A Chance Encounter

Jun 03, 2012 20:10

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28

“Ville, can you come here for a minute please?” my voice rang off the tiles of the crisp bathroom as I sat on the edge of the tub, pulling one of his large purple towels tighter around me. The sound of bare feet echoed down the hall, stopping just as his face came sneaking around the door.

“Yes dear?” Ville inquires in a slightly mocking tone with a lopsided smile decorating his lips.

“Well,” I started as his shirtless form steps into the quiet room, “either your shower hates me or it’s just plain broken.” I explain as his smile turns to a look of confusion and one eyebrow slowly rises. A deep questioning grumble reverberates out of his chest as he walks over to stand at my side.

“I doubt it hates you dear.” planting a quick peck on the top of my head he turns to the faucet, leaning over the tub attempting to bring the shower to life. After a few minutes of twisting knobs and confused grunts I watch out of the corner of my eye as he gives up and turns to me, “Appears to be broken.”

“I see,” Slipping my arms around his waist, letting my hands rest on the denim covering his ass, “and I really wanted a shower.” A quick laugh escapes him as his fingers find their way to my hair, “Come on you can’t tell me that after last night you don’t need a shower.”

“Let me think about this, spending a whole day with the smell of us covering me?” Ville scratched his chin in mock contemplation, eliciting a gentle swat on the ass from me.

“I’m being serious.”

“So am I sweetheart,” his voice sinking into that lower range as he brought his lips to hover just above mine, “that smell will remind me all day of what I get to come home to.” Those familiar soft lips barely brushed over mine, moving instead to land delicate nibbles on my jaw.

“Ville, don’t you have things to do today?” my voice shaking as those talented lips moved down over my neck, finally reaching my collar bone. Kneeling in front of me, Ville’s fingers trailed up my arms and over my chest, gently pulling the towel open, exposing my skin to the air, and my lover. “mmm, Ville. . .”a moan slipped past my lips as those long fingers pinched down on my nipple.

“I love you so much.” green eyes drifting into mine as his lips finally landed square on mine with a firm pressure that reminded me of desperation. The room filled with the sounds of our timid breathing, creating a peace that as quickly shattered by the metallic sound coming from Ville’s pocket. Slowly breaking our kiss, he shot me an apologetic smile as he brought the small silver phone to his ear. In that large bathroom, where I sat naked on the side of the tub, with Ville between my legs, I watched his smooth lips as he quickly rambled through a conversation in his native tongue. I studied the shape of his top lip, how one side seemed to have a sharper angle than the other; I watched the offset movement of those pale pink lips that formed the sounds I still couldn’t place; and as he spoke I let my hand gently reach out and caress his smooth jaw, drawing his eyes back to mine as he continued his hypnotic conversation. A few minutes passed before he flipped the phone shut, not once looking away from me.

“And?” I ask casually, still caressing his features, as if making sure he was still there and not some phantom that existed only in my mind.

“I’ve got to head to practice,” reaching for my hand, he entwined his long fingers with mine, gently drawing my fingers from his face, “you still got your heart set on that shower?”

“Yeah,” giving his hand a firm squeeze “but I don’t see that happening any time soon.”

“Well. . .” his words trailed off as he placed a trail of soft, wet kisses from my collar bone to my ear, “I’ll have a plumber come over today,” his warm breath against my ear sent a chill through me, “but for now,” sharp teeth bit gently into my earlobe, “Mana said you can go shower over there.” A deep moan rolled over my lips as those kisses made there way back down my neck, stopping abruptly at my collarbone, “so get dressed and get some stuff thrown together and I’ll have Matti drop you off.” a smile played over his lips as he stood and walked away, leaving me sitting on that cold tub, wanting more. Fifteen minutes later I found myself in the back of a very familiar car, holding a back pack containing clean cloths, on my way to the home of a woman I’ve never meet to take a shower. Ville and Matti shared a quick conversation before the black car pulled away form the curb.

“Matti’s gonna drop me off at the studio and then take you over to Linde and Mana’s place,” Ville explained quietly as was made our way through the Helsinki streets. His hand engulfed mine in a comforting caress, “You’re going to love Mana sweetheart, she’s really one of the nicest people I’ve ever meet, and don’t worry she speaks great English.” he finished with a large smile

“Oh, I’m not so worried about that, it’s just odd to meet someone for the first time when you’re going to use their shower.” I let a laugh escape me as I heard how silly my own words sounded. The ride to the studio was fairly short and very quiet. The silence that filled the car felt imprisoning, but I shrugged it off, chalking it up to Ville having jitters about the upcoming tour. “I’ll see you later this evening?” my words half a question, half an attempt to get his attention as my thumb traced a slow line down the back of his sturdy hand.

“Yeah,” his voice echoed with a sigh of frustration and I felt my heart crack as his shoulders slumped forward slightly just as the car stopped in front of a non-descript red brick building.

“Baby?” giving his limp hand a gentle squeeze, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” his head spun around, our eyes meeting in an almost desperate glance, “just wish I didn’t have to leave you today.” there was a sadness in his thick voice I didn’t quite understand - a sadness I had never heard before..

“It’s only for the afternoon.” I shifted on the leather upholstery to get a better look at my seemingly distraught lover. “Then tonight we can do something fun.” His lips finally cracked into a suggestive smirk before landing one of those all too familiar tender pecks on my forehead.

“I love you Meg.” and with that he was out of the car and I was headed to my shower.

“Here we are Miss Waters.” My attention was brought to a narrow townhouse style brick building Matti had parked the car in front of.

“Thanks Matti.” Grabbing my bag I stepped out of the car and walked up the stairs, giving the small silver doorbell a quick ring. It was only a second or two before the door swung open and I was standing face to face with a tall, slim, dark haired woman in a white fitted t-shirt and blue jeans. “Mana?” I inquired as if I was sure I’d been dropped off at the wrong house.

“Meg.” Her eyes lit up as she stepped aside, a genuine smile brightening her face, “please come in dear.”

“Thanks.” I walked past her, into the bright modern looking house “This seems really odd, but I really appreciate you letting me use your shower.” She walked past me after closing the thick door, tossing me another casual smile over her shoulder.

“No problem really Meg,” she motioned for me to follow her up a narrow stair case to the right of the front door, “you two hadn’t seen each other in a while, so I have no doubt you need a shower.” Giving me a knowing wink as she stopped in front of an open door, “The bathroom’s all yours, I’ll be downstairs, we can have tea or something when you’re done.”

“Sounds great.” and I disappeared into the large white room. Thirty minutes later I emerged from the room feeling clean, but still worried about the state I had left Ville in earlier that morning. True to form I found Mana downstairs in the kitchen, the tea kettle just starting to whistle as I walked into the room.

“Feel better?” She asked, attending to the kettle and two mugs that were sitting on the counter.

“Much, thanks again.”

“Have a seat dear. I wanna know all about you.” slipping into one of the white kitchen table chairs I felt my cheeks warm at her last comment.

“Ok,” taking my mug from her as she took a seat across the table from me, “what do you want to know?” and as the cliché goes, so began a beautiful friendship. Mana and I sat in her kitchen talking for hours and through mug after mug of tea.

“Meg, I know we’ve only known each other a couple of hours,” raising my mug to my lips I drained yet another mug full of tea, “but is something bothering you, you seem worried about something?” Meeting her gaze I felt my right eyebrow rise as I realized how alike Linde and Mana really were - they both seemed to know when something was nagging at me.

“Actually,” I began, handing my mug back to Mana as she walked back to the still hot kettle, “I’m worried about Ville.” My words seemed flat as I waited for a reaction from Mana, who was already back at the table.

“What happened?” her words careful, just as Linde’s had always been.

“He didn’t seem himself this morning,” turning my head to look out the window which overlooked the small backyard with an even smaller garden of brightly colored flowers, “He seemed very distant, upset about something.” Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Mana sat back in her chair, nodding her head slowly. “He’s not a happy person,” looking in Mana’s blue eyes, “and I want to know how to fix it.” Mana gave me an almost pained look as she leaned over the table, resting her delicate hand on top of mine.

“I’ll tell you a few things about our dear Ville,” she began as her warm smile slowly dissipated, “he hasn’t been happy for a long time and honestly that’s why I wanted to meet you. Lately Linde can’t seem to mention his dearest friend without mentioning the woman that’s making him truly happy.” She chewed lightly on her bottom lip, looking for the right words perhaps, as I let what she’d just said sink in. “You have to understand something Meg,” a friendly smile spreading across her features, “Ville’s a very sensitive person, but he tries not to show it out side of his music and as a result he’s always living for the next moment, and I’m willing to bet that though you’re gonna be here a while longer, he’s probably already playing the events of when you leave through his mind. . .and then of course there’s the tour. I mean don’t get me wrong, he loves that feeling of being on stage, pleasing the masses, but the down time, the interviews, it all gets to him.” I nodded, patting Mana’s hand.

“Thank you for being so honest with me.” We took our hands back and both reach for our cooling tea, sipping eagerly at the smooth liquid. “Mana, I wanna do something nice for Ville, well for all the guys really, but I need some help.” She gave me an entertained, yet slightly confused look. “Ville’s made it plenty clear that his home is my home, so I was thinking it would be nice to surprise the guys by inviting them all over to Ville’s place and making them all dinner.” Mana furrowed her brow gently, letting the idea roll over in her head for a minute, before addressing me with an overwhelming smile.

“Sort of like a casual surprise dinner party.” She announced with a hint of wonder in her eyes, “let’s do it tonight.”

“What?” the shock in my voice evident.

“It’ll be perfect, I’m sure Veranda’s home, we can call her, go shopping and still have plenty of time to get everything lined up before they get done rehearsing.” I thought about it for a minute, and the longer I thought the more my mind kept drifting back to that sad tone in Ville’s voice earlier that morning.

“Yeah, it might do Ville some good to spend some time hanging out with his friends.” I finally agreed as Mana walked to the phone to call Veranda.

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