Title: "A and B Sam"
Music: A and B Song-Tom McRae
Made by:
walkwithheroes Details: 28 MB, WMV, 4:16 minutes
Theme/Other: 'A' and 'B' in the song are both Sam. 'A' is the part of Sam that wants to stay in, likes staying, in 1973. 'B' is the part of Sam that (mostly) just wants to 'wake up' and go home. This is my first Life on Mars video. I enjoyed making it, but I do wish it were a bit better. Because, I used Windows Movie Maker, some of the scenes aren't as well cut as I would like. (Plus, it jumps for a second once or twice.) Clips from all eight episodes, so there are spoilers. Hints of Gene/Sam, Sam/Annie, and Sam/Annie/Gene. (So, really it is like the show.)
To 2006...er, my journal for links