Socking and Open RP: How Pippi Got Her Horse Back.

Aug 01, 2007 19:08

((Fake cut-tag leads to Pippi's journal, in which she meets a sparkly vampire! Pippi's favourite song is in fact her own themesong, in the original Swedish, thank you VERY much. =D Feel free to let you characters come across Pippi when she's grooming her newfound horse!))

( She’s got a smile that it seems to me / Reminds me of childhood memories / Where everything / Was as fresh as the bright blue sky )

* * *

So was it that Pippi Longstocking rode up to Hogwarts castle, whistling her favourite tune (since it was about her, of course it was her favourite!) loudly enough for anyone to hear. Her horse, white with black dots, took this with apparent calm, being well used to his mistress whistling while on his back, and Mr. Nilsson also seemed happy that things had finally returned to normal.

A House-elf scurried out, eying the horse in wonderment before bowing deeply to Pippi, wondering in her squeaky voice if there was anything the girl wanted.

Pippi thought about it. “Yeah,” she said finally. “A bag of oats, lots of hay, a brush and comb for grooming my horse, a tub of water, some sugar cubes, aaand... an apple!”

She was going to spoil Little Old Man, oh yes indeedy! There was much work to be done here. She wondered if this place had a porch. Little Old Man was used to living on a porch, and maybe a stable would make him nervous. …Then again Pippi could always carry him into the Gryffindor common room and let him stay there. Maybe he’d think it was too stuffy, though. And maybe he’d eat all the red curtains and things. Hm.

Several House-elves appeared with the desired objects, and Pippi thanked them with a bright grin before getting to work. She took a death-defying leap off the horse, dragging the tub of water over for him to drink from and piled up a bale of hay for him to eat, putting the horsey treats away until after she was done grooming.

“Off with you, Mr. Nilsson, I’m gonna groom until I’m all groomed out!” she announced cheerfully and shooed the monkey off Little Old Man’s back.

Then Pippi began to remove all the dirt from her horse, who was munching away merrily and occasionally closed his eyes in the enjoyment of being looked after. As so often, Pippi began to sing while working.

“Hello little horsey / You are so sweet of course-y / You are a real good pal, you / The best pal one could have...”

mel beeby, jemima, edward cullen, pippi longstocking, rp, sock, lily potter

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