[Closed RP: Skwisgaar, Toki, Shoggies -- Jasper, Vladimir later]

Apr 18, 2010 10:44

((Plus Nidhögg, if he wants to pal around at all. Continued from this thread, and very obviously NSFW since it's going to be full of Sharkgaar porn and gore and wrongness. Especially once Vladimir is involved. :P))

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nathan explosion, shoggies, vladimir harkonnen, charles foster ofdensen, skwisgaar skwigelf, rp, toki wartooth, nidhogg, pickles, jasper hale

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best_guitarist June 4 2010, 07:26:16 UTC
((Annnd cue the porn! Fair warning to any lurkers following this. XD))

He hadn't been aiming to shock the Baron by mentioning the fact he shared a bed with Toki -- it had been delivered in the same offhand way he might comment on something mundane. At Hogwarts there was little reason to hide his relationship, and so he made no attempts to. It was probably for the best, just in case any of the other people he slept with started getting unfortunate ideas about sex with him actually meaning something, which it never did, at least not to him. It was just an alternative to wanking, more or less. Something which he was pretty sure the Baron understood, so he wasn't too worried about any awkward feelings getting in the way of their fucking. Friendship wasn't so bad, of course, as long as it didn't go beyond that ( ... )


isnotabumblebee July 1 2010, 09:28:23 UTC
Toki would be easy to talk into leather and Viking-style furs instead of metal armor- a full suit of metal armor was pretty uncomfortable, and bound to be miserable after riding around on a dragon for too long. But, Toki was not very concerned about what they would wear at the moment either- that was a detail they could decide on later. Toki colored a bit at Skwisgaar's pillaging comment, his own response a quiet but excitedly high-pitched, "Good! I wants to be." He wasn't much worried about Jasper overhearing- it was pretty much public knowledge that they weren't just platonic roommates ( ... )


best_guitarist July 2 2010, 08:28:14 UTC
Skwisgaar was accustomed to being watched, so he didn't pay any mind to Jasper. It was all for the best with how irritable he'd been feeling toward the vampire -- and it was an entirely different matter when he was the one being looked at, rather than others eye-raping Toki (which Jasper had never done, but Skwisgaar's perspective was obviously coloured by irrational jealousy). As he let himself drift down closer to the gravel, he took particular notice of the tell-tale bulge in Toki's pants, not even attempting to be subtle with his lingering stare when he was at eye level with Toki's crotch. Nor was he going out of his way to make Jasper feel uncomfortable or unwelcome, now -- he just didn't feel the need to censor his actions much in his own room ( ... )


j_whitlock July 2 2010, 10:13:24 UTC
Inability to blush be damned, Jasper could have nearly sworn that he felt heat creeping up his neck when he realised Toki was having a much more ( ... )


isnotabumblebee July 5 2010, 03:21:36 UTC
"We wants to play in the aquariums afters the ball pit, Master Skwisgaar-Dad!" Shoggy 10 threw in. The idea of the aquarium remaining as a pool for the Shoggies had set off an immediate "sooo cool!" from all of them, including the visiting Shoggy 21.5. "And cans we have a few of the caviar shark babies too? That sounds sooo 'yum yum'," added in Shoggy 3, who seemed to think this a perfectly viable possibility, and had no qualms about cannibalizing its impossible siblings since they sounded delicious. The Shoggies still weren't very clear on the reproductive methods of humans, and the eventual 'sex ed' talk which would need to be inflicted upon the Shoggies due to 'good parenting' was liable to lead to results both hilarious, and potentially horrifying ( ... )


j_whitlock July 7 2010, 07:22:58 UTC
((Haha it's fine, he's way too polite to stay unless explicitly asked to, so he'll get out of their hair now. Jumping posting order with Skwis-mun's okay, it probably works better this way.))

Jasper stood and stepped closer to where Toki was perched on the bed, pausing a moment to think of a suitable spell for breathing underwater. He was polite (and wise) enough to avert his eyes when it became obvious Toki was going to undress completely, since he didn't want Skwisgaar lunging for him again.

"This should last for a few hours," he explained as he drew his wand again and pointed it at Toki; he figured a few hours gave them enough time to do whatever they were going to do and possibly even sleep together, in the literal sense of the word. "You'll have some warning before it wears off, like a pressure on your chest. That'll mean you're not getting enough oxygen, and should get out of the water." He said the spell the precise effects of which Toki's mun can choose since Jasper's is lazy and doesn't think the Bubble-Head Charm would ( ... )


best_guitarist July 7 2010, 10:28:59 UTC
"Yous goofballs can plays in de aquariums later," Skwisgaar told the Shoggies, not minding the thought of sharing it with them, though he didn't want to at that exact moment. He and Toki had things to see to first, which would hopefully take the rest of the -- morning, he realised, with a glance toward a window. Well, it certainly wouldn't be the first or the last time they went to bed after the sun was already up. It came with the territory of being spoilt rock stars. He laughed when one of the Shoggies went on to request some of the caviar shark babies too, and told it, "Yous can eats your brothers and sisters if they's accidentally born. We don'ts need no more kids anyway. Mights as well use them to feeds de ones we already got." Which was just sensible parenting ( ... )


isnotabumblebee July 9 2010, 23:35:00 UTC
The Shoggies were delighted to be told that they could eat their unlikely future siblings, and began wondering what caviar shark babies would taste like as they all piled into the ball pit. "Likes the eyesballs sandwiches withouts the sandwich ons the outside maybe, buts less chewy and withs extra flavours" appeared to be the likely consensus. As for Toki's thoughts on the insane amount of illegitimate Skwisgaar-offspring in the world, it was something he tried not to think about. A part of Toki did think that it was kind of dickish to have kids and then not act like a dad, but, his own experience with his dad had taught him that having a dad sucked. And so, on the whole, he didn't much care about Skwisgaar's offspring, since so far, none had shown up and demanded money or actual parenting. Toki didn't much want another kid of the human persuasion either, since the parenting of dragons and eldritch monstrosities was far more entertaining ( ... )


best_guitarist July 10 2010, 04:53:52 UTC
((Whoops, typo fix. Because Skwisgaar is not a swan.))

Even though Skwisgaar had been sporting a pair of gills himself for the last few hours, he didn't quite understand what Jasper's magic had done to Toki until he was able to see the results up close. As Toki kissed him and passed the bottle, he lightly ran his other hand up one side of Toki's ribcage, curious about his new gills and whether they were as sensitive as his own. He paused before he could become too preoccupied, however, and instead swam to pick up Toki's guitar, which immediately underwent the same aquatic changes that his Explorer had just because his mun feels like it. He propped the two guitars next to each other.

"Wonder why yous don't turns into de fish too when I touch you," he said to Toki, swimming back over. "Woulds be brutals to sees you as a sharks guy too, and then yous could shits de caviar shark babies." It would be cool and convenient, since their genitals might be a better fit then. Or, knowing the way Hogwarts' hexes usually operated, would then be ( ... )


isnotabumblebee July 13 2010, 02:08:26 UTC
Toki gave a squeaky little sound of pleasured surprise as Skwisgaar's hand passed over his gills, which were indeed quite sensitive. Part of the magic seemed to allowing him to adapt to them easily, and so their use was as instinctual as breathing. He also found that the magic seemed to have affected his eyes once underwater- keeping them open was perfectly comfortable, as if a transparent lid had closed in place beneath his usual ones. The magic had not given him any special locomotive abilities, however, and his playful attempt to dart after Skwisgaar as he swam over to his guitar was a clumsy human one ( ... )


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