Nemi Montoya, Lise Myhre's "Nemi" comic

Apr 01, 2008 19:17

((While Nemi does know an awful lot of fandoms and refer to them from time to time, she is actually of the firm conviction that it’s, in fact, all real, and would never “out” a character as fictional. She is prone to fangirling. Fair warning to muns of attractive males. XD

Feel free to visit Nemi's journal, for shameless canon pimping!))

Cut for relevant comic strip. )

johnny c, mello, konata izumi, nemi montoya, mail jeevas, albus dumbledore, mariella, strong bad, application, vislor turlough, near

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Comments 122

mari_el_la April 1 2008, 17:44:26 UTC
Mariella looks at the application, and then at Nemi. Someone else who gets Hogwarts-fever! She gravitates to the feather, holding it up questioningly.


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 18:00:14 UTC
Nemi checked out the blonde. She did not, in general, have good experiences with blondes. Well, blonde girls, anyway. Blond guys, she had no problems with at all.

She hadn't said anything stupid yet, but Nemi was pretty convinced it was just a matter of time. She blew out some smoke, and looked around vaguely for an ashtray, before looking at Mariella and the feather.

"Take it if you like," she said, shrugging, when things got too quiet.


mari_el_la April 1 2008, 18:03:14 UTC
Yay! Mariella smiles, twirls the feather in her fingers, and takes out her wand. Now, the reason she hasn't been around lately is because she's been having way too much fun learning magic. She aims the wand at the feather, looking at it intensely, and watches as the otherwise unremarkable feather becomes a quill.

She gestures with it to her cigarette, cupping her hand as if asking if Nemi wants an ashtray.


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 18:28:08 UTC
...Okay, not stupid yet. Nemi couldn't help perking up. Magic! REAL magic, no Siegfried and Roy illusions, but real, simple, transfiguration! So cool. She'd always known it was possible, if only you had the right tools.

"Alright, that was cool," she admitted, and followed Mariella's gesture to her cigarette. "Ashtray? Yeah. Don't want to litter this place." Really. It would be blasphemy.


gamerspy April 1 2008, 17:59:43 UTC
"I like your Ravenclaw answer," Matt says. "There are a couple of free bars here, too."

He's not sure what else to say, because heee. Cute girl. (Not his usual type, but that's okay since he probably doesn't have a chance anyway.)

Wait! He's thought of something.

"Also free cigarettes."

((OOC: Eeeee, Nemi!! :D))


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 18:17:36 UTC
Nemi grinned as a reply to his compliment, and then her eyes lit up. Free bars? When? How? This was clearly some ideal, less known version of Hogwarts that she hadn't heard of before, with free alcohol and smokes.

"Oh yeah?" she asked eagerly, like a child who'd been promised going to the zoo. "Where? When can I go? Do I have to know somebody to get in?" And she didn't know anybody! Oh no!



gamerspy April 1 2008, 18:26:04 UTC
Matt laughs, a little taken aback. "There's one in Ravenclaw and one in Slytherin. Ravenclaw's bar is pretty cool - just go up and help yourself - but the Slytherin one has hookahs and cocktails and all sorts. And karaoke. And the bartender likes to drug people. But you need to stay here until you get voted into one of the Houses."


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 18:42:47 UTC
Okay. This had definitely not been in the book. But hey, she wasn't complaining! Ravenclaw sounded the absolute best. Nemi had never been much for drugs other than cigarettes and lots and lots of cheap beer. And maybe the occasional tequila shot. And, if things got really serious, peach schnapps. Nemi wasn't particularly picky.

"My kind of place," she said happily. "And there's magic, right? The real stuff?" Best to make sure.


mello_n_choco April 1 2008, 22:02:09 UTC
The sorting room in this place has the densest assortment of the freaks of nature that end up in this school. I figure that's because everyone, well, almost everyone, starts here. But, I don't think I've seen anyone hug the application yet. I stand in the shadows of a column and nibble on my chocolate bar while watching her.


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 22:22:31 UTC

No. Just some other blond guy. With a sort of... badboy style that... was really not bad at all. Also, he had chocolate. Nemi soon found herself standing next to him. Of course, she could try and fake not being interested, but that wasn't one of her strengths at all. She preferred the more direct approach.

So, she tried the Jedi mind trick, and made a sweeping gesture with her hand in front of his face.. "You want to give the nice lady in black that chocolate bar..." she murmured in her most mysterious voice, and her eyes widened to try and hypnotize him into doing what she wanted.

It was clearly worth a try.


mello_n_choco April 1 2008, 22:26:58 UTC
"Fat chance." What, is she insane? I hardly ever share with people I like. "And, hypnotism takes a little more work than that and you still couldn't convince someone to do something that, at some level, they aren't willing to do anyway." I almost refrain myself from rolling my eyes and then just go with it. She aimed for my chocolate after all.


frioggrusom April 1 2008, 22:54:59 UTC
Aw, bummer. Why didn't the Jedi mind trick ever work?

"Don't you want to give me chocolate on any level at all?" sighed Nemi sadly. Damn. Blond guys were usually so easy to talk into things.

Note to self: Look into hypnotism.


waste_lock April 2 2008, 02:14:31 UTC
"If I even hear you use the words 'perky goth', I'm making a necklace of your fingerbones." Not that Devi would wear it. It'd probably look good on her, though.


frioggrusom April 2 2008, 10:23:05 UTC
"Scary." Nemi rather approved of scary. She regarded Nny with a neutral face for a moment. Not with fear, absolutely not. If Nemi was going to walk around and be scared of pale people dressed in black, she would never get any work done. Not that she did anyway.

She got out another cigarette and held it thoughtfully. "I'd say the risk of me saying that is pretty low. I'm kinda fond of my fingerbones. Anything else?" Not that she particularly cared.


waste_lock April 2 2008, 10:26:42 UTC
He looked at her cigarette with disdain. "Slow suicide. Awfully cowardly, don't you think? There are more effective ways. I could lend you a knife."


frioggrusom April 2 2008, 10:46:37 UTC
"No thanks. Not that kind of goth." Nemi shrugged. "If you want to be technical about it, living is slow suicide too. Maybe we should all mind our own business, hm?"


otakukonata April 2 2008, 03:36:04 UTC
"I didn't believe that ghosts and monsters were under my bed. I DID believe that there were monsters in my computer a lot, though." Once she found out that, no, there weren't, she swore off Digimon forever.


frioggrusom April 2 2008, 10:26:45 UTC
"Ah, alright." Nemi nodded. "Still healthier than Barney. Why did you think that?"


otakukonata April 3 2008, 03:46:08 UTC
"There was this game-turned-anime-turned-game again called Digimon, and I was a lot younger and thought it was real."


frioggrusom April 3 2008, 20:05:07 UTC
She nodded again. "Makes sense to me. I never got into those games myself." Nemi preferred her monsters under the bed, as has been previously mentioned.


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