Application: Violet Grimm, "Dogwitch" Comics

Sep 06, 2007 09:02

((OOC Note: Ralph and Dolores, the stuffed dog and doll, are animated toys. They are animated and given 'life' by Violet's own soul and magic; so they're little more than puppets that can move and talk because of a spell, and not separate characters.))

With a snap and a crackle (and a pop of smoke that smelled like a strange mixture of nicotine ( Read more... )

mason, johnny c, violet grimm, valentine wolfe, heather kessler, application, rachel morgan, yellow-eyed demon, stephen maturin, jadzia dax

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Comments 85

waste_lock September 5 2007, 23:36:08 UTC
Nny's eyes opened wide, then slammed shut, and he stepped back, hands clamped over his ears.

"No NO go away shut up shutthem up GO AWAY!!!!"


the_dogwitch September 5 2007, 23:44:47 UTC
"We've got a crazy on our hands," Ralph muttered, his ears perking up in amusement.

Violet giggled to herself, patting Ralph on the head. "No need to be rude, Ralphy." She turned to Nny, elbows on her knees, studying him. "There's no need to be scared of me, or of Ralph and Dolores. Unless you just wandered in here and you're hearing voices in your head. I could help with that," she smirked. "I have enough potions to get you high for a month. Get those nasty little voices right out."


waste_lock September 5 2007, 23:49:26 UTC
Half-lowering his hands, Nny cracked an eye open and snarled. "So you're a druggie too?"


the_dogwitch September 5 2007, 23:51:41 UTC
"A druggie? Of course not," Violet dismissed, waving her hand in the air in a gesture that probably only had meaning for her. "Unless you mean magic junkie, in which case, of course. You start that, you get deep enough, you never stop."


estebanmd September 5 2007, 23:51:15 UTC
(( 'I am the goddamn Dogwitch!' *dead* *<#* ))

Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble indeed, thought Stephen, who didn't care to pry into the whys and wherefores of this woman's darker magics. What interested him were the compounds she'd offered as a bribe. No matter their arcane significance, Stephen never turned up his nose at a bit of promising ethnopharmacology.

He bowed, correctly, to the application. "Miss Grimm. I am Dr Maturin, potions master here. Might you tell me more about these powders, these phials and herbs, you have brought?" A wave of the hand indicated all the witchy supplies she'd laid out, without going so far as to include the bloody chainsaw.


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 00:03:56 UTC
"Ooh, so polite," Violet chuckled, trying to remember exactly what a curtsy involved. She tried anyway, and was rewarded with mocking laughter from Ralph. Maybe curtsies didn't work so well when your skirt was in tatters and occasionally showed glimpses of polka-dotted underwear. Who knew about these things? Not Violet. "It's a pleasure, Doctor. And..." She hesitated, looking over the pile ( ... )


estebanmd September 6 2007, 00:36:15 UTC
Tabernanthe iboga? In his travels, Stephen had heard of this plant, though to his displeasure he had never succeeded in obtaining a specimen. "Black bugbane," he mused, eyeing the sample in question, "reputed to ease addiction to morphia, and to yield a most fascinating trance state. If you please, I will avail myself of your kind offer, and take this and some of those various seeds. Perhaps you should like me to report to you what the seeds are, if I can discern such, once they have sprouted? I should be most happy to do so."

Why, no, Stephen totally wasn't planning to trip out on iboga.


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 00:45:03 UTC
"Fascinating trance state. If, indeed, you enjoy seeing snakes and dead relatives," Dolores crackled. "Are you planning to indulge in the ways of the shaman, Doctor Maturin?"

"Ssh, Dolly." Violet picked Dolores up and put her on the table, letting the doll sift through the assorted pile. "It's yours," she held out the roots to Stephen. "At least I don't need to warn you about the side effects, you being a potions master." She looked again at the seeds, chewing on her lip. "My memory is kinda screwy. Some help would be appreciated." Her smile was uncharacteristically small and sheepish. "If they even sprout at all. Some of them look kind of dead. Could be sunflower seeds for all I know."


bad_trepanation September 6 2007, 00:07:32 UTC
Well, this was... um. How did one take something like this? It wasn't like Mason looked the part of his out-of-the-ordinary day job. For someone who'd drilled holes into his head in some wild hope for achieving the permanent high, turned into a reaper afterwards and... Well, shit, he still didn't look like this bird. She was a slight bit nutso, was what she was. Raving loony. With talking stuffed animals toddling after her, uh?

Hey, last few goth chicks he'd met, the whole death thing had been a wicked fucking turn-on. He could totally luck out some more. Right? Right. "Mind telling me just what in the world... a dogwitch is?" he commented lightly, scratching at his stubble and debating. "Er. The dogwitch, then, I'm guessing you'd rather have."


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 00:25:25 UTC
"You bet your cute dead ass it's The Dogwitch," Violet purred, cocking her hips. Ooh, she could smell the death on him; like clouds and incense and rotting flesh. What a turn on.

"That's a reaper, Violet. Don't touch it." Dolores glided forward on fragile porcelain limbs, her head swiveling upwards with a creak-groan to study Mason with blank eyes. "I don't think it wants your soul, though."

Violet made a dismissive sound, recrossing her legs and smiling at Mason. "She can be a bit paranoid. Now, then. A Dogwitch is me, and I am the Dogwitch. A mutt witch. I mix everything without regard for rules and regulations, from the ancient Sumerians to the silly new age pagans. I do amulets, potions, powders, spells, circles. Why, got a spell you need working?"


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 00:42:16 UTC
Well, now. The demon's eyes widened slightly in what could only be described as disgusted fascination. It'd been quite some time since she'd seen a human shadow like this, strung out on magic and used by demons as a play thing. Delicious, such loss of potential, such absolute waste.

She loved it.

"My dear," the demon purred, sauntering up, her conservative black dress at odds with blood-red lipstick and heels and a walk that would make porn stars blush. "What have you done to yourself? It's fantastic." Yellow eyes flashed as she regarded the toys with vague amusement. Interesting.


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 00:51:14 UTC
"Nothing I didn't want to do," Violet crooned, leaning back on the table and cocking her head in interest. She could smell this one coming from a mile off; demon, a powerful one, inhabiting a trapped body. All that chaos and darkness, the pain and suffering it had caused, was a heady scent.

Behind her, Ralph groaned and slapped a fuzzy paw to his face. "Vile, you know it's a-"

"A demon, I know." Violet's lips curled in a smirk. "I wear enough of their marks, I can tell them in a crowd. Wouldn't be much of a witch if I couldn't." She turned back to the demon. "That is a cute dress."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 01:12:58 UTC
Idiot human. Thinking she was in control, harnessing chaos, when in fact all the demons who had marked her and bound her had done more damage than even she realized. Stupid, arrogant little mortal. Paciscory wanted to crush her, to feel Violet's hopeless last breath skitter across her skin, to make her see the absolute horror she had wrought on herself before sending her off into the dark, bloody void.

In other words, the demon was quite sure the she and Violet would get to be very good friends.

"I bet not," she murmured, eyes dropping to stroke over the human's body, raising again to complete the smirk as she regarded Violet. God, so delicious. She could just imagine the corruption sliding over this poor being's soul like scum across an ocean.

Eyes flicked over to the stuffed dog as Ralph spoke and the demon bore her pretty little teeth. "Be quiet," she hissed, but the words were like chains, muzzling both toys. Quite satisfied, she turned cold eyes back to Violet. "So, pretty pet, what should I do with you?"


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 01:27:35 UTC
"Now that... is just plain rude," Violet pouted, gathering Ralph into her arms and hugging him as the stuffed dog pawed miserably at his mouth. "Poor little Ralphy," she crooned, nudging her nose into his fur. "I told you your mouth would get you into trouble. Did the nasty demon muzzle you?" The answer she received was silence, and big glass doggy eyes staring at her. "It'll be okay."

Running her fingers through Ralph's fur, Violet looked up the demon again, her eyes hooded in consideration. She could have fun with this one. This demon was a little more powerful than some she'd dealt with, and would be extremely hard to try and manipulate. But she'd always liked a challenge ( ... )


degeneratewolfe September 6 2007, 01:12:52 UTC
Strange substances being handed out by a less-than-reputable looking character? Valentine is there. "I'd rather like a few samples of those liquids and powders. And might I say, you pull off that look splendidly. Insanity is something that so few people can wear well, don't you think?"


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 04:01:05 UTC
Violet waved a hand over the pile on the table, stepping aside so that he could examine it. "Have at it. I can't guarantee I can cater to everyone's tastes, but there's a range, a little of mild and a lot of dangerous," she smirked wickedly. "And thank you!" Pleased and amused with the compliment, Violet stroked a hand through her hair. "This insanity was all my own doing, and I'm quite proud of it."


degeneratewolfe September 6 2007, 04:10:54 UTC
"Excellent. I'm rather hoping it's the dangerous sort, dear girl." Valentine plucks a little of this and that off of the table, making it disappear up his sleeve. He'd sort it out later, preferably while he tried it out. He isn't worried about poisons or overdosing--it would take more than a few pinches of whatever this was to kill him. Hell, it would probably take more than a few buckets of pure arsenic to kill him. Which is lovely, because a little arsenic adds such spice to his meals when he remembers to eat.

He beams winningly at her, his crimson smile the only spot of color on him. "How wonderful! I do so appreciate those rare people who refuse to let the taboos of society and its preference for sanity rule their existences. How did you manage to come by yours?" He hopes that she'll mention drugs. It's always so nice to meet another person with the same interests, after all.


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