Up To No Good (Closed - Kurama, Kusuriyuri, Kuronue, Yukimura)

Feb 01, 2010 21:54

(Yukimura's appearance is mun approved. As is the break in etc etc. Kuro's going to be in so much troooouble.)

Most of the time, Kuronue was fine. He felt perfectly normal.

And then things would trigger something in his brain that seemed to bring out the darker side within him. Adjusting to life at Hogwarts had taken a while, and he believed that he still wasn't quite settled. He'd been hoping, privately, that he could adapt a little easier if he ignored his darker urges, his demon urges, or rather tried to get rid of the slowly building pressure in his skull behind closed doors with Yukimura.

It wasn't working. All he did was managed to hurt his lover, and while part of that had been accidents, sometimes he continued on because once blood was drawn it was like his mind went on autopilot and something took over. He had thought it to be demon instincts but they didn't force him to awaken at strange hours of the morning to untangle himself from Yukimura. They didn't force him to stand, debating about just what he was doing, in front of Kusuriyuri's chambers, just beyond the edge of perception of the room's wards.

He summoned a house elf, and crouched down low to whisper instructions into her ear, then unlocked the door for her.

He stood in the hallway as she searched, then came across the large box the medicine seller would carry with him during his travels. Something inside was moving. A lot of somethings.

The elf came back with a wad of wards she had collected from various places and, unable to touch them himself, he asked if she would follow him to his room as he'd need her assistance for something. She agreed, rolling her eyes. It wasn't like she had a choice, though she asked him quietly, what he thought he was doing breaking into the Divinity and Herbology Professors' chambers while they were away on their trip.

Kuronue didn't reply for a long while, and only once they were inside his room and the door had been shut.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the small table in the corner, pressed against the wall opposite to his bed. The elf did so, her feet dangling off the chair. Kuronue sat opposite to her and pointed with long fingers to the table where he placed a calligraphy brush and similar, blank pieces of paper.

"I am righting some wrongs," he said, looking up to her, the light of the small lamp to his left turning his eyes from grey to an odd shade of orange. He picked up a book from beside him and tapped the blank wards once more. "I need you to do me a favour," he said, flipping the book open.

"My name is written on the wards in your hands," he said, "what I want you to do is copy this inscription onto this piece of paper, and wrap them up so I can hold them." He pushed the larger blank ward toward her, then placed the book face-up on the table, pointed to a containment ward pictured in the book.

Once she had done so he took the wards from her and placed them in one of the chests within the room. Locked it, placed a kekkai seal on it. He returned to the table.

"Now, write this character," he said, pointing to a kanji that should, hopefully, relate perfectly to Kusuriyuri. He didn't know exactly what kind of demon he was, but the medicine seller was blatantly not human. The ward would work regardless of what demon touched it, hence why the elf was writing it, and not Kuronue himself. "Once the character has sunk into the paper and it looks as if it's blank, write this," he said, pointing to another picture within the book. It looked like an eye surrounded my many other smaller characters.

He watched her, offering advice on how to write certain characters when she paused uncertainly, then smiled at her once that was done and the ward soaked up the ink, looking as if the paper was blank once more. It was impossible to ask for a priest to bless it, so the ward itself wouldn't be all that potent, but Kuronue had found away around that small stipulation. Pushing the book aside, he reached forward tentatively and the blank ward suddenly bled dark ink. He could feel the heat of the ward against his fingertips, the pain spiking up his nerves and all the way to his shoulder. He touched it lightly and the air crackled as the eye on the ward opened, turned red and shot a spark of pain up his arm and right to his core.

It knocked Kuronue out of his chair. Panting and picking himself up off the ground, shaking his head lightly, he couldn't keep the small chuckle from leaking past his lips. "Good, good," he said. He looked up to the wide-eyed elf, who had stood from her chair and walked towards him slowly, cautiously, worried for his well-being, despite the fear and confusion he could see in her eyes.

"Make more," he demanded, his voice shaking along with his hands.

She made more while he perched himself on his bed and fed Miyako. The little bat seemed to stay clear of the elf, her ears attentive to the slight sounds of the chair creaking as the creature moved, twitching back and forth. Kuronue kept his attention on his pet, trying to dispel the strange giddy feeling in his chest.

Once she had made what he deemed enough, she led her back to Kusuriyuri and Kurama's chambers. Having locked the door when they left, he unlocked it once more, ignoring the sting of Kusuriyuri's wards. He ushered the small elf in.

"Place them about the room, wherever they are the most. But out of sight. Under tables, mats, that kind of thing." They were strong enough to leak through any material, that when touched, they'd cause that same violent shock that had forced him from his chair. When she was done and returned to his side, he locked the door again, making sure that everything was in the place it had been left.

On his way back to Yukimura's room, he stopped and couched down and placed his large hands on the elf's shoulders. He looked directly into its large, cute eyes with a stern, emotionless expression and kept his voice low and polite. "I trust that you will tell no one of our romp tonight," he said, pausing until she nodded, her hands pressed against her chest, small fingers rubbing against each other nervously.

He tilted his head. "Not a soul. It would be easy enough to track you down by the sound of your footsteps and take you off school grounds to make sure you will not talk. Ever. Understand?"

She stammered a positive and he released her, watched her disappear into thin air.

He smiled and returned to Yukimura, crawling back under the covers and wrapping an arm around his waist. "And where did you disappear to?" his lover asked, voice thick with sleep.

Kuronue pressed his lips to Yukimura's cheek and settled behind him, tangling their legs together. "The moon is full tonight," he mumbled, his eyes feeling heavy. "I was awake, so I went for a walk. You looked too cute to disturb." He chuckled lightly, feeling sleep embrace tighten around him. "Go back to sleep, love."

He waited until Yukimura's pulse and breathing evened out, then let himself drift off.

kuronue, sanada yukimura, kusuriyuri, rp, youko kurama

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