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Comments 76

elfkameo April 6 2010, 04:28:14 UTC
Kameo, the local elven princess fish-out-of-water, had no idea what all those foreign terms actually meant. They hinted at something powerful, like "telescope". The man himself, however, was extremely boring. He seemed to chatter on about irrelevant things, and he didn't answer one of the questions. Kameo distinctly remembered a rude man completely getting on her case about that, and in fact, it was that very question!

"What's a telescope?" she asked, tilting her body in unconscious nervous twitch. Genuine interest shone in her eyes, though she rather wanted to get the information and then politely excuse herself.


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 16:30:11 UTC
"You're very pretty," Tony said, "As long as you are not one of the Russians I guess I can tell you. I don't think you are, because usually they are big men with guns.

A telescupe let's you see long distances. Once Control used a telescope to spot a Russian spy out his window. The spy was right near a pay phone so we called him and told him to go away and stop looking at the head of British Intelligence through the window. He was very nice and stopped immediately. It is a very helpful technology."


elfkameo April 6 2010, 23:10:58 UTC
Combine her utter lack of knowledge of technology and being somewhat dim, Kameo had difficulty picturing the situation. She scratched her head in confusion, trying and failing to keep a neutral smile expression. It came out more like a 'Sorry, I don't speak Norwegian' face.

"I see...that could help with all sorts of things," she speculated, pondering how the royal family could keep watch on the various tribes. And the pay phone, whatever that was, had potential. Still, Kameo had to remind herself that she wasn't back home; in fact she was stuck in Hufflepuff house in an elaborate castle with strange creatures and no political power to wield.


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 23:37:07 UTC
"Maybe you don't, but that is okay," Tony said trying to assuage the female's onfusion, "If you have problems there are much easier ways to solve them than government tech. I could try and help you, do you have any problems? Or you could hold a caucaus with several individuals."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 05:50:52 UTC
Well, this is now completely awkward. Reasonably intelligent secret agent (the mun hopes), meet your doppleganger, hopeless idiot soldier that managed to get himself killed twice and became a sparklepire in the process. It's a long story.

"Well, hello, this is odd. You look just like me! Well, me when I was still human."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 16:26:03 UTC
(ooc: Tony's not stupid, he just points out the obvious a lot. BTW, love your icon.)

"You're not human?"

Tony fidgeted in his shoes.

"You look just like me," he pointed out, "Maybe you are me. Am I not human? I think I am. Human that is."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 16:34:59 UTC
"Well, I used to be, and then I became a vampire!" George stuck out his hand. "I'm George. Careful, my hand's cold."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 20:20:43 UTC
"A vampire? You seem awfully happy for a vampire. I thought they were a bunch of dark moody chaps. There was definitely nothing in the books about vampires, sparkling . . "

However, not to be impolite Tony gingerly shook the man's hand, flinching slightly at the temperature, but he had been forewarned.

"Your hand is cold. Must be hard to eat hot chips, what with freezing them over."


livingaustria April 6 2010, 05:57:17 UTC
Color Austria amused.

"I think you're a couple decades off. The Cold War's over."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 16:22:42 UTC
Tony chuckled good naturedly, a toothy grin spreading overhis face, which on anyone else would have looked decidedly creepy, but somehow didn't.

"You must be wrong. The newspapers would have told us if the war was over. I read the newspapers so I would know."

He stopped abruptly and his blue eyes widened in disbelief.

"Maybe you are part of the secret service? You would then be able to access information that I am no longer allowed to see. Then again maybe not, you dress like someone from my history books."


livingaustria April 6 2010, 16:32:19 UTC
"Well, I always dress this way," Austria said with a shrug. "And some people that come here find that they've traveled in time. This is 2010."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 20:39:46 UTC
"That is funny," Tony said, fingering his plaid tie which, to be honest, he thought perferable to the abundance of frills adorning the other
an's throat. "That must be the answer. I was walking down the street and then suddenly I appear in this crowded room and have to fill out a school application. I already passed school, even four years of uni. 2010? Amazing, this is just like an episode of Doctor Who, minus the blue police box."

(ooc: Canonwise, Tony's universe doesn't have a fixed date, but I have assumed that he hails from some point in in the sixties and in the sixties Doctor Who first aired and Tony is so the type to sit home and watch family television despite being in his twenties..)


carriesapurse April 8 2010, 03:57:54 UTC
Marriage? Troublesome? No, it was a sacred state into which Tinky Winky would someday enter! While he and his beloved Mikaw had not yet set a definite date, they were as engaged as a Teletubby and an office manager could ever be.

"Mawwiage good!" bellowed Tinky Winky, flailing his purple arms. So flustered was he, he quite forgot his usual greetings (no Eh-oh! for Tony).


sis_coffee April 8 2010, 20:49:36 UTC
A look of fright passed over Tony's face as the flailing purple creature gravitated towards him.

"Yes, yes if you want!" he said, fear in his voice, but strangely level headed, "I didn't mean to insult anyone. If you feel marriage is your piece of cake fine by me. Are you taking a husband or wife?" (It had a purse for god's sake.)


carriesapurse April 12 2010, 01:00:55 UTC
A husband? A wife? Tinky Winky's voice, as unmistakably effeminate as it was unmistakably masculine, probably didn't help to signal the genital allegiance of the Teletubby. He flapped his purse and did an awkward jig from side to side.

"Tinky Winky mawwy Mikaw! Mikaw Scott!" This probably didn't help either. It was doubtful whether Tinky Winky actually understood gender, so the Teletubby was not well-equipped to detect what question was being asked, let alone to answer it.


sis_coffee April 19 2010, 02:38:03 UTC
Scott. That was a man's name wasn't it?
Somewhat relieved to be facing someone that he perceived as being of the gentler sex he relaxed and made to pay the creature a reasurring pat on the paw.
"Oh, that does sound lovely. Many congratulations. I suppose I shall have to bring you a present, even if I don't know you that well." He paused, and wrinkled his brow in thought. "What type of things do you like?"


tricky_tailor April 9 2010, 22:27:08 UTC
Garak had employed many covers in his career as a spy assassin Member of the Obsidian Order tailor. It had never occured to him to simply cast himself as a bumbling spy, using a front of ineptitude to cover his tracks. He smiled disarmingly at Tony and waited for that sharp flicker of intelligence, that quick assessing eye.

"I see the Hat has taken to bringing another member of the espionage community to the school. I wonder what his motives could be?"


sis_coffee April 9 2010, 23:01:56 UTC
"Oh I am sure the hat means well, but I came here of my own free will. Yes, it was all my idea. Once I was fired I was unsure of what to do so I came to Hogwarts. At the time it seemed a good idea." He cocked his head and stared at the person in front of him. "Other spies: that is a coincidance, but a bad or good one I am not sure."


tricky_tailor April 12 2010, 01:24:19 UTC
He cocked his head, "So you were fired? It was always my understanding that those in such a dangerous line of work were let go using more creative methods."

"But where are my manners, I am Garak. Recently of Cardassia and currently of Slytherin."


sis_coffee April 19 2010, 22:01:41 UTC
"Tony Murchison, unsorted, of the United Kingdom." He pumped the extended hand once then let his arm flop once again to his side, blue shirt sleeve slipping down to cover all but his fingertips.

"Maybe, but in the British Secret Service everyone is treated kindly. I was only let off, because the Minister didn't think they needed so many people spying. The Russians kept calling us up and telling us all their secrets so I can understand the thinking."


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