Up To No Good (Closed - Kurama, Kusuriyuri, Kuronue, Yukimura)

Feb 01, 2010 21:54

(Yukimura's appearance is mun approved. As is the break in etc etc. Kuro's going to be in so much troooouble.)

Most of the time, Kuronue was fine. He felt perfectly normal.

And then things would trigger something in his brain that seemed to bring out the darker side within him. Adjusting to life at Hogwarts had taken a while, and he believed that he ( Read more... )

kuronue, sanada yukimura, kusuriyuri, rp, youko kurama

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prettypendulum February 5 2010, 00:25:37 UTC
Kuronue smiled softly, angling his face into the hand messing with his hair. He closed his eyes and sighed. "There's no point, is there? The mononoke took root, horrible things happened, and now I'm left to deal with it. Complaining about unfairness wouldn't be right."

He fell silent for a moment, then opened his eyes, a thoughtful look passing over him. "The mononoke was caused by my pendant. When I was younger, I was obsessed with Youko Kurama. He hated it, so I tried to give him his space, but that was a hard thing to do. I took to meditating and forcing all my excess obsession into that pendant. This took place over centuries. I think, once I died, something changed and instead of forcing it into the pendant, it leaked back into me. It shattered when Kusuriyuri destroyed the mononoke, apparently. In a way, it was my fault, not just the mononokes. It made me act certain ways, yes, but they were all still deep rooted things that I as a demon, would never have denied in Makai."

Once again he was faced with the conclusion that humans, as well as emotional attachment, were complicated and hurtful, and that was why youkai avoided them like the plague if they could help it.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 00:36:50 UTC
Yukimura nodded, accepting Kuronue's explanation. It matched up with what Kurama had told him, as well. He caressed Kuronue's cheek once more and then let his hand fall. "Let us eat and sleep. I am not able for more conversation," he murmured. "Tomorrow, after we break our fast, let us talk more, but for now," he let the words trail off.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 00:40:55 UTC
He nodded, but kept his hand in Yukimura's, content to eat like that if he would let him. He picked up his chopsticks and began eating his miso slowly, hungry and yet having no appetite all at the same time.

"I feel like I could sleep for a month," he said, letting his tiredness leak into his voice. His eyes already felt heavy and his limbs seemed to be in agreeable.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 00:47:40 UTC
Yukimura switched which hand he was holding Kuronue's with so that he could eat. "It has been a very long day," he agreed. He didn't feel up to more conversation, though, and ate silently, not really even tasting the food he ate.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 00:52:22 UTC
Kuronue was content to eat the rest of his meal in silence, thinking on things. When he finished, he sat silently and waited for Yukimura, holding his hand and running his thumb over his skin lightly.

He'd do his best to make things better with Yukimura once more, even if he didn't know exactly what that was. Perhaps he'd best ask him in the morning? He bit his lip gently, bowing his head in thought while he waited.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 09:57:28 UTC
When he was finished with his food, Yukimura released Kuronue's hand long enough to remove his katana from his obi and laid it beside the table. He took Kuronue's hand and encouraged his lover to stand with him. "I will ask one more thing of you," he said softly, holding both of Kuronue's hands in his. "I will ask, and I will offer as well, that, until this is sorted between us and we are on more firm ground again, that neither of us sleeps with someone else." He squeezed Kuronue's hands. "Once we are recovered, then we may return to as we were, but for a while, I think it would be wise. You mean too much to me," he admitted even more softly.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 11:23:06 UTC
Standing as Yukimura urged Kuronue nodded. He squeezed both of Yukimura's hands in return. "I will consent to this," he said, surprising himself a little. But it was only for a short while, and he didn't think he would have dared touch anyone else for the moment anyway.

Hearing Yukimura say that he meant a lot to Yukimura was wonderful and he breathed another small sigh of relief. He smiled weakly at him. "You mean...more than anything to me too." And it was only recently, within the last few minutes, that he had realised so.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 11:31:15 UTC
Yukimura kept ahold of Kuronue's hands and leaned against his shoulder a moment. "Come," he whispered, "sleep with me." He lingered a moment longer before drawing away to go to the futon. He let go of Kuronue's hands long enough to arrange himself on the mattress, on his side so he could face Kuronue.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 11:40:20 UTC
With Yukimura holding his hands he couldn't wrap his arms around him like he wished, so he rested his cheek against Yukimura's head instead, closing his eyes for the brief moment Yukimura allowed the contact.

When he was on the futon, Kuronue crawled to lay beside him, facing him. Though he was tired, and could easily go back to sleep straight away, he kept his eyes open, starring at Yukimura. He kept his hands to himself, not sure if he was allowed to hold Yukimura, though he wanted to. He hesitated to even ask. "You've been understanding Yukimura," he said lightly. "Thank you."


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 11:44:32 UTC
Yukimura made a wry face. "I have been selfish," he corrected. He took Kuronue's hands in his and drew them up between them. He ran a finger over Kuronue's jaw, still holding his hands. "Go to sleep. We'll deal with the rest in the morning," he said softly, closing his eyes though he remained alert for a while longer.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 11:52:01 UTC
A little, yes. But Kuronue was glad that he had granted him his small allowances. He smiled at him briefly then closed his eyes, squeezing Yukimura's hands for a moment. Exhausted as he was, he fell asleep only a few seconds after he'd closed his eyes.

He was glad for it, because he was sure that, otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to sleep at all, with all the things on his mind.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 12:48:11 UTC
Yukimura woke with his arm around Kuronue's waist, his other hand tangled in his lover's hair between them. He still felt rather numb and uncertain, but not overwhelmed by the closeness as he would have been the day before. He watched Kuronue, waiting, not moving yet.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 13:14:03 UTC
Kuronue slept for a long while, his face pressed into the pillow his breathing light and even. When he woke he moaned a little, as if waking from a bad dream, and his eyes shot open. He was instantly wide awake, startling a little.

It took him a moment to realise where he was, and then he relaxed, sighing gently. "'Morning," he murmured, closing his eyes for a second to enjoy the simple pleasure of being so close to Yukimura.


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 13:52:50 UTC
"Morning," Yukimura replied softly. His hand in Kuronue's hair moved up so he could brush the backs of his fingers against Kuronue's cheek. "What woke you?" he asked, keeping his voice gentle.


prettypendulum February 5 2010, 14:01:57 UTC
He was silent for a moment, then he turned his head against the fingers, rubbing his cheek against them. He opened his eyes a little and reached up, a hand hesitating at Yukimura's jaw before he trace from his ear to chin with the pad of a finger.

"Bad dream," he said. His wings shifted behind him, stretching a little. He grimaced a little, trying to recall what was in it. "I don't remember all of it but I woke up just before I died."


elegantsamurai February 5 2010, 14:10:21 UTC
Yukimura moved his hand to cup Kuronue's chin. He lowered his chin a little, into Kuronue's touch. "I'd prefer you didn't have such dreams, but after yesterday, it is difficult to avoid them," he said softly. He closed his eyes a moment. "I still feel raw, as though I've been scraped of my skin," he said, then opened his eyes. "You?"


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