in Cas's eyes Dean still couldn't help himself "But they look so pretty, Cas, the chicks will dig the color." But then Sam grabbing him and the tone in Bobby's voice kind of snapped through and Dean realized one thing, he and Sam were in big trouble and the odd clothing they had on was the least of their worries.

He caught his footing and ran side by side with his brother, unable to resist a shout over his shoulder "Only if you can catch us in your heels Aunt Bobby!" He went in to another round of laughter as he ran. The gun jammed in to the belt around his robe. He didn't slow down till he figured they were far enough away from Bobby and Cas to be safe, at least for the moment.

But this might not be good, because in that moment some thing dawned on Dean and he whacked Sam hard in the back of the head "You dick, you were gonna turn me in to a woman!"


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