Application for Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III (DC Comics)

Aug 19, 2007 16:04

((Contacted the four active DC-muns about this to get permission. Jaime is being pulled from right after Blue Beetle #14. NOTE: Jaime's armor has a mind of its own. Anyone with special abilities, PLEASE check out this tl;dr post on the scarab and how it might react to you - and let me know what you want it to detect - before posting! SYLAR I'M ( Read more... )

maia, stephanie brown, sidney reilly, lain, lola sanchez, bialar crais, jack hodgins, application, jaime reyes, peter petrelli, carrie white, ron weasley, lain of the wired

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Comments 234

Ravenclaw dungbombsrule August 20 2007, 02:04:34 UTC
"So, you work around with Muggle cars? I looked inside a couple before some berk chased me away. Those things are real complicated. It's like opening up someone's chest cavity, only not, you know, evil. You must be real smart to manage that." Ron didn't normally vote so quickly, but he did this time. "So, how did you get into cars, anyway? I mean, into working with them. Not getting into cars, any idiot can do that. Just make sure you ask permission first, or people can get real cheesed."


Re: Ravenclaw bantersucks August 20 2007, 02:24:41 UTC
It takes Jaime a second to parse all that out and try to make sense of it. "Not really. My dad fixes cars for a living, and I would always hang out in his garage when I was a kid. So he started teaching me stuff to keep me from getting into trouble or sticking my finger into a socket or something."

" what's a Muggle, anyway?" he finally asks.


Re: Ravenclaw dungbombsrule August 20 2007, 02:29:28 UTC
"You are. Well, since you're going to learn magic, I guess you're Muggleborn. But, you know, they're just people who don't know magic. But they know all sorts of other things, so that's alright. Actually, that's great! I've spent the last half-year hanging out with them."

Ron had the tan and the jeans to prove it, too! Although Ron did spend a great deal of time with foreign wizards as well (he wasn't quite as obsessed as his dad with Muggles), that wasn't so interesting to talk about.


Re: Ravenclaw bantersucks August 20 2007, 03:16:07 UTC
"Learn magic?" Jaime blinks at him. "Uh, what? Did I miss a memo or something? If there's something I don't understand, it'd be magic."

Sure, he can SEE magical patterns, and he can disrupt them, but there's a difference between that and actually having a clue. "Uh, where'd you hang out?"


likeabadpenny August 20 2007, 07:19:48 UTC
Wow, that looked like a hard fall.

"Not El Paso, sorry," Peter approached, hands shoved in his pockets and a rueful twist of a smile. "It's Scotland, actually. It's a lot to get used to, but it's a great place if you have an open mind."


bantersucks August 20 2007, 15:53:04 UTC
((Peter has an okay to pick up on Jaime's thoughts here, and maybe he'll hear the unintelligible muttering of the scarab in the background. It'll block him after this, I think.))

Yeah, it was, but Jaime's survived reentry, so he'll be fine.

Unfortunately, the last person who got the scarab this freaked out was Maia the snarky scorpion-throwing chick. Aw, no, not another one, the scorpions were bad enough. Jaime takes an unconscious step back, unnerved in spite of the new guy's non-threatening demeanor. "Someone gave me the rundown of where I am, but, uh, no one's told me the way out yet. And I kind of need to let my folks know where I am so Mom doesn't go nuclear."

I already lost a year. What am I gonna tell them this time? "Hey, Mom, sorry I missed a lot of dinners, but I was going to Austin and got zapped to a magic school in Scotland. Hey, at least it wasn't outer space this time!" ...I am so dead.


likeabadpenny August 22 2007, 04:37:47 UTC
If it was one thing that Peter really had to learn how to do, it was finally getting a control over telepathy. He'd never managed to fully shut the door on that one, and it tended to make itself known at odd moments. Or, case in point, when a persons thinking was particularly loud.

Scorpions? Odd. Not to mention outer space.

"Door's right there," Peter smiled wryly, gesturing over his shoulder. Of course, not many people seemed to leave, no matter how much they wanted to. "I like your answer to the Gryffindor question, though. Lying sucks, doesn't it?"


bantersucks August 22 2007, 04:50:11 UTC
((Okay, the icon's a little off, but, um... keywords. Couldn't resist.))

Control. Yeah, that would be nice. Jaime would love to have a lot more control over his own powers. For example, maybe it would explain the bizarre readings it's getting off this guy and why the energy patterns around him are so weird.

But of course, it doesn't and Jaime takes another apprehensive step back, not entirely aware of how obvious he's being. Oh, and of course there's a door now, but the guy's between him and it. "Uh, I tried a door earlier," he manages nervously. "Couple of doors. They all led me right back here. 'Pattern absorption' what? Calm down already."

"Yeah. Yeah, it really does," he agrees, rubbing the back of his neck and trying to ignore the scarab's running commentary. "Doesn't help that I'm a really terrible liar to begin with. Bad enough telling a friend what they don't want to hear, it's worse not telling them and having them find out anyway."


wired_goddess August 20 2007, 11:06:45 UTC
((Lain of the Wired it is.))

Wired Lain was in a good mood already and so, upon reading the application, her grin just got wider.

"What's the name of other guy then?" She asked with a giggle, gesturing towards his head.


bantersucks August 20 2007, 14:29:40 UTC
((And freakout in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...))

Oh, no. No no no no no.

"O-other guy? What other guy?" Jaime freezes then, knowing full well what the sudden electric surge up his spine means. "...No, wait, stop, not here, there's too many people - !"

Unfortunately, between the weird readings it's already picked up just in the last twenty minutes plus the insane power levels it's reading from the seemingly innocuous girl who just walked in, the scarab is NOT listening at all. Which is made quite clear when the blue-and-black scarab armor erupts from his back with a crackle of blue electricity, melting across his clothes and covering him from head to toe. It looks a lot more painful than it is, which is good because he needs a clear head to back the hell away and attempt to fly out of range.

Which is no good, because he can't leave the room and the wall's only a few feet behind him. "...dammit. Still gotta learn to hover."


wired_goddess August 20 2007, 15:15:07 UTC
For a moment shock registered across her face as she watched the boy turn into a blue robo-thingy.

But it was short lived as her grin returned.

"I like the trick." She giggles as she gives a twirl, her pervious clothing now replaced with a slightly odd-looking garb.

"So let’s see, Alien technology right? Probably a sentient A.I. I assume it's a defensive function." She looked at him thoughtfully making a mental-checklist.

"And so I take it you can perceive higher dimensionals then?" Her grin drops, her face getting serious.

"You aren't going to fight me." It wasn't a question.

((Hehe, fun))


bantersucks August 20 2007, 15:41:44 UTC
Okay. When the reaction to the armor is a giggle, that's just disturbing. On so many levels. "Um, I beg to differ on the sentience 'cause it's occasionally really really stupid," he finally answers, ignoring the scarab's chattering (which essentially boils down to OHSHITOHSHITRUNAWAY).

"Higher what?" He pauses. "Uh, yeah. I can see stuff that's dimension-shifted. And through some illusions, I think. Again, that would've been nice to know five minutes ago."

"No, no I'm not and I'm totally on board with the not fighting thing. Completely. But like I said, it's not the brightest crayon in the box and it's freaking out, so could you maybe tone down whatever you're, uh, broadcasting a little bit so it'll calm down?"


sidney_reilly August 20 2007, 15:01:47 UTC
Reilly came into the Sorting Room and read the application just in time to catch the confrontation with Wired Lain.

"Well. That was interesting. I take it that would be why you have to 'lie all the time'?"


bantersucks August 20 2007, 15:39:09 UTC
((I'm just going to pretend that Jaime shut the armor down before Reilly spoke up since I'm simultaneously tagging to Lain now.))

"What? ...wait, you saw that?" Jaime groans. "That does it. I hate my life. Like I said. The opposite of useful."


sidney_reilly August 20 2007, 15:48:56 UTC
((Sure. I figure he's spoken up after that thread is finished, continuity-wise.))

Reilly shrugged one shoulder. "I make a point of identifying potential threats. I've been around long enough to know they're not always going to come from the obvious sources. Are you military?"


bantersucks August 20 2007, 16:23:22 UTC
Identifying potential threats? Oh, that's not comforting. The scarab isn't spazzing that much about this guy, but Jaime doesn't exactly trust its judgement.

"Military? Me? Uhh, no. I'm still trying to survive high school." He shifts his weight uncomfortably, not sure where this is going. "Not looking to get drafted, either. I'm not - I'm not out to hurt anybody."


buggy_genius August 25 2007, 20:09:59 UTC
Oh, the mistake of making insect-related remarks around an entomologist. "Great bar name. Don't tell me--some older cousin once put a beetles in your underwear drawer." Because Hodgins had never done that to anyone before. Of course not.


bantersucks August 25 2007, 20:42:40 UTC
Jaime is leaning against the wall and debating the merits of knocking himself unconscious by banging his head against the stone when Hodgins speaks up. Oh, good, someone relatively normal. He can't take much more of this.

"I wish that was all," he says without thinking. Uh. "Lot more traumatic than that. Although my little sister tried something like that with crickets once."


buggy_genius August 25 2007, 21:24:06 UTC
"She probably should have chosen a quieter insect. What's the story, then?"


bantersucks August 25 2007, 22:01:43 UTC
((Momninjaing, will be slow.))

"Yeah, no kidding. She lost one in her room and didn't find it for days." Okay, he can't help but feel a little smug about that one.

Dammit, he's got to make his mouth and his brain work in the correct order. "Uh. It ended with being stuck in the desert at 3 am with no pants. Everything before that's the traumatic part and I'm sticking to it."

No pants, no shoes, no nothing. Omitting details is NOT lying.


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