Socking and Open RP: How Pippi Got Her Horse Back.

Aug 01, 2007 19:08

((Fake cut-tag leads to Pippi's journal, in which she meets a sparkly vampire! Pippi's favourite song is in fact her own themesong, in the original Swedish, thank you VERY much. =D Feel free to let you characters come across Pippi when she's grooming her newfound horse!))

( She’s got a smile that it seems to me / Reminds me of childhood memoriesRead more... )

mel beeby, jemima, edward cullen, pippi longstocking, rp, sock, lily potter

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Comments 49

moonlit_jemmers August 1 2007, 21:11:09 UTC
Jemima was sitting under the willow tree near the lake, reading, as usual. She was just about to start a new chapter when the sound of someone singing made her look up.

She stood up and followed the voice, smiling to herself at the idea of a possible new friend.

Then she saw the source of the song. It was a small girl with red hair brushing a polka-dotted horse.

Well, that's something you don't see every day...


pippithepirate August 1 2007, 21:19:40 UTC
Pippi, quite into her work, didn't notice the other girl at first. She was lapsing into the second verse of her song, and then happened to look up, spotting Jemima, and abruptly interrupted herself.

"Hullo!" she said companionably. "So that's where you're standing. How good for you!" There was a slight pause. "Staying silent for too long is bad for you, you know. If you don't use your mouth, it can fall off. That happened to a Chinese man I knew once. Once day he stopped talking, and his mouth fell off, just like that! It was a great nuisance to him, let me tell you, to not have a mouth."


moonlit_jemmers August 1 2007, 22:32:24 UTC
Jemima was used to random conversations after spending her whole life as Etcetera's best friend, but this girl even surpassed her spontaneity.

"Oh, well," Jemima hesitated, "that does sound rather inconvenient."


pippithepirate August 1 2007, 22:47:17 UTC
"Yep," said Pippi merrily. "Very inconvenient it was, especially during the meals."

Mr. Nilsson decided to make a sound then, and chirruped loudly, sticking up his head from the bale of hay where he'd been snoozing. It really took a lot out of you to go out into the Forbidden Forest and be deathly intimidated by giant spiders. He blinked sleepily.


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 16:46:43 UTC
Mel had had the window open just in case any owl should come calling. She had settled down with the Angel Handbook.

Pippi's singing had changed all of that. Mel is currently hanging out of the window, openly gawking that there is a REAL LIVE ACTUAL HORSE. In, like, speaking-to distance.

To stay in and read or go out and say hey to the horse and his girl? No contest. In about five seconds, Mel is by Pippi's side.

'You have a horse? That is so cosmic!'

Ahh, council estate life.


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 17:19:35 UTC
((Mr. Nilsson climbed with Mel-mun's permission!))

Mel had not so much as spoken before Mr. Nilsson perked up, made an exctatic chattering sound and climbed up the angel's leg to sit on her shoulder and rub his head lovingly against her cheek. Little Old Man looked happy too, but settled for giving Mel's hand an affectionate nuzzle. Clearly, having an angel around was a wonderful thing.

Pippi also noticed the change in environment, though without really paying attention to it. Her disposition was sunny enough as it was without any angelic help, and she beamed at Mel.

"I just got him back," she said proudly. "He was running around in the Forbidden Forest with the unicorns." She peered at Mr. Nilsson. The last time she'd seen him take to someone that fast, it had been that angel boy...


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 17:28:08 UTC
Mel giggles, raising a hand to stroke the monkey's tail and using her other to pat Little Old Man's nose.

'Unicorns?' Mel asks, beaming back. 'Lucky boy. Did you meet any when you found him?'

Her tone is anything but patronising. Little kids are often smarter than adults, especially when it comes to angelic stuff. She's hugely interested, fizzy with happiness at the way the animals are reacting and bubbling over with excitement at seeing a real live HORSE. Monkeys were seen in zoos before.


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 17:38:22 UTC
"Lots of 'em," said Pippi serenely. "They told me where he was. I think it was about time I came by to pick him up, really, or they would have been angry." She patted Little Old Man's side and gave him a little smile. "Hope he hasn't turned into a wild horse. That would be difficult."

Or maybe not. Pippi believed it was possible for humans to walk on water. She really didn't think it could be that hard to tame a wild horse... She stopped the grooming and gave Little Old Man an apple to chew on, while she herself popped a sugar cube into her mouth and bit into it with a crunching sound. And then she offered one to Mel. No one could say that she wasn't polite!


lilypotter60 August 5 2007, 01:34:08 UTC
Lily had been out for a ride on her own horse, Agrippa. The mare wasn't nearly so large as Little Old Man, but he did just fine for Lily; in fact, the moment the pair spotted Pippi, Agrippa was all for joining in the spoiling.

"Oi!" Lily grinned, trotting up to Pippi and dismounting. "How've you been, love? Long time no see." Agrippa felt this conversation wasn't nearly so apple-focused as it could be. Nudging her mistress, the horse then sent longing looks at the hay and the grooming tools.


pippithepirate August 5 2007, 09:39:18 UTC
Another horse! Little Old Man decided to stand up a bit more. He was a dashing specimen, oh yes he was...

Pippi gave him a funny look and then her face broke out in an enormous grin at Lily. Mr. Nilsson made a chirping sound of recognition, and then returned to what he'd been doing, namely picking his tail for fleas and whatnot. Pippi took a break in the grooming of her own horse to go over and take a look at Lily's.

"Yes, it's been a long time!" she agreed, holding out a hand toward Agrippa's muzzle. "Oh, and you have a horse! Maybe you'll know what to do with mine, then. I just got him back."


lilypotter60 August 5 2007, 12:44:23 UTC
Agrippa quite approved of Pippi. She seemed to have the right idea about apples and horses and lots of petting. Nuzzling into the girl's hand, Agrippa gave a quiet, happy snort.

"What are you hoping to achieve with him?" Lily asked with a fond grin. Pippi really was one of Lily's favourite people, and the girl was just so full of energy she made everything around her glow. Her own hand went to stroke lightly down the side of the Little Old Man's neck. "He's quite lovely, your horse, Pippi. Does he have a name?"

Turning to the monkey, she then added, "And hello, Mr. Nilsson. I'm sorry I don't have any bananas on me for you. You'll have to come by our room later and Sirius can get one for you. I know he's missed you." She smiled at Pippi. "And you as well!"


pippithepirate August 5 2007, 16:41:41 UTC
Pippi stroked Agrippa over the silky nose, maybe murmuring a couple of kind words in special greeting to the animal. Nice horse, this!

"Not really," she replied. "I just call him Little Old Man." It was a term of endearment in Swedish, rather like 'sweetie' or 'darling.' Pippi had never called her horse anything else. "I need somewhere to put him," said the girl thoughtfully, as she took a sugar cube from her pocket and held it out to Agrippa. "He used to live on the verandah back home, but this castle lacks one of those." She paused. "The angel said something about stables, so I suppose I should find those."

Pippi kneeled down to let Mr. Nilsson climb up on her shoulder. She listened to him chirp and chatter, and then nodded. "He says that he'd like to come over. And I would too! Can Little Old Man come, if he promises to behave?" What? Pippi could carry him up the stairs, no problem.


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