Socking and Open RP: How Pippi Got Her Horse Back.

Aug 01, 2007 19:08

((Fake cut-tag leads to Pippi's journal, in which she meets a sparkly vampire! Pippi's favourite song is in fact her own themesong, in the original Swedish, thank you VERY much. =D Feel free to let you characters come across Pippi when she's grooming her newfound horse!))

( She’s got a smile that it seems to me / Reminds me of childhood memoriesRead more... )

mel beeby, jemima, edward cullen, pippi longstocking, rp, sock, lily potter

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totallyluminous August 2 2007, 16:46:43 UTC
Mel had had the window open just in case any owl should come calling. She had settled down with the Angel Handbook.

Pippi's singing had changed all of that. Mel is currently hanging out of the window, openly gawking that there is a REAL LIVE ACTUAL HORSE. In, like, speaking-to distance.

To stay in and read or go out and say hey to the horse and his girl? No contest. In about five seconds, Mel is by Pippi's side.

'You have a horse? That is so cosmic!'

Ahh, council estate life.


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 17:19:35 UTC
((Mr. Nilsson climbed with Mel-mun's permission!))

Mel had not so much as spoken before Mr. Nilsson perked up, made an exctatic chattering sound and climbed up the angel's leg to sit on her shoulder and rub his head lovingly against her cheek. Little Old Man looked happy too, but settled for giving Mel's hand an affectionate nuzzle. Clearly, having an angel around was a wonderful thing.

Pippi also noticed the change in environment, though without really paying attention to it. Her disposition was sunny enough as it was without any angelic help, and she beamed at Mel.

"I just got him back," she said proudly. "He was running around in the Forbidden Forest with the unicorns." She peered at Mr. Nilsson. The last time she'd seen him take to someone that fast, it had been that angel boy...


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 17:28:08 UTC
Mel giggles, raising a hand to stroke the monkey's tail and using her other to pat Little Old Man's nose.

'Unicorns?' Mel asks, beaming back. 'Lucky boy. Did you meet any when you found him?'

Her tone is anything but patronising. Little kids are often smarter than adults, especially when it comes to angelic stuff. She's hugely interested, fizzy with happiness at the way the animals are reacting and bubbling over with excitement at seeing a real live HORSE. Monkeys were seen in zoos before.


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 17:38:22 UTC
"Lots of 'em," said Pippi serenely. "They told me where he was. I think it was about time I came by to pick him up, really, or they would have been angry." She patted Little Old Man's side and gave him a little smile. "Hope he hasn't turned into a wild horse. That would be difficult."

Or maybe not. Pippi believed it was possible for humans to walk on water. She really didn't think it could be that hard to tame a wild horse... She stopped the grooming and gave Little Old Man an apple to chew on, while she herself popped a sugar cube into her mouth and bit into it with a crunching sound. And then she offered one to Mel. No one could say that she wasn't polite!


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 17:45:17 UTC
Mel grins, now scratching the horse behind an ear. 'He doesn't seem too wild to me. Really? A whole herd of them? Wow...'

Mel tries to envision a herd of milk-white steeds galloping over open fields, all majestic and noble and mystical. Thankfully, this overly-romantic vision evaporates when the sugar cube is offered to her by the freckled Swedish redhead. Mel accepts, nibbling at a corner of it.

'I'm Mel,' she says. 'It's nice to meet you and your animals.'

(Also, it's totally possible to walk on water if you're a trainee angel having their initiation.)


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 17:53:26 UTC
"I'm Pippi," said Pippi, and gestured at the monkey. "He's Mr. Nilsson, and the horse is Little Old Man." She paused, listening to the monkey (which was currently not making any sound whatsoever) and the looked up at Mel with a... sort of serious look on her face. "He says it's nice to meet you, too."

She took a few steps back, put her hands at her side and regarded Little Old Man with a critical eye. "Now the question is where he's going to live. Do you know if there are any porches around?" She looked at Mel, frowning. This was a Very Important Issue.


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 18:01:59 UTC
Totally unconcerned about the effect of monkey claws on her top, Mel holds up a hand to shake Mr. Nilsson's paw, and then turns her attention to Pippi.

'I don't know if castles are big on the porch thing,' Mel says thoughtfully. 'I've never really even seen a horse this close before. How about the stables? I'm sure we have some. I just have no clue where. You kept him on a porch before?'


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 18:17:00 UTC
Pippi nodded. "Yep, back home in Villa Villekulla. But I used to carry him down whenever I wanted to have my afternoon coffee." She wiggled her nose thoughtfully. "I suppose stables would be alright. When you lack a porch you have to try and make the best of it."

There was a slight pause. "I'll have you know that in India, every single castle has a porch. They wouldn't build them otherwise! Says it takes away the charm of it." Pippi nodded seriously. "But that hasn't reached here yet, it seems. Oh well."


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 18:23:55 UTC
'Wait. Wait. Back up.'

Mel looks a little perplexed.

'How can you carry something down from a porch?'ve been to India? Oooh, what's it like?' Since I'll be going there in my next book '...apart from the porch-castle ratio.'


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 18:43:44 UTC
"It's easy, you just use the stairs." Ohhh, someone to tell her travelling stories too! Brilliant. Pippi brightened. "Oh, it's marvellous," she began. "You know, I've been everywhere in the whole world and I really like India. Everybody there walks on their hands, did you know that? They look so oddly at you when you walk on your feet that you have to walk on your hands while you're there, or you don't fit in at all."

To emphasis this, Pippi turned herself up and down and began to promenade around on her hands, with her large shoes waving back and forth on the air like two huge, black TV-antennas.


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 18:51:47 UTC
'I think,' Mel says thoughtfully, 'If I ever go I'll be invisible.' She doesn't really think Pippi needs to get over that mental hurdle.

Setting Mr. Nilsson on Little Old Man's back, Mel easily stands on her own hands, hair trailing on the ground. 'But just in case, is it like this?' Perhaps not for long, however, because she quickly overbalances. 'I suppose I should practice more.'


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 19:11:16 UTC
"Oh well, that settles it, then," said Pippi calmly, still upside-down. "You'll fit in, no worries."

There was a slight pause before she actually thought of asking, "Why would you be invisible?" After all, that sounded a bit more complicated than learning to walk on your hands... A neat trick, though. Pippi could do an awful lot of things, but turning invisible was unfortunately not one of them. She wondered if it was something she could learn.


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 19:20:52 UTC
...damn, apparently Pippi dos want to ask. Mel laughs nervously. She promised herself she wouldn't go around with the 'I'm an angel, ask me how!' sticker anymore.

'It's just a thing I can do,' Mel says evasively, rubbing her nose. 'You know, like some people can roll their tongues and cartwheel and stuff.'


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 19:40:00 UTC
Pippi always asks. She nodded politely, and rolled her tongue, to prove that she could do that. Then , granted, most people could actually perform that little trick. Then again, there were probably fewer that could do it while standing on their hands, which she was still doing ( ... )


totallyluminous August 2 2007, 20:07:13 UTC
Pippi, Mel feels, would make her presence felt whatever state she was in.

'Well. That seems like rotten luck,' Mel says carefully, unsure about how to approach this particular kid. 'But then he probably shouldn't have slept with his mouth open.'

Mel smiles. 'And seriously, it gets annoying when people walk through you. And you can't eat food that's for humans.' No, instead there's the trail mix, which deserves to be burnt...


pippithepirate August 2 2007, 21:29:52 UTC
She nodded solemnly. "His family said that too. Well, he ought to be happy the snake didn't at least crawl into his mouth! Not everyone are that lucky."

Pippi had a tendency to catch on to specific words. Words like... 'humans.' "So what are you, then?" she asked. No judging, of course. She was just curious.


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