Richard Roma, Glengarry Glen Ross

Apr 20, 2009 19:26

Well. Wasn't this interesting? A real fun fest.

Ricky Roma took stock of the room, no hurry but not missing anything, not if he could help it. Not looking anything beyond self-assured. Hell, he knew what he was about. And you never let your guard down. Especially not with a group like this. What in - What in the hell was this nutjob operation? ( Read more... )

strawberry fields, vladimir harkonnen, james bond, wishbone, chance silvey, richard roma, albus dumbledore, igor, application, the corinthian, ron weasley, smaug

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Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 21 2009, 04:19:44 UTC
"I'm afraid I can't let you stay here," growled Dwight, glowering. "There can be only one top salesman at this school. The competition between us would be too fierce, and though you have a lot of bravado, you don't have my survivalist training. So I really should squib you for your own good, because if you stay here, THERE WILL BE WAR."


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 21 2009, 04:26:39 UTC
"Uh... huh."

This guy is, what do you say, a real class act, by the looks of him. Roma raises his eyebrows. "You saying you're afraid of a little war? A little competition?"


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 21 2009, 04:41:18 UTC
"Not at all," Dwight said menacingly. "I'm sure it will be easy to find your weaknesses and exploit them. Just give me time." Thank God Jim was popcorned. Dwight had no doubt on whose side Jim would place himself in this little competition.


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 21 2009, 05:40:21 UTC
"Wow, well. You've got me running scared." Roma watched the guy for a moment, considering.

"You want to tell me what it is you sell? Or is that top-secret information? One of those 'for privileged eyes only' affairs?"


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 22 2009, 01:00:11 UTC
Dwight produced a business card, printed up on Dunder-Mifflin parchment and held it out almost defiantly. "We're the top paper company in this part of Scotland, and the official paper company of the band Deathklok." Not that Dwight was at all bitter about not having gotten that sale personally, but Roma didn't need to know that.

Incidentally, somewhere between Dwight's commissioning the business cards and his actual receiving of them, someone had thoughtfully printed his title as "Assistant to the Regional Manager". Dwight had not noticed this yet.


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 23 2009, 04:09:25 UTC
"Looks like you're a real go-getter, Dwight. Dwight." Who, and who in the hell, names their kid Dwight? Not that it doesn't suit this guy, but you might think the parents would've had better sense. Ah, well. Some people just shouldn't breed.

"Dwight, I think I might be shaking. To imagine what I would have been competing with... The... Assistant to the Regional Manner. God, I'm cold all over."

And paper products. "What I want to know, though, is I want to know why the fuck you think I would give more than two shits about selling paper products? Not that I doubt the vital importance of paper products to our community... Hell, maybe paper products are beyond me. Maybe I just don't understand their, ah, their true beauty."


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 23 2009, 05:04:58 UTC
"Fact the first," Dwight said, ticking them off on his fingers. "Dwight is an ancient Schrute name that has been in my family for centuries. I'm not ashamed of my cultural heritage. Fact the second: That's Assistant Regional Manager. Michael made it official. Fact the third, and most importantly: Exactly where would your real estate sales job be without paper? After all, you need paper to print up the brochures which advertise your product. Conclusion? I win by default."


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 25 2009, 00:49:28 UTC
Uh... huh.

Was there anything else to say about a guy like this? Christ, George could have wiped the floor with this prick.

"Oh, oh, Jesus, I didn't realize! Dwight is a fighter! Assistant Regional Manager?" Roma grabbed his side, buckling over in mock pain. "I may very well be dead, you have so wounded me. Ah-hhh, ouch." He stopped, paused, then spoke in a deadpan voice. "Ouch."

Roma let another brief pause go by before he continued, "And, Dwight, I don't care if you're the Prince of fucking Persia. You do not want to go around talking about your 'culture heritage.' This is friendly advice."


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 25 2009, 02:10:04 UTC
Dwight ignored the man's sarcastic posturing. Jesus. This guy would probably be BFF with Andy. Thank God Andy wasn't, in fact, here.

"I take it you're one of those people that doesn't appreciate manditory diversity day," he remarked dryly.


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard April 25 2009, 03:17:27 UTC
"Again with the hilarity!" This time, Roma did laugh; diversity day? "Christ, anyone pulling that shit around the office'd be laughed out of the city. What the fuck is that, in any case? 'Let's all be friends' day? Christ. That is not work. That is dicking around and dumping a load of guilt all over everyone."


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god April 25 2009, 04:59:47 UTC
Dwight was too much the loyal Dunder-Mifflin man to admit that Roma, in fact, was exactly right about diversity day. At least the way it always played out in Scranton.

"Well, you know, it's company policy," was all he said.


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard May 3 2009, 03:37:22 UTC
"Uh-huh, and if it's company policy to suck your boss's dick, you gonna do that?"

Company policy. Bullshit, was what any of THAT ever was. Roma had flipped the metaphorical (and not-so-metaphorical) bird at company policy more times than he bothered to remember, and Williamson had never been able to do a thing about it. Had stopped trying, mostly, which was one of the only sensible things Williamson had ever done.

((OOC: Errr, yea-eah... Very sorry about the ultra-delay in response, there. Damn and hellfire...))


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god May 3 2009, 19:35:26 UTC
The less said about Dwight Schrute's sex life and what he would be willing to do for Michael Scott, the better off we all are, especially Dwight's mun.

"Neither my boss's sexual orientation nor my own are under debate," Dwight said huffily. "Though I'll have you know that my boss is happily engaged." Never mind that Michael's fiance was now popcorn. That was irrelevant to Dwight's larger point, which had been lost somewhere in this conversation.

((No problem. And I would apologize for inflicting you with that link, but... that is Grade A H_H crack.))


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard May 3 2009, 20:30:47 UTC
"I am not saying you have to be queer to blow another man, or that he has to be queer to want you to suck him off. I am only saying that these things happen. So I am told. Particularly with individuals such as yourself.

"And engagement means nothing. You think there are queers aren't married to women? Christ, the things I've heard..." Roma shook his head.

((O_o I think... I think part of my brain just died in the best way possible. XD Nice.))


Re: Vote: Squib beets_r_god May 3 2009, 20:47:10 UTC
Dwight could see that this conversation was deteriorating rapidly, and whatever upper hand he once might have had was completely gone.

"Well," he huffed. "I'll leave you to contemplate my sexuality in peadce." A pause. "I'm sure we'll meet again."

And with that, he swept from the room.

((Ha! Glad you liked. I take a perverse amount of pleasure out of linking people to that RP. Also, you're awesome, and you should totally join us in IRC. :D))


Re: Vote: Squib topoftheboard May 3 2009, 21:22:49 UTC
Roma smirked - it was hard not to smirk at the guy - and decided that he probably had better things to do than think about that. Though the way the guy had walked off... Ver-ry peculiar, and Roma might need to point it out some other time. Because he was going to find the guy again. Hell, without Moss around, Roma needed someone to torment.

((Crack is always a good plan, and ESPECIALLY crack-tastic crack is pretty much just HELL YEAH. And oh-ho, I had known not of this IRC... may indeed need to be checking it out when am not being bludgeoned by Oliver Goldsmith, as am much intrigued. :D))


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