One bright Hogwarts morning, fliers with small, numbered Hat-shaped plastic tokens are sent out to a select group of students via house elf. “Your presence is required at an Awards Ceremony in the Great Hall tonight,” the flier states. “Attendance is mandatory. Formal dress is required. Prizes will be given
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Dammit, her boyfriend had only just joined her here!
"Um...Hi! I'm sorry about this, I don't even know you."
"Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson, LAPD. Currently in Gryffindor." She looked around the tent. "Or I was."
She feels utterly cheated that she did not get an award. She hadn't expected one, because she'd seen that little brat Sanchez flouncing into the hall. But still. You know. Best dress, ceremony--like the HORNS awards.
She did attempt to leave, but all that came of it was an itching sensation and her dress smoking. So Maia is grumpily at the tent, listening grimly to her iPod, and flicking her token at the wall.
She really hopes some hot guy will turn out to be her 'husband'. Maia could use some consummation right now.
What she gets instead is an octopus thrown screaming into the hot tub next to the tent. "OhGodohGodOHGODHOTHOTHOT!" Tako screamed as he crawled out of the tub. Was this how they treated internet personalities here? What service! Tako was going to complain to the person in charge. As soon as he figured out who that was.
"So," he said to his brand new bride. "How's it going?" Steam was still wafting off of his tentacles.
'I think I need a cigarette,' is all she can manage at first, taking out her headphones. 'Or some nourishing soup. Hey, crawl into the hot tub again.'
In a daze - Merlin, she knew the Hat had gone mad, but really! This was ridiculous! - Lily wandered down to her tent, thankful that Steeler was waiting for her. Mr. Quackers ruffled his feathers imperiously and glowered at her.
Well, apparently she was...married?
Bloody hell, at least last time she got gifts.
Blibbling matter-of-factly into the tent, the Jenga set levitating in front of him, he announced, "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I'm the ghost of Christmas paaaa-yust!"
He was sure Arnie had told Lily all about him, but he wasn't sure whether Arnie had covered this one last fact. And now that they were married, they would definitely have to get to know each other.
Wait. He'd brought Jenga.
For a second she just stared, then, slowly, started to laugh. "Oh. Oh. Um..." Holding one hand over her mouth as she tried to stop giggling, eyes dancing as she looked at her apparent new husband, Lily nodded. "Right. Well, I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to Sirius." Standing, she patted Homsar fondly on his bowler hat. "But I'm guessing you're trying to tell me that... Even if this isn't what we'd expected in the past, we should be thankful? Because it's a gift...somehow?"
Really, she should ask Sirius if there was a key or something for communicating with Homsar. "And you brought Jenga! Brilliant." Lily, having never completed a game of Jenga with Homsar, was unaware of its other potential. She only knew that Sirius quite enjoyed his game nights with Professor Homsar, and that when she and Sirius played, they had a ( ... )
He blibbled over to a nearby table and put the Jenga set down. He was already itching to get it on, but reminded himself that it was all in good time. It wouldn't do to jump right on in, not when they still had to get better acquainted with each other.
Jauntily, he blibbled back over to her, parking himself right in front of her toes. Looking up at her with a determined stare, he said, "DaaaAAAAaaaAAAAaaaAAAA! I was raised by a cup of coffee!" He was quite sure she knew this already, but it would do to remind her that she would need to pay respects to her new mother-in-law at some point. And perhaps she would tell him a bit about her family background, too.
Yes, forcibly married to a complete stranger, and this is what Tomo's hollering about.
The swarming house elves easily drag her away - but not before she manages to punt a couple of them for good measure. She actually gets one in a hot tub before they get smart and pick her up like ants carrying off a picnic.
Sitting down on the bed in the tent, mouth dropped open and quite confused, Carla just kind of...waited.
This was just freaking nuts.
Laughing a little in disbelief, she looked around the tent. "At least I didn't get paired up with some of the, um, other choices." There were some freaks in this school, for real. "Is this usual? For the Hat to just randomly decide to marry people off? I mean, God, shouldn't there at least be the exchange of some cows or something?"
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