Application for Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle III (DC Comics)

Aug 19, 2007 16:04

((Contacted the four active DC-muns about this to get permission. Jaime is being pulled from right after Blue Beetle #14. NOTE: Jaime's armor has a mind of its own. Anyone with special abilities, PLEASE check out this tl;dr post on the scarab and how it might react to you - and let me know what you want it to detect - before posting! SYLAR I'M ( Read more... )

maia, stephanie brown, sidney reilly, lain, lola sanchez, bialar crais, jack hodgins, application, jaime reyes, peter petrelli, carrie white, ron weasley, lain of the wired

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wired_goddess August 20 2007, 11:06:45 UTC
((Lain of the Wired it is.))

Wired Lain was in a good mood already and so, upon reading the application, her grin just got wider.

"What's the name of other guy then?" She asked with a giggle, gesturing towards his head.


bantersucks August 20 2007, 14:29:40 UTC
((And freakout in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...))

Oh, no. No no no no no.

"O-other guy? What other guy?" Jaime freezes then, knowing full well what the sudden electric surge up his spine means. "...No, wait, stop, not here, there's too many people - !"

Unfortunately, between the weird readings it's already picked up just in the last twenty minutes plus the insane power levels it's reading from the seemingly innocuous girl who just walked in, the scarab is NOT listening at all. Which is made quite clear when the blue-and-black scarab armor erupts from his back with a crackle of blue electricity, melting across his clothes and covering him from head to toe. It looks a lot more painful than it is, which is good because he needs a clear head to back the hell away and attempt to fly out of range.

Which is no good, because he can't leave the room and the wall's only a few feet behind him. "...dammit. Still gotta learn to hover."


wired_goddess August 20 2007, 15:15:07 UTC
For a moment shock registered across her face as she watched the boy turn into a blue robo-thingy.

But it was short lived as her grin returned.

"I like the trick." She giggles as she gives a twirl, her pervious clothing now replaced with a slightly odd-looking garb.

"So let’s see, Alien technology right? Probably a sentient A.I. I assume it's a defensive function." She looked at him thoughtfully making a mental-checklist.

"And so I take it you can perceive higher dimensionals then?" Her grin drops, her face getting serious.

"You aren't going to fight me." It wasn't a question.

((Hehe, fun))


bantersucks August 20 2007, 15:41:44 UTC
Okay. When the reaction to the armor is a giggle, that's just disturbing. On so many levels. "Um, I beg to differ on the sentience 'cause it's occasionally really really stupid," he finally answers, ignoring the scarab's chattering (which essentially boils down to OHSHITOHSHITRUNAWAY).

"Higher what?" He pauses. "Uh, yeah. I can see stuff that's dimension-shifted. And through some illusions, I think. Again, that would've been nice to know five minutes ago."

"No, no I'm not and I'm totally on board with the not fighting thing. Completely. But like I said, it's not the brightest crayon in the box and it's freaking out, so could you maybe tone down whatever you're, uh, broadcasting a little bit so it'll calm down?"


internetgoddess August 21 2007, 11:17:31 UTC
A soon as the scarab took action something clicked in the mind of another student of Hogwarts.

Lain Iwakura, self proclaimed genuine Lain, was up and running towards the main hall as fast as she could. Something was amiss and her other was at the heart of it.

Why didn't she just banish her the moment she can to the school?

She sealed her off; the duplicate didn't have access to the upper layers from here.

Running into the hall she paused as she saw her other, face unreadable, dressed in those robes of hers facing down an armoured figure that seemed somewhat uncertain.

"What did you do?" She almost yelled at her accursed twin.

The armour was something else, she didn't quite like what she was feeling about it but right now the last thing she needed was her other to try anything. Alice had been the final straw; she wasn't going to stand for anything else she's done.


wired_goddess August 21 2007, 11:20:30 UTC
She looked up towards -
"Lain, darling sister, what took you?"

Her face contorted into a somewhat spiteful smile.

"It seems we're famous."

((Sorry, been busy today.))


bantersucks August 21 2007, 11:39:13 UTC
((No worries.))

And just as the scarab is starting to calm down a bit... Wait, two of them? Oh, man. Not good. Not good at all. And there goes the panic attack only he can hear, all over again. "Where the hell are you gonna go?" he mutters while the two argue. "...Of course you can't shift out of here. I could've told you that. Sometimes I think I got the 'special ed' scarab."

While he really wouldn't mind if the uber-powerful Doublemint twins ignored him, the scarab refuses to calm down and if it gets really freaked out it might do something idioticlike try to fight. "Yeah, um, I don't know who you are, but my, uh, partner's spazzing and I can't calm it down. Could you just tone down whatever you're projecting at it? If they wanted to attack us, they'd have done it by now and I don't wanna get killed by your stupid."


internetgoddess August 21 2007, 12:15:14 UTC
"What?" She gave a look towards the armoured figure and paused.


Curtesy be damned, she really didn't like what that was.

For a single moment she stepped above the layers and saw what the thing was...

Alien technology, a form of advanced agent for an alien conquest.
It was different though... Damaged?

She stepped back into her body with the new information and glared at her duplicate.


wired_goddess August 21 2007, 12:19:00 UTC
She started to laugh at the glare she received.

"Oh please, I just wanted to say hi, not like I knew this would happen."

She leaned right up close to Lain's face, laughing.

"So, what is it then sister?"


internetgoddess August 21 2007, 12:24:00 UTC

Her twin paused for a moment before looking slightly bewildered.

As far as anyone, anything could tell, they were both utterly human.

"Now that that's sorted-" She turned back towards the armoured figure. "You can shut the Scarab off now."


bantersucks August 21 2007, 12:47:24 UTC
((Canon tends to get vague on the change-back, so it may or may not be really gross, so I'm going to be vague.))

Jaime misses the last chunk of their discussion because he's a little too busy trying to talk sense into his partner and blend into the wall. "...for the last time, we DON'T RANDOMLY ATTACK PEOPLE!" Then the aura of power shuts off. "Wait, what? ...Oh."

Suddenly deprived of anything to really spaz at anymore, the scarab retreats, the armor melting away and folding back in a display that's probably pretty gross and very painful-looking even though it doesn't really hurt anymore. At least it knows to replicate his clothes now. Jaime doesn't think he could really deal with that anymore on top of everything else.

He slumps against the wall, relieved. But only slightly. "Thank you. Please tell me you're not friends with the guys who made this thing." He doesn't particularly like it either, for obvious reasons. At least he's able to get it to follow his rules: no killing and no letting innocent people get hurt. Of course, he ( ... )


wired_goddess August 22 2007, 05:04:17 UTC
Lain of the Wired drew right up close to her other, her bewilderment replaced with anger.

"Why this? Why now? I... I can't stay like this"


internetgoddess August 22 2007, 05:11:54 UTC
For a moment she was taken aback by the duplicate's anger. Till this point she had never been angry. Impatient or annoyed yes, but not anger.

None the less, she wasn't going to turn down.

"Do you know what the Scarab almost did? It's from Reach"

She turned back towards Jamie and tried to manage a smile.

"There is a familiarity about it but no, I don't personally know them"


wired_goddess August 22 2007, 05:15:42 UTC
Well that changed things...

Most of what Lain had learned she passed onto her but it was obvious she was omitting some key details.

Her grin returned as she looked towards Jamie.

"My, just like us then?"


internetgoddess August 22 2007, 05:29:34 UTC
((Lain and wired Lain are both talking telepathically here. It's easier then having to flick back and forth. (And flood your inbox)
Feel free to have the Scarab notice the telepathic convo if you like, they haven't powered back up though))

She glanced quickly at the duplicate.

'Please, you could just reset it all if you don't like this'
'No one has to know'
'Why well? Did Alice ever need to know? You can change this whenever you like'
'I won't reset things again, it isn't necessary anymore'
'Then just suspend me again, not like you sealed yourself off'

Lain paused.

Would it really matter in the end who knew? It wasn't as if they could affect things anyway.

She severed the connection between them amidst the duplicate’s mental laughter.


bantersucks August 22 2007, 12:45:17 UTC
Jaime's pretty sure he knows what the Scarab almost did - attempt to blast a hole through the wall in order to get away. At least the two times it's ever managed to attack on its own, he's forced it to miss. Which is part of the reason Guy Gardner's ring nearly killed him.

It was - okay, Jaime has no idea what they were doing, but it's like watching some sort of invisible tennis match. On another plane of existence. There's some kind of communication going on, but he isn't going to pry. He frowned at the creepy one's question. "I don't know what you -" and then the scarab starts spouting something about alien constructs. "No. No, I'm not. Please tell me you're broken."

The sane one's answer - yes, he's quietly dubbed them the creepy one and the sane one for lack of actual names - is kind of a relief, and kind of disappointing at the same time. "Oh. ...So I guess asking how to stop them is right out."

Between the scarab freaking out and the readings the two are giving it, Jaime's more than slightly shaken. "Who - what are you?"


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