Richard Roma, Glengarry Glen Ross

Apr 20, 2009 19:26

Well. Wasn't this interesting? A real fun fest.

Ricky Roma took stock of the room, no hurry but not missing anything, not if he could help it. Not looking anything beyond self-assured. Hell, he knew what he was about. And you never let your guard down. Especially not with a group like this. What in - What in the hell was this nutjob operation? ( Read more... )

strawberry fields, vladimir harkonnen, james bond, wishbone, chance silvey, richard roma, albus dumbledore, igor, application, the corinthian, ron weasley, smaug

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Comments 227

smaug_thegolden April 21 2009, 02:03:54 UTC
All things considered, a talking dog was just about the least strange thing Roma was likely to encounter at Hogwarts. At least Wishbone was inclined to be nice to most people he met, even those who didn't really deserve it.

Smaug, not so much. He tended to snap first and not ask question later-kind of came with the territory, being quite a bit more powerful than most beings he ran into. Such advantages nurtured a bully mindset. Smaug, that would be the giant golden-scaled dragon who only fit in the Sorting Room by virtue of being shrunk by magic, teeth as long as a man's torso even then. He probably wasn't interested in purchasing real estate.

What did interest him was the man's ceaseless babble, which was barely comprehensible to the dragon. It was only natural that he think Roma the bullshitter might know a good riddle or two, as the silver-tongued folk of his own land would. One tended to keep those things handy when they might mean the difference between life and-you know. Not death, at Hogwarts, but something unpleasant enough ( ... )


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 03:10:48 UTC
That gigantic fucking thing he'd taken for some poorly-chosen sculpture or part of the architecture? Of course that wasn't a fucking statue, or anything like it. Because it was moving. And it was talking. And it was a fucking dragon (he assumed that it was a dragon, anyway, going off of some vague memory because the last time Richard Roma had thought of any dragons had been you-tell-me-when). A dragon.

Oh, for fuck's sake.

Roma was coming very quickly to the conclusion that he might as well toss aside any preconceived notions here, because none of them were going to mean a damned thing when you got down to having dragons running around. This did beg a rather pressing question, however: if dragon decided it wanted to roast someone and have itself a snack, did dragon go ahead and do so?

Question the second: who in their right mind would stop dragon from doing it?

Okay, well, that was unsettling.

Still, if Roma was going to be eaten by a dragon (what the fuck, what the fuck?), he wasn't going to wet himself over it. He shrugged, ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 02:07:32 UTC
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen looked over the new arrival's application with a vague, bemused smirk. He drifted over, hovering a few inches off the ground. "You might want to attempt to relax somewhat, unless you wish to amuse us by having an aneurysm." he said wryly. "It does not appear that any amount of frustration will actually alter the situation, and, it's going to get rather strange."


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 03:19:43 UTC
Now this guy is a genuine weird-o. this guy might have a twin brother walking around the streets of New York somewhere, who knew? And after that last fucking thing, Roma almost grins. He settles for raising his eyebrows. So this guy's floating. That's... That isn't right, exactly, but it could be a hell of a lot worse.

And maybe it is. God knows, maybe that dog is really some sort of fucked up nuclear bomb or some shit like that.

"I'm starting to get that impression, yeah." He looks around casually, or damned near casually, nods. "And what are you, then? Some sort of black magic wizard, or something? Maybe Satan's long-lost half-brother?"


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 04:26:21 UTC
A deep and rumbling laugh emerged from the Baron, causing his immensity to start bobbing slightly. He slapped on something under his opulent red robe, which stabilized him, and gave Roma a sardonic smile. "I've heard the latter suggested frequently. Having a great deal of experience in "real estate" management myself." Hovering there and looking Roma over, he had to admit that he was one of the more normal things he'd seen so far at Hogwarts- apparently his sort were high-strung everywhere. "And I expect that you are a sales clerk in your real estate corporation?"


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 05:27:39 UTC
Yep. Weird-o. Christ.

"I wouldn't call myself a clerk," he didn't like that term, not a damn bit, but he didn't bristle at it; no real sense in that. "If you insist, all right, maybe you could, yes, but clerk implies some sort of servility. And I am not big on working for anyone in that fashion."

God knew what this guy meant by saying 'real estate' like that, and it might be better not to ask... But what the hell, he wanted to know. This didn't look like the sort of individual likely to make successful sales (there was a certain, ah, appeal lost with that much bulk, for Christ's sake), but stranger things had happened.

Were happening all the fuck over the place.

"And what kind of, ah, real estate are you talking, then?"


blond_bondshell April 21 2009, 02:48:52 UTC
((I don't know the canon or character, but I <3 this app.))

James Bond sauntered into the sorting room, the king of cool himself. He was dressed in a suit that was tailored to the nth degree, with a confident posture that suggested confidence bordering on arrogance and a background of military discipline. He regarded Roma coolly, watching the man take in the room. When Bond read the application, he couldn't help but smirk at the answer to question four.

"Have you ever thought that your problem with beautiful, intelligent women might be in your technique?"


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 03:33:06 UTC
This guy looks so normal it's almost surprising. Maybe not normal, not exactly, but Roma's seen something like his type plenty of times before. Potential competition, though in this situation, who knows?

Had the situation been different, Roma might have bristled. Probably would have, questioned like that. This time, he only smirked slightly.

"Did I say I've got problems with women? God, no. Never. I have never in my life found myself with a shortage of women. That has never been a problem." It's true enough; he knows where to find them and how to charm them. A certain sort of "them," anyway, and fortunately (unsurprisingly, he figures) enough, they're a goddamn good-looking kind. Not always the brightest, but Roma's always had better things to do than listen to some woman chatter on at him. A woman who was chattering was not doing her job.

Not that he would have minded a woman with half a brain, necessarily. Just that they were starting to see like some sort of abstract myth.

"Now an intelligent woman, yes. Yes, I will say that I ( ... )


blond_bondshell April 21 2009, 04:24:36 UTC
Bond had been with enough hot women with PhDs to staff the Playboy Postgraduate School. Who better to pull off the sexy librarian look? He didn't doubt Roma's success with women of a certain sort. He was only defending the myth of the smart siren. It would be a shame to have to tell Vesper she didn't exist.

"There is that," he said. "There certainly is a difference between having women problems, and women worth having problems over. From my experience, the wittier the woman, the more likely she is to be on the defensive. I'd say your difficulties with that certain type of creature starts at your mouth, and goes from there."


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 05:37:46 UTC
"Would you?" He raised his eyebrows. "That might be true. Whether or not it is your business, that might be true. And, on the other hand, it might be true that these women do not exist. Is all I am saying. Or do not exist in New York."

That was a fair enough point, though, on defensive women. The few even slightly sensible women he'd come across started to get too self-concious. Asked for too much. Roma didn't mind playing games - hell, he liked a good challenge - but too often, almost always, the women weren't worth it, not in the end. Couldn't hold up the spark of almost-a-brain they'd started out with, and that was a real shame; ended up as dull as the rest.

"I don't mind defensive women, to a point. It gets to be ridiculous, not worth my fucking time. And you take too long with any one woman, they start to get the sense that maybe you care about them, and maybe you want them to stick around. Which I emphatically do not want."


methleigh April 21 2009, 03:01:59 UTC
Severus enters reluctantly, almost mortally offended by the answer to the Slytherin question. He is frowning already. He would have been slyly pleased over the other answers, but he now cannot in good conscience be so. He imagines glumly that it is too soon to take points from Gryffindor for the language.

"Do you actually own any real estate?" He asks suspiciously. He holds up his hand. "Before you answer, consider that I think you should be segregated from the other students until you learn to set a better example to your peers."

"Yes," He hisses, "Your fellow students."


topoftheboard April 21 2009, 03:39:21 UTC
"Yeah, hey, how about you wash your hair and then get back to me, all right?"

Automatic response. What? A man ought to take care of his hair. Roma had found you could tell a lot about someone that way, and what he could tell about this glowering son of a bitch wasn't overly complimentary.

And he ignores the remarks about students. Okay, if he's a student, great. It'll be like old times, pulling the work and dicking around. He isn't necessarily opposed to that, though he isn't sure why he should be a student or what he could possibly bother learning, here. "What, you doubt me? Of course I own real estate. And our company owns real estate. Looking to buy some?" He raises his eyebrows, knowing fully well (or assuming, at least) that this character isn't going to want any such thing. Still.

"It's only polite to ask." Wasn't that kind, explaining like that?


Vote: Gryffindor! methleigh April 21 2009, 04:06:54 UTC
Severus had never voted so quickly before, but the mindless cruelty, the false bravado, the empty promises and complete disregard for anything of any importance. The language. He was clearly Gryffindor. "I have better things to do than lounge about the chemists reading tonic labels or to lie around in tubs of flowers with cucumbers over my eyes." Severus has no direct experience with this but remembers a photo from some muggle magazine, or perhaps it had been a billboard.

"In any case, when I direct my attention to something - and I would never choose something so vain, selfish and petty - I am at least successful in my endeavours.

"I already own sufficient real estate." He manages a very small sneer, though his 'real estate' is Spinner's End.


Re: Vote: Gryffindor! topoftheboard April 21 2009, 04:15:15 UTC
Roma doesn't know much about what this "Gryffindor" thing means yet, but that isn't his concern right now; he's enjoying this. The details can wait until later.

"Oh, oh, ohhhh, watch you, you almost hurt me, there! Next time I'm bathing in flowers-" that one's too much, the absurd image of it, and he cracks a grin, "I'll be sure to think about my failures in life. My long, lonnnnng line of failures. My God, I ought to be ashamed to live, the way I've carried on!" The smile has mostly gone, though it continues to make brief, flickering appearances.

"And my mistake, entirely my mistake! Well, what can you expect, a failure like me? I'm sure you own the most stunning castle this side of the English Channel, don't you? Sir, I have clearly misjudged you!"


Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 21 2009, 04:19:44 UTC
"I'm afraid I can't let you stay here," growled Dwight, glowering. "There can be only one top salesman at this school. The competition between us would be too fierce, and though you have a lot of bravado, you don't have my survivalist training. So I really should squib you for your own good, because if you stay here, THERE WILL BE WAR."


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 21 2009, 04:26:39 UTC
"Uh... huh."

This guy is, what do you say, a real class act, by the looks of him. Roma raises his eyebrows. "You saying you're afraid of a little war? A little competition?"


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 21 2009, 04:41:18 UTC
"Not at all," Dwight said menacingly. "I'm sure it will be easy to find your weaknesses and exploit them. Just give me time." Thank God Jim was popcorned. Dwight had no doubt on whose side Jim would place himself in this little competition.


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 21 2009, 05:40:21 UTC
"Wow, well. You've got me running scared." Roma watched the guy for a moment, considering.

"You want to tell me what it is you sell? Or is that top-secret information? One of those 'for privileged eyes only' affairs?"


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