Remember that vid I
worked on like crazy in April/May? And that I couldn't finish due to computer trouble and uni stress? And that I still haven't given up on?
Turns out that, as I feared, someone else discovered what a great LoM vid Tom McRae's "A & B Song" would make, and vidded it during my mini-GAFIA: I have no idea what the vid's like - don't want to watch it before mine's done, so as not to get influenced by it. I still want to finish mine. Unfortunately I first need to reinstall my entire system to be able to do that, and before I can do *that* I need to finish a lot of uni work. :-(
I feel really uncomfortable about it all now, though. But I can't let that vid idea go, I *need* to finish it. I can only hope that my vid will be good enough to justify its own existence despite there already being another vid to the song...
(A *very* preliminary version of my vid can be found
here. It's an *early* version (even though it's version no. 17), and the latest version, which is about two thirds finished, is quite different in terms of timing and some of the clips chosen etc.. I wish I could continue, but every time I try to render it my computer crashes.)
ETA: I would very much appreciate it if someone could have a look at both vids and tell me if any parts of mine could be seen as copying the other vid. I would like to prevent that, although I'm not sure that I can think of alternative clips for any of the parts of my vid without - possibly - destroying its structure.
ETA2: I angst about this to a ridiculous degree, really. *tsks at self*