A Chance Encounter

Jun 01, 2012 23:35

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapter 1-7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27

Ville and I spent the greater part of that lazy day wrapped up in a few blankets on his couch watching an array of movies. I tried my best to keep my attention focused on the films and not worry about the impending dinner, but it seemed that every few minutes my mind forced me into a stern reality check. I was going to meet Ville’s parents and there seemed to be no way around it. About an hour after our movie marathon had finished I found myself standing in Ville’s bathroom, regarding myself in the mirror over the sink.

“Why the fuck are you so worried about this?” I quietly asked my anxious reflection as my hands found their way through my hair once again. I had been standing in front of that mirror for over forty minutes, using the excuse that I was getting ready, when the truth of the matter was I’d been ready for the past half hour, I was just putting off the inevitable. “Ok,” I mumbled as I quickly searched my outfit for flaws: black leather boots with a nice heal, covered with casual black slacks, topped off with a slightly eye catching black tank top that was decorated with silver rivets around the neck and arms, “let’s do this” I whispered, turning the doorknob and finally emerging from the bathroom. Following the sounds from the television, I made my way into the living room where Ville was casually sprawled out on one of the black couches watching what I could only guess was the local news. “Well you look good.” I announced in a teasing tone, though I was quite serious. Black trousers, black boots, and a black and silver striped dress shirt with the top few buttons left open was his chosen attire, and it was very becoming on him.

“I was getting ready to call my parents.” he turned to look at me for the first time that night.

“Why?” With a sly smile he stood and walked over to me, wrapping those lanky arms around my waist.

“To tell them we weren’t coming because you were too afraid of meeting them.” The smile on his lips only grew as he spoke.

“Not funny Mr. Valo.” I playfully pouted, wishing that he couldn’t see how nervous I was.

“You have nothing to worry about love,” his lips landed on my forehead for a brief second, “wait right here, I have something that would look great with that outfit.” I cocked an eyebrow as I watched him drift down the hallway and into his bedroom, only to return back down the hallway a minute or two later with his hands hidden behind his back.

“And what have you got there?” I inquired, trying to peak around him as he stood in front of me with a Cheshire cat grin decorating his lips.

“Close your eyes.” his voice was barely above a whisper, but that was all it took to make my eyelids fall. I felt his fingers brush against the sensitive skin of my left wrist before the sensation of cool metal against my skin caught my attention. “There,” he whispered, lips dangerously close to my ear, “now you look perfect sweetheart.” A chaste kiss landed on my cheek before I opened my eyes to inspect my wrist: a delicate white gold chain link style bracelet with a small diamond encrusted heartagram decorated my normally naked wrist.

“Ville,” I gasped quietly as I looked into his beaming emerald eyes “it’s perfect.” my cheeks grew warm as I stood there lost in his eyes, letting my fingers slip lazily over the sparkling adornment.

“The perfect gift,” his hands cupped my cheeks as his lips lingered dangerously close to mine, “for my perfect girl.” Our lips met for a short but passionate kiss, it was the type of kiss that always felt like a first kiss, the kind that makes your knees weak no matter how many times you’ve kissed the person before. Our lips slightly swollen and cheeks flushed, we finally broke our kiss and headed out to dinner.

The taxi ride to Ville’s parent’s house wasn’t too bad. In the 35 minutes it took us to get there Ville managed to calm me down for the most part, but as soon as we found ourselves standing on their front porch the knot in my stomach started to grow.

“Relax Meg,” Ville took my trembling hand in his, “it’s gonna be fine” he reassured me before ringing the doorbell. It only took a second or two before the thick door flew open revealing an ecstatic looking older women.

“Ville.” the women threw her arms around Ville’s neck, pulling him into a tight embrace and began speaking in quick Finnish to him. The Finnish came just as quickly from Ville as he returned the embrace. After a few moments the mother and son finally pulled apart and Ville glanced in my direction and thankfully started speaking in a language I could understand.

“Mom, this is Meg, and she doesn’t speak Finnish,” Ville’s eyes caught mine, “at least not yet.” he added with a smile causing me to arch an eyebrow.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Valo.” I started nervously, offering my hand for a friendly handshake. She gave me a smile I recognized as distinctly Ville and quickly wrapped her arms around me in a warm hug.

“It’s so good to meet you and call me Anita” she spoke in slightly broken English as she pulled away from me and motioned for us to follow her into the house.

“I told you not to worry.” Ville whispered in my ear as he pulled the front door closed behind us. His warm hands rested on my shoulders as we followed Anita the short distance to the homey kitchen. Painted an inviting light yellow, that kitchen was the type of kitchen that was rarely found back in the states; the type of kitchen that screamed of family and meals spent talking with one another about their days. Without even seeing the rest of the modest house I knew from the feel of that kitchen that this was the heart of the Valo home.

“Kari,” Anita brought me back to reality and drew my attention to the gruff looking man standing at the stove, “Ville and his lady Meg are here.” Kari turned around to greet his son with a quick hug and what sounded like warm words.

“Daddy, I want you to meet Meg. . .”

“Hello, I’m Kari.” he cut his son off, offering me his hand, which I took in a casual handshake.

“It’s lovely to meet you Kari.”

“Why don’t you kids sit down while we finish making dinner?” Anita suggested, directing Ville and I to the small round table only a few steps from the stove.

“Why don’t you let me help?” Ville attempted to protest, but was quickly shut down by a few quick words in Finnish from his mother. As we each took our seats at the table I noticed that all the nerves I had experienced earlier were completely gone; I suddenly felt as though I’d known Anita and Kari for my entire life, and that brought a slight smile to my face.

“So Ville, what have you been up to?” Anita inquired as she started bringing plates to the table.

“Not much,” his fingers entwined with mine on the table, “just getting ready to head out on tour, trying to get everything in order before I leave.” A jolt of confusion ran through me as he punctuated his last statement with a squeeze of my hand. I turned my head to meet his luminous evergreen eyes and with a cock of my head and a slight furrow of my brow my silent question was asked; however his eyes provided no silent answer, instead they pleaded amused confusion.

“Reindeer burgers are served.” Kari announced, cutting our silent conversation short as dinner began. Our meal was filled with chatter mostly about the new album, the tour and how excited Ville was about touring the states. I sat watching the playful banter between parents and son, simply enjoying the overwhelming sense of family that seemed to encompass the room.

“Well Ville,” Anita began during a brief moment of silence, “I’m glad everything is going well,” her gaze turned to me, “but I’m dying to know about you Meg.”

“Ok,” a smile accompanied by a slight blush crept across my lips, “What would you like to know?” I inquired, now giving Anita a large smile.

“What do you do for a living?”

“I’m an author,” Ville’s hand landed softly on my thigh as he gave me that beautiful smile that told me how proud he was of me, “my first novel is gonna be published in January.”

“Oh a novelist,” Kari beamed, raising his glass to his lips, “Let us know when it’s out, we’ll have to get a copy.”

“I’ll send you one, then you can say you got it straight from the author.” I laughed quietly as Kari gave me an encouraging nod.

“So how did the two of you meet?” Anita leaned forward, resting her arms on the table, obviously anxious to hear every detail.

“Actually we met in a bar. . .”

“Now that sounds like my son, busy drinking his life away.” Kari interrupted playfully.

“But it was a good thing I was there,” Ville began his reasoning, “this lovely lady and her friend were in need of a helping hand.” That slightly juvenile laugh coated his words as Anita and Kari looked on slightly confused.

“My friend was in no condition to walk back to her room,” nodding at the still grinning Ville, “and this gentleman offered to carry her back for me.” That’s how the next three hours of my life went. Ville and I sat there answering every question under the sun, everything from what we did on our first date, to how did I like Helsinki and somehow Anita even managed to toss in a quick invite to share Christmas with them; an invitation I quickly sidestepped since Ville and I hadn’t really talked about our future.

“Well sweetheart, I’m gonna go grab a few things I left here last time I was home and then we better head out, it’s getting late.” Ville announced before leaving me at the table with his parents. There was a brief moment of silence, during which Anita shot Kari a meaningful glance which he quickly took note of.

“Hey Ville, I’ll help you.” Kari yelled after his son as he hurried out of the room after him leaving Anita and I in the kitchen.

“Thank you so much for the lovely dinner tonight.” Anita smiled graciously.

“I’ve never seen my little boy so happy.” She leaned across the table, gently taking my hand in hers and looking me dead in the eyes. “You’re good for him, the best woman he’s ever brought through those doors, and I can tell you love him, even for all his flaws.” Her eyes drifted down to our hands, “I just hope that you’re both prepared for the uphill battle you’re going to face.” She patted my hand gently as I let her caring words to sink in.

“It doesn’t matter how hard the battle is Anita,” those motherly eyes came back to mine, “you’re son has saved my life in so many ways, I have no intentions of letting him go.”

“Good,” Anita’s smile mirrored mine as she gave my hand one final pat “then I’ll expect you here for Christmas.” It wasn’t long before our taxi arrived and we all shared quick goodbyes. As the taxi pulled away from the curb Ville slipped an arm over my shoulder and I snuggled into his chest.

“So what were you and mom talking about?”

“Oh nothing much.” I mumbled into his chest.

“Come on, you know you want to tell me.” I raised my head so I could study his emerald eyes as I spoke.

“We talked about me coming for Christmas.” I said with a grin as I watch his inquisitive expression change into a pleased smile.

“Good” he whispered before bringing his smiling lips to mine in a soothing kiss.

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