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tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 05:50:52 UTC
Well, this is now completely awkward. Reasonably intelligent secret agent (the mun hopes), meet your doppleganger, hopeless idiot soldier that managed to get himself killed twice and became a sparklepire in the process. It's a long story.

"Well, hello, this is odd. You look just like me! Well, me when I was still human."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 16:26:03 UTC
(ooc: Tony's not stupid, he just points out the obvious a lot. BTW, love your icon.)

"You're not human?"

Tony fidgeted in his shoes.

"You look just like me," he pointed out, "Maybe you are me. Am I not human? I think I am. Human that is."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 16:34:59 UTC
"Well, I used to be, and then I became a vampire!" George stuck out his hand. "I'm George. Careful, my hand's cold."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 20:20:43 UTC
"A vampire? You seem awfully happy for a vampire. I thought they were a bunch of dark moody chaps. There was definitely nothing in the books about vampires, sparkling . . "

However, not to be impolite Tony gingerly shook the man's hand, flinching slightly at the temperature, but he had been forewarned.

"Your hand is cold. Must be hard to eat hot chips, what with freezing them over."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 20:31:41 UTC
"Seems that Bram Stoker chap got everything wrong when he wrote about Dracula. Oh, it would be difficult, I suppose, if I could still eat normal food. Awfully easy to catch animals to drink their blood, though." That was a plus.


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 20:49:05 UTC
"So you don't eat people," Tony said relaxed, somehow missing the point that he was in the presence of an honest to god vampire, "that is very relieving indeed. What type of animals live here? Are there cats; I'm fond of cats."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 20:51:42 UTC
"Well, I've seen all kinds of animals. There's even a talking dog that's a student here! I never knew dogs could talk. There are a lot of animals in the forest and the really hot grove."


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 21:18:12 UTC
"A student? How does he take classes, even if he does talk? Dogs can't write," he paused, "Can they? I used to keep a pidgeon in memory of Control. Control used to feed the pidgeons outside his window and one time he even fell out. Six stories, which must have hurt very much or if not at least a bit frightening. Oh, wait, I've been rude. My name is Tony Murchison. The pidgeon's name was Simon ."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 21:26:46 UTC
"Oh I don't know, I suppose he's got those newfangled Dictaquills that write what you say? At least those pigeons didn't get eaten like Speckled Jim did. Captain B got in lots of trouble for that, he did!"


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 21:43:55 UTC
"Those dictaquills sound very useful indeed. I would never want to eat a pidgeon like your captain, especially one with a lovely name like Speckled Jim. I guess you must be in the army then. I like your uniform. All I can get are grey suits and some old ties that I found on sale. They are very cheap though which is good."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 22:30:36 UTC
George had almost forgotten he still wore his uniform.

"You know, I should probably get some Wizarding clothes! I mean, I'm a long way away from the Great War, I don't need to wear these." Unsurprising that it took him this long to think of it.


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 22:39:43 UTC
"The Great War? Then landing in 2010 must have been rather jarring. I feel sorry for you. Do wizards wear robes like in the medeival picture books? I don't think I shall get some. I wouldn't know where to look and they sound too loose for my taste."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 22:43:44 UTC
"I hear they're black. There's a town near here where all the students can go. I can get there in seconds flat!"

He was rather proud of that.


sis_coffee April 6 2010, 23:04:36 UTC
"Why would you want to speed in and out if you can leave whenever you want? I would want to enjoy a stroll, perhaps pick a flower or buy a ice lolly. At the school I went to we were never allowed out although the older boys used to smuggle in sweets."


tallyhopippip April 6 2010, 23:43:02 UTC
"Well, it's fun to run! And the less time I spend getting to Hogsmeade, the more time I can spend there!"


sis_coffee April 7 2010, 00:34:15 UTC
"Oh well that's allright. I thought you meant speeding in and out, although I still like stopping and smelling the roses along the way. So, this town is called Hogsmead and you can buy wizarding items there? What other unusual paraphanalia can one see in such a town?"


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