Up To No Good (Closed - Kurama, Kusuriyuri, Kuronue, Yukimura)

Feb 01, 2010 21:54

(Yukimura's appearance is mun approved. As is the break in etc etc. Kuro's going to be in so much troooouble.)

Most of the time, Kuronue was fine. He felt perfectly normal.

And then things would trigger something in his brain that seemed to bring out the darker side within him. Adjusting to life at Hogwarts had taken a while, and he believed that he ( Read more... )

kuronue, sanada yukimura, kusuriyuri, rp, youko kurama

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prettypendulum February 5 2010, 00:25:37 UTC
Kuronue smiled softly, angling his face into the hand messing with his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed. "There's no point, is there? The mononoke took root, horrible things happened, and now I'm left to deal with it. Complaining about unfairness wouldn't be right ( ... )


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 14:18:45 UTC
"Dying isn't something one forgets easily," he said softly, running his thumb under Yukimura's eye and caressing his cheek.

He lowered his eyes as he thought on how to reply, then looked up to Yukimura. "I don't recognise my own body any more, I'd gotten used to the extra presence and without it I feel...calm. I was always calm around you, but now I feel more so. And clean. But I'm still concerned. About us, about where things go from here."


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 14:45:41 UTC
"I don't want us to end, and I knew it wouldn't be easy, that there would be difficulties, just because we are different, because I am a human and you are youkai. Yet, I didn't anticipate anything like that."

Yukimura caressed Kuronue's cheek, his other hand remaining around his lover's waist. "My trust has been bruised but not broken," he murmured. "I would ask, in the future, you do not try to keep me out of anything. Even if I am not involved, I should like to know of it. I would like a chance to prepare for any backlash."


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 14:55:06 UTC
"If I could have told you, if I wasn't so clouded with jealousy, selfishness and hate, I would have done so. I'm not stupid, Yukimura. I won't lie to you, or keep things from you again." His fingertips shifted from Yukimura's cheek down to the mark at his neck. "We are bonded, I want to keep you. I want to work through whatever comes our way. I don't ever want to see you upset again."

Shit, he'd thought their last fight had been bad, but this one blew it out of the water. Both had been horrific, both in some way caused by the dark feeling of jealousy and selfishness.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 15:03:50 UTC
Yukimura's fingers moved to Kuronue's mark, almost unconsciously. "We are," he agreed. "It is something I thought myself ready for, that I had considered all that could come up, but I see I didn't." He smiled wryly. "In a relationship, can anyone?" he asked, almost rhetorically. He caressed the mark thoughtfully. "It is the ones we allow closest that cause the most pain," he murmured. "That is the saying, isn't it?"


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 15:10:44 UTC
Kuronue twitched a little. Any other time he would have enjoyed the gentle touch to his mark, but now wasn't a time to be getting aroused. He hid his interest as best he could and swallowed thickly.

"I've had a pitiful lack of experience in love, in so called healthy relationships, but from what I know, it's all too true." He offered a sad smile, apologising once again silently.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 15:16:41 UTC
Yukimura moved his hand to just rest against Kuronue's throat, not ready, yet, to continue teasing his lover. "I told you of the only other time I've been in love and that was nothing like what we have," he murmured. "We both need to learn, and I think we can only learn from each other."

He leaned forward and brushed a light kiss against Kuronue's lips. "Let us eat breakfast and then see if we are ready for a bath."


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 15:29:02 UTC
He nodded and returned the kiss as much as he could while keeping it chaste. "Hard as the process of learning may be, I wouldn't want to learn to love with anyone else but you."

He pulled back and sat up, brushing Yukimura's hair from his eyes. He stood and adjusted his yukata while he waited for Yukimura.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 15:50:07 UTC
Yukimura rose, adjusting his own clothing, as he did. When he was on his feet, he moved over and wrapped his arms around Kuronue's waist again, resting his forehead on his lover's shoulder. "Tell me, do those bands you wear mean anything like this?" he asked, trying to tease, but the question was too serious.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 16:07:04 UTC
He chuckled nonetheless. "Apart from Miyako liking to use them for climbing, they...keep me together. Remind me of where I came from. I was born in chains, and free of them, I won't let myself forget. I won't let my ego swell to the point where I forget that there are people in the same situation." Which was why he tried to be kind to the elves without being too obvious about it. He'd excepted that slavery was everywhere a long time ago, and he was too old to sympathise with them, but he wouldn't let his mind delude himself into thinking that the world was all rosy, that he wasn't unscarred by the flesh trade.

He wrapped his arms around Yukimura's shoulders and sighed.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 16:17:08 UTC
A tension he hadn't quite realized was there slithered out of Yukimura's body. Kuronue's arms around him danced the border between too much and very much wanted. He didn't move, just sighed and closed his eyes for a long moment. He wanted to relearn the comfort he'd known before.

"I couldn't drink yesterday," he complained. "The sake was flavorless. If you ever cause that again, I will run you through," he threatened playfully, looking up at Kuronue. "Sake should never be flavorless." His expression still carried a measure of pain, but he managed a small smile.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 16:25:30 UTC
Kuronue rolled his eyes and chuckled again. "For the sake of your sake, and for you; I promise, and you can hold me to this, I will never, ever, do anything like this again." Not that he could have helped it, he thought. The beginnings of a thought on Yukimura's selfishness crept forward and he banished it quickly. His lover had a right to be angry and selfish.

Kuronue had done him wrong too, not just the mononoke. He had to deal with the consequences, even if deep down he thought it unfair.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 16:36:27 UTC
Yukimura brought his hands up to Kuronue's arms. "Thank you," he said, leaning forward for a quick kiss. "What would you like for breakfast?" he asked, holding his arms. He knew he was being selfish, in some ways, but also knew not to push too hard. He didn't want to add to the problems, but he couldn't deny or suppress how he felt. He was in better control of himself this morning and believed he could sort through his own mind and ease Kuronue's.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 16:49:29 UTC
"Toast," he said. He was still slightly hungry, even after what he'd had last night. He didn't need it, really, but his body seemed to be getting into Yukimura's habit of eating three times a day. He offered a smile.

He took a small step back, enough to still remain close, and tentatively wrapped an arm around Yukimura's waist. He lead him to the table, took one of his hands in his own as he sat.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 16:56:31 UTC
"Very well," Yukimura said, following easily enough. "Then, shall we walk? Spring is starting to show itself. I would also like to talk somewhere less personal for a little while." He squeezed Kuronue's hand, his thumb running over the skin beneath it. "I don't want everything to be remembered here," he explained.


prettypendulum February 6 2010, 06:31:38 UTC
He nodded and smiling in a way he hoped was comforting. "It sounds like a good idea," he said, lowering his head for a moment as he thought. "I'll be glad to see spring."


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