Life For Rent: Time Will Tell - PG-13, KoyamaPi; RyoShige

Mar 04, 2009 09:56

title: Time Will Tell
author: nihongofrancais
genre: RPS, NEWS
pairings: Koyama/YamaPi, Ryo/Shige
rating: PG-13
word count: 8,583 words
summary: AU Future. Continuation of "Easier Said Than Done". Koyama and YamaPi are the in same city now, but there is still a great distance between them.
author's notes: see here.

Time Will Tell )

ginzarhapsody, pairing: nishikato, pairing: koyamapi, fandom: je!fic, special: life for rent, rating: pg-13

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Comments 52

arisa_draconis March 6 2009, 12:00:31 UTC
I love it.

And I love the way you wrote Pi's Seventeen page.

Will there be a sequel for this? Like a happy ending?

Will look forward for more of your fics!


ginzarhapsody March 7 2009, 13:43:43 UTC
Thank you for your comment and reading!

I don't think there will be a sequel. I wanted it to be an open ending for this fic because really, that represents the fresh start that Koyama and YamaPi need. Though, I think the open ending is a pretty good happy ending in and of itself! ;)


inala March 6 2009, 14:00:19 UTC
wow - what a gripping read to get to a beginning. Just heart-wrenching. A suffering Koyama tears me up every time, and needy Pi looking for love in all the wrong places... Definitely going to read this again tomorrow. It's going to haunt my dreams tonight I'm sure.

Beautiful job. Thank you.


ginzarhapsody March 8 2009, 04:31:28 UTC
wow - what a gripping read to get to a beginning.

You know, I had to reread that sentence like three times before I got it. XD But you're totally right; I hadn't even thought of it like that. That they went through so much, just to find the beginning again. :)

It's going to haunt my dreams tonight I'm sure.

I hope not in a bad way! :c

Thank you for reading and for your lovely comment. ♥


catskilt March 6 2009, 14:50:37 UTC
asd;jchasjk;ch my comment won't do this justice ever because I'm just not good enough to write a good enough comment but...

♥ ♥ ♥

I really liked the whole setting of NEWS having broken up in 2006 (not that I LIKE NEWS being broken up, but), your example of what might have happened to them in that scenario was spot on. I loved angsty Koyama because he's almost never angsty in fics and even though this is a different side of him completely, you nailed him <3 and of course, the reminiscent and bittersweet feel of the whole story that makes me flail a little. KoyaShige bff-ery in this = ♥. (can you tell that I'm losing coherence?) and the final 0403 essay was brilliant, it sounded so much like Yamapi and what he would say, if I didn't know it was from a fic I would think it was real. Loved this whole thing and thank you for sharing. Please receive hearts as I throw them in your direction ♥ ♥


catskilt March 6 2009, 14:51:37 UTC



ginzarhapsody March 8 2009, 04:35:50 UTC
I loved angsty Koyama because he's almost never angsty in fics and even though this is a different side of him completely, you nailed him <3

This comment kind of made me squee because you hit it so on the head. Not that I gave him perfect characterization (i'm not that conceited really! XD), but more so the fact that Koyama is never angsty in fics. When I originally started this almost nine months ago, that was what I wanted to accomplish more than anything else - was to prove that Koyama could angst just as hard as the rest of them. Yeah, he's happy and bright, but hell if I'm not happy and bright to most people around me, but I can angst hard too, you know? I really just wanted to somehow capture that side of him.

And I will happily take hearts of all kinds. ♥ A comment of hearts would do even, so thank you for your comment of hearts and then some! I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. :)


catskilt March 8 2009, 11:30:55 UTC
Even if you were conceited, you have good reason to be ;)

While Koyama in RL seems to be quite happy-go-lucky and cheerful, there's definitely another side of him that's sensitive and angsty. His SCP for example, gave us a completely new view of a more serious Koyama who is as susceptible to sadness and hurt as anyone else. Besides, it's intriguing too, to think that a person who's generally happy can fall harder than other less-happy people! TBH while I like the happy Koyama in fics, I'm also tired of him being portrayed as happy all the time. Angsty Koyama is a breath of fresh air :D


badbatazz March 6 2009, 16:53:34 UTC
just read the whole au. somehow i can connect with koyama feelings


ginzarhapsody March 8 2009, 04:40:23 UTC
Thank you for reading! :)


sumomo_yuki March 6 2009, 17:07:12 UTC
i really liked this, for the fact that you chosen something somewhat soooooo common of a job and made Koyama into something we know he can make it successful. IT's interesting and I like how u make Shige like the epiphany to things... like u guys wrote, comes wif the territory and if no one hated him he won't be doing his job... awesome!


ginzarhapsody March 8 2009, 05:25:28 UTC
Is being a travel agent a really common job? :o I suppose it sort of is, but I was just going for the business office feel; though, at the time I started writing this, I was sort of working with travel agents in my office, so I guess that had an influence. *chuckle*

Thanks for your comment and for reading! :)


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