Some V-day gifts from Elric, Jherek, and the Baron Harkonnen

Feb 14, 2011 20:05

Gifts from the Eternal Champions-
Valentine's Day technically meant nothing to the incarnations of the Eternal Champion present at Hogwarts. One, Elric, only knew of it because he'd been at Hogwarts longer than he would have liked, and, knew that it had something to do with giving gifts to people you were interested in. The other, Jherek Carnelian, knew that it had something to do with heart-shapes, the color pink, and presents, and as such seemed a fun little game.

And so, both Elric and Jherek Carnelian elected to give a few gifts.

From Elric to Ariane Emory II-
Elric's eye had landed on Ariane Emory of late, and so, she was the recipient of his actual Valentine's Day gift. As he wasn't stuck in Hat Shore dome like the contestants, Elric took a break from Adjudicating to go to Hogsmeade, figuring that nothing too interesting could happen while he was away. And if something interesting did happen, well, he might actually be diverted for a moment on his return. As it happened, he was diverted on the way home from Hogsmeade, instead.

While in Hogsmeade, Elric had asked around at various little shops regarding gifts a pretty girl might like, and had ended up with a box of fancy wizarding candies shaped like magical creatures, enchanted in a way similar to chocolate frogs. He also got her a bouquet of color-shifting roses, enchanted to keep. Several of these had been somewhat squished during his unexpected diversion on the way home, which involved an altercation with a large, reddish, growling creature, which might or might not have been a bear before Stormbringer finished it. And so, Ariane will receive not only the chocolate and roses, but also a huge, shaggy red pelt, which has been pretty well-cleaned.

From Elric to Smaug -
Smaug will also receive some gifts, although, Elric had not determined them as "Valentine's gifts", exactly, since he wasn't trying to get laid by his draconic friend. A few shiny crystal balls had caught Elric's eye on his trip, and, so he purchased them for Smaug- one is of clear quartz, another of amythest, and a third is of smokey quartz. None of them are very high quality, each containing various flaws, occlusions, and fogginess- which was why Elric could afford them without resorting to robbery. They are still shiny, pretty, and rather sizable baubles. A little stand comes with each- Elric predictably selected dragon motifs for these. Smaug will also receive a pile of unidentified meat, stripped of its previous fur covering.

From Jherek to Ariane Emory II-
The other incarnation of the Champion, Jherek Carnelian, was not exactly that usual sort of Champion. He'd never killed anything or anyone in his life, at least not deliberately. It was likely that everyone at the End of Time had made something or other that had just happened to accidentally kill someone or other, but, as everyone could be ressurected with ease, this was no big deal. But like the other Champion at Hogwarts, Jherek had taken a liking to Ariane Emory. Unlike Elric, Jherek had no particular hopes of gaining sexual attentions from Ariane Emory, and rather, chose to give her presents as a friend.

For Ariane, Jherek kept to the "Under the Sea" theme of the upcoming Hat Shore party. He transfigured up a bouquet, this one of chocolate seashells, on long, shimmering rose-stalks, quite edible. He also transfigured her up a set of jewelry, made of living seahorses. The seahorses are inclined to artfully entwine together to form a necklace, bracelets, and diadem. That they are exposed to the air does not seem to affect the artificially-created creatures, which are more colourful than a natural seahorse, and inclined to shift like chameleons to match whatever their wearer is wearing.

Gifts from the Baron Harkonnen-

Although not at all inclined toward insispid pink-covered holidays, the Baron nevertheless gave a few Valentine's Day gifts, one to his fiance, another to his 'assistant' (adopted Hogwarts son, in Vladimir's mind), and a third to a relatively new acquaintance of admirable intellect.

From Vladimir to Valentine-
Valentine Wolfe's gift of drugs and shiny trip toys was given to him in a separate thread.

From Vladimir to Jasper-
Vladimir's gift to Jasper is an only partly a physical one. For the physical portion, Jasper will receive a pair of bespoke garnet-and gold cufflinks. The garnets are absolutely flawless, and cut as smooth cabochons to resemble small drops of fresh blood, set within a band of polished gold. If held up to the light, a ghostly form is apparent in reverse intaglio, resembling the Harkonnen griffon. Jasper will also receive a fancy wizarding day planner, gilt-edged in gold and bound in white dragonhide. This is mainly to contain the handwritten note thanking Jasper for all his hard work as his assistant, which promises to take him on a vacation to any terrestrial destination he desires.

From Vladimir to Ariane Emory II-
Ariane's gift was not inspired by any sort of attraction or romantic inclination. Rather, Vladimir had grown to appreciate the girl the Hat had sent to him for research in Reality TV, as she was sharp as a tack, not creepy, and highly skilled in behaviorism despite her young age. She also seemed to lack complicated moral reservations. In other words, she was a good addition to his list of acquaintances, and, his own knowledge in behaviorism indicated that Ariane would probably enjoy being remembered on such an occasion- provided it was clear that the motive wasn't carnal. Thus, Ariane would recieve a day planner similar to Jasper's, but, edged in silver and bound in blue hide, along with a note wishing her a happy day of Earth festivities.

vladimir harkonnen, elric of melnibone, jasper hale, ariane emory ii, jherek carnelian, valentine wolfe, smaug

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