I saw it posted and thought of you. I understand the discomfort (really, I would have angst, too), but you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that yours was not derivative and was, in fact, already in progress long before this one came out. Go on with it (when, you know, not impeded by the crashing). Once the LoM fandom grows and there are more vids, there will be tons of duplication/overlap (just like in any other fandom) and this will be the least of it considering that yours was ENTIRELY inadvertent.
Don't angst so much. Make your vid. Post it. I doubt anyone will be pissy with you and if they are you can point them in the direction of the LJ entries showing that you had started it as early as April.
My suggestion would be not to consider what might be "considered derivative" whether it's through watching it yourself or getting someone else to watch it for you, because then it'll affect your clip choice and ultimately you may not be satisfied with your vid, which would really suck seeing as how it's got such a powerful hold on your brain.
I had a look at walkwithheroes's vid and found it to be very different from yours. Hardly any scenes are the same, the idea (A and B) is handled quite a bit different and both of your interpretations can stand on their own. So stop worrying and finish the video already. ;) Won't say anything about your vid itself now, after all you said you changed a lot and I don't want to influence your first vid.
One more thing: Reading through your past entries made me understand the reasons why everyone keeps complaining about WMM a lot more. I had no idea how difficult it makes the adjustment of the length of a clip and little things like that. Makes me wonder if I had gotten past my first vid, had I started with WMM.
Comments 3
My suggestion would be not to consider what might be "considered derivative" whether it's through watching it yourself or getting someone else to watch it for you, because then it'll affect your clip choice and ultimately you may not be satisfied with your vid, which would really suck seeing as how it's got such a powerful hold on your brain.
One more thing: Reading through your past entries made me understand the reasons why everyone keeps complaining about WMM a lot more. I had no idea how difficult it makes the adjustment of the length of a clip and little things like that. Makes me wonder if I had gotten past my first vid, had I started with WMM.
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