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Belgium - chocolatnwafels
Belgium - belgiqueroyaume
Holy Roman Empire - sacrumromanum
Belgium - chocolatnwafels
South Carolina - confedsfave
Belgium - belgicite
....what, no, no, I do not have some sort of. Obsession with playing Belgium. No. You're insane.
Belgium: Bella is the sweetest succubus Ivan has ever had the fortune of meeting, that's for sure. I will say, however, that Bella seems to be a little too random at times? I know crit about cruelty must sound strange coming from me, but I think she's occasionally mean in ways that either aren't called for or are too extreme for the country that she represents. The difference between sweet!Belgium and I-shoot-little-boys!Belgium is too large to be congruous, imho, and I'd suggest toning the fiery side of her down a notch or two. Of course, Bella is very much your character, more so than usual because I have no idea how she acts in canon, or if she has even appeared in it yet. So you are free to totally ignore me if you wish (though that is always an option). Er, I hope that didn't come across as a Grand Admonishment. If it does, you can kick me and get Italy to help you :'D ( ... )
Belgium: I'ma tone it down a bit, really. Since I've been experimenting at the different places, tryin' to find the right match. Ehhheheh. Thanks for the concrit on here ♥ I take it very much to heart.
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