Application: Violet Grimm, "Dogwitch" Comics

Sep 06, 2007 09:02

((OOC Note: Ralph and Dolores, the stuffed dog and doll, are animated toys. They are animated and given 'life' by Violet's own soul and magic; so they're little more than puppets that can move and talk because of a spell, and not separate characters.))

With a snap and a crackle (and a pop of smoke that smelled like a strange mixture of nicotine ( Read more... )

mason, johnny c, violet grimm, valentine wolfe, heather kessler, application, rachel morgan, yellow-eyed demon, stephen maturin, jadzia dax

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the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 01:27:35 UTC
"Now that... is just plain rude," Violet pouted, gathering Ralph into her arms and hugging him as the stuffed dog pawed miserably at his mouth. "Poor little Ralphy," she crooned, nudging her nose into his fur. "I told you your mouth would get you into trouble. Did the nasty demon muzzle you?" The answer she received was silence, and big glass doggy eyes staring at her. "It'll be okay."

Running her fingers through Ralph's fur, Violet looked up the demon again, her eyes hooded in consideration. She could have fun with this one. This demon was a little more powerful than some she'd dealt with, and would be extremely hard to try and manipulate. But she'd always liked a challenge.

She chuckled lowly, the sound rasping in her throat. "Whatever you want, sunshine. I'd bet it's nothing that hasn't been done before." With a wicked smile, Violet stripped off the leather-and-lace sleeves encasing her lower arms. On skin that hardly ever saw the sun were literally dozens of demon marks, from all different kinds: slashes and circles, crosses, pentagrams, signatures, complicated sigils. All burnt permanently into her skin. Some even overlapped. "Fifty-two, at last count. Would be a lot more if I didn't pay some of them back. Or kill them." Oh, yeah. Violet was proud.


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 01:49:09 UTC
Snorting softly, rolling her eyes, the demon hopped up on the desk, crossing her legs primly and leaning forward. "Amateurs," she dismissed the marks with a bored flick of her eyes. Each demon's mark was unique, even if it didn't appear so to the untrained eye, and Paciscory was disgusted by the riffraff this girl had apparently attracted.

And then...

"Algaliarept," she chuckled lowly. "Twice. My, my, he has been busy." Looking back up at the girl, tipping her head back to expose her long, slender neck and catching her lower lip between her teeth, the demon smiled. "One would think he'd have learned his lesson by now. Naughty boy."

One hand went out to lazily trail a finger down Violet's neck, dipping to trace the top curve of her breast. "I wouldn't just mark you," she murmured, eyes locked on Violet's. "I'd take you. Until you begged me to stop. All of you, every inch." Yellow eyes gleamed. "Your soul. You've been dealing with petty tempters, sweet little Violet. You have no idea the depths you could sink to."


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 01:55:28 UTC
"That's what they all say." Violet's voice had turned dark, breathless, and she arched into the touch like a cat being stroked. Her eyes hooded in pleasure. "All demons think they're the big bad, bigger and badder than before, more evil and vile than the last."

Algaliarept was a personal favorite of hers; he could be so oddly polite. And though he hadn't called in his favors yet, the night they'd spent together had been nothing less than degenerate and decadent. Everything Violet loved.

She put Ralph aside, letting the toy sink miserably on the ground next to Dolores, who was watching them both with a keen eye. "I don't think there's much left of my soul to give away, sunshine," Violet grinned. "What's a soul, anyway? It's not like I need it, except as a bargaining chip."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 02:20:34 UTC
"Other demons think it," she agreed casually, head tilting to the side in a strangely impish gesture. The demon had no need to brag. Quite the opposite - her reputation was known well enough that she hardly had to do more than smile and people would know, somehow, that what they were dealing with was a little beyond the norm. This little whelp, though, thought she'd seen and done it all.


The demon reached out to lightly grasp Violet's chin, pulling it up in a gentle mimicry of the promise of greater violence. "Your soul is intact, pretty Violet," she murmured, yellow eyes studying the girl intently. "You've overdrawn on promises, though. I wouldn't trust your word. I'd just take your entire being with me into hell, to be my personal plaything." She smiled, coolly. "Would you like that, pet?" The hand stroked back along the girl's jaw, teasing down her neck. "I bet you scream beautifully."


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 02:30:25 UTC
"Hell sounds overrated." Violet's pale eyes slitted in pleasure, a slow smile dawning and curling her lips. If Dolores could speak, she would tell Violet that it was a good idea to actually be scared sometimes - a conclusion Violet never seemed to reach on her own.

Definitely not any kind of lesser demon, the power from this one was dark and deep. Delicious.

"Though I gotta say, only having one demon around would get pretty boring." Violet liked to have a selection, thank you very much. There was no telling when she was in the mood for a goblin or a werewolf, a vampire or a demon. Needs came and went. She leaned a little into the hand on her neck. "I have a lot of needs, sunshine. Don't think you can fulfill them all."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 02:49:48 UTC
The demon didn't do anything but smile. The kind of smile that you'd give a favorite spoiled child. Indulgent, condescending. But this one had a hint of pure malice, of hatred and violent lust, that was anything but human.

And then she reached into Violet's mind. She found all the dark, twisted fantasies and she pulled them out, one by one, playing them in front of the girl's mind's eye. Showing her everything the demon could do to her. Things Violet couldn't even begin to imagine. Horrible things, vile things, depraved and bloody and mind-breakingly evil. Things that would leave Violet broken and panting and a hollow shell simply begging for more.

"I don't know," Paciscory said casually, leaning back, leg swinging absently back and forth. Her fingers had wound into the girl's hair, jerking her forward. "Somehow I think we'd get by."

Eyes flashing in a rage that would best be expressed by evisceration and a mushroom cloud, the demon bent her head to hover her lips just above Violet's. "And if you call me sunshine again," she warned sweetly, in a gentle hush of a murmur, "I will give you such a night that your mind will break under the horror, your soul will shatter, and you'll be a gibbering wreck unable to twist even the simplest spell."


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 03:41:06 UTC
There was no other way to say it; what the demon had shown Violet excited her. It was like giving high-grade heroin to an addict that had ever only tasted the middle-class variation on the streets. Hell, the ultimate darkness. The ultimate twisted end. But Violet didn't want her fun to end just yet. She liked it here, being a master of her own life.

"Interesting," she relaxed into the harsh grip in his hair, smiling at the demon. "Extreme, I'll give you that. But I've had a chunk of my heart bitten out by a demon, sweet thing. I've had my body torn apart by two demons possessing me at the same time. I've dated a high level demon, because my bedroom was in the middle of an inter-dimensional gateway. I've ripped holes between dimensions for nothing more than a fix of sex magic."

Though, what this demon was offering was tempting. Violet liked pain, like unpredictability, but not being controlled. "I like my free will, sorry," she grinned. "But if you ever want a wild night out, I'm your woman."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 03:50:25 UTC
The demon shrugged, releasing the girl, settling back on the desk. "You're already mine," she said, bored. "Do you think anything will excite you, knowing that you've turned down the ultimate rush? You think that you'll be able to get off with some goblin after the taste I've given you?"

Sliding down, she gave the girl another once over, lips twisting into a smug grin. "You're getting used up, pet. Too many bargains and not enough follow through. Soon not even the lowest demon will so much as look at you." She traced a finger down Violet's cheek. "Then you'll beg me to make a deal. To sit at my feet, hoping for even a glimpse of the excitement and darkness you crave. To be my whore." The demon smiled. "Who knows? I may even say yes."


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 03:57:13 UTC
Grinning, Violet pushed herself forward, the tip of her nose just nudging against the demons, pale white-gold staring into sickly yellow. "I guess we'll see," she replied, her voice a sultry growl. "Until then, I've still got my zombies, my demons, my vamps and weres. How long will it take before I start craving Hell, the ultimate rush?" Her tone was was dark and teasing, enjoying this game of cat and mouse. She knew full well she was the mouse, and she was loving every minute of it. "I'm so excited to find out."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 04:10:30 UTC
The demon's eyebrow raised, one corner of her mouth tipping upwards. "One year," she said with the cool certainty of one who knows. Then her head cocked to the side. "Probably sooner. A true junkie can't get the promise of a better fix out of their minds. You'll crave it, jones for it, until you can think of nothing else." The demon's hands had moved to Violet's sides, running languidly up and down the woman's curves. "It will eat you alive, steal the pleasure from every moment with the unfulfilled promise."

Biting her lower lip hard enough to draw two tiny, perfect drops of red blood, the demon then slowly ran her tongue along the marks, smearing her lips with red. "I'll give you five years. Five years for you to do whomever you please. And then," she dug her hands into Violet's hips, pulling her roughly against her own body, "you're mine. I will brand you so deeply that every other mark will seem to fade away. I will use you so completely that you'll forget anything but the pain and the terror and the pleasure. I will make you scream until your every thought becomes merely an echo of your exquisite agony."

The demon thrust herself forward, teeth capturing Violet's lip with a vicious snarl. "More than generous, don't you agree, pet?"


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 04:24:24 UTC
Drawn in by the blood and the rough handling, Violet bit her own lip, worrying it between her teeth to try and get a hint of the pain/pleasure that the demon was promising her. Dolores would be yelling at her right now, but Violet didn't care, because she wanted this so badly.

"Before we seal the deal, how about you tell me your summoning name, sunshine," she purred, threading her fingers into the demons hair, unafraid. She reasoned that if, after five years, she still felt like she had more to do on earth, she'd just worm out of the deal somehow. Get another demon on the case, go to another dimension, make the trip to Hell herself with no master.

She trailed a hand over her neck, her smile clearly a bit out of touch with sanity. "How about you put the mark right here," Violet tapped the left side of her neck. "Where everybody can see it."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 04:36:34 UTC
"You call me Lori," the demon responded with a smirk. Summoning name. Honestly. Not a man, woman, or child left walking beneath the sun knew that. The demon had made sure of it; drank the blood and eaten the entrails of anyone who stumbled across it herself. She was far too powerful, her dominion far too large, to just throw that around.

"And, pet," the demon gripped Violet by the throat, gently squeezing, "I really don't give out marks for this sort of thing. Bit gauche, don't you think?"

Violet was pulled forward harshly. "Seal it with a kiss. In the old way. The deal stands thusly - you, Violet Grimm, do swear to me your soul, payable in five years and one day. At such time your soul, and, therefore, your body, will be mine to do with as I please for eternity plus one." Paciscory smiled. "Do we have a deal?"


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 04:48:11 UTC
That was not a summoning name, Violet knew full well. Most demons tended to have some kind of really complicated summoning name so that people couldn't say it accidentally. To hell with that, Violet was just going to call her Sunshine. Seemed to piss her off pretty well.

"I'm not kissing that body," she laughed around the hand squeezing her neck, letting herself be pulled around like a rag doll. "I may be a whore, but I have standards. I don't care if you say it's the old way or not, lemon tart. Gimme the mark, take it or leave it."

Violet paused, running her tongue over her bottom lip in thought. "I guess I could always ask Al what your summoning name is."


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 04:57:47 UTC
Immediately Violet was released, pushed away, and Paciscory was laughing roughly. "You could. But he can't tell you. Do you think I'm on the same level as someone like him?"

The demon shook her head, disgusted. "Suit yourself, mortal. But don't try to make a deal with me again. Even I only have so much interest in a used up whore turning her last trick."

Another smug look of pitying amusement, the demon turned on her heel to walk away.


the_dogwitch September 6 2007, 10:53:19 UTC
Catching her balance on the edge of the table, Violet tilted her chin and grinned widely. "Can't. Baby, I was made for breaking the rules, rebelling against the regulations, laughing at the laws. Think I can't get him to tell me? If I want to, I will." Violet was nothing if not very sure (and a little cocky) or her own abilities.

As the demon turned, Violet scowled and darted a hand into her bag and brought out an un-animated teddy bear, embedded with a exorcism curse. It probably only worked on zombies and lesser demons, but what the hell, it was worth a try. "Hey, dipshit," she barked. "Wanna release your nifty little silence spell on my friends?" Violet pitched the bear towards the demon's head, thrown with strange accuracy considering her almost permanent distraction from reality.


oldyelloweyes September 6 2007, 10:59:48 UTC
With a quickness that was clearly not human, the demon reached out and caught the bear, not turning around. "You don't understand," she said, fire lancing out from her hand, seemingly enfolding her arm, burning the bear and it's weak little curse into ashes. "Whatever Al may tell you in the throes of ecstasy or pain will not matter. My name will only work if it comes to you from my lips." She tipped the charred remains of the toy to the ground, the burned skin of her arm healing before Violet's eyes.

She turned her head slowly, glancing at the pathetic creature from over her shoulder. "I need no summoning name," she said, voice low with rough power hardly contained. "I am before and beyond that. I gave you enough, you threw it away. Go mad in that understanding, mortal."

Then she chuckled, "And no. I think not. Your little friends could do with some silence." The spell would wear off, sooner rather than later as the demon hadn't put much effort into it in the first place. But she was not ordered around by the cattle.


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