A Chance Encounter

May 13, 2012 01:09

Title: A Chance Encounter
Rating: NC-17, not at the beginning, but it gets there
Pairing: Ville and Meg (You don't know her yet, but read on and you will)
Genre: Drama/Romance
Disclaimer: I own Meg, Alice, Christina, and Sandi as they are all of my own creation. As for everyone else, don't know and don't own. And I'm willing to bet this never really happened.

Chapters 1-15

A heavy chill slithered down my spine as I watched Ville slowly bring his drink to those pale pink lips.  A deluge of thoughts passed through my startled mind: What should I say? What could I say? What could he expect? But most importantly, what did I expect, desire even?  His cold green eyes darted away from my gaze, looking intently at the ice which lay in his chilled glass.  The silence growing between us was beginning to feel like an un-crossable canyon.  He shifted uneasily in his seat and I felt my heart jump slightly, afraid he was getting up to walk away from me: he didn’t though; instead he nervously crossed his legs, resting his left elbow on the table.

"Can I tell you a story?” Ville’s words were so timid, almost childlike.  Never before had I heard him sound like this, his voice lacked the confidence and strength it usually gave off.  I gave him an encouraging nod as his eyes glided over my face.  “I met this lady, a few weeks ago, right here in fact.” He took a brief pause to look around the poorly lit room, before regarding the ashtray where he was extinguishing his cigarette.  “She’s fascinating. . .timid, but determined. . .kind. . .loving. . .innocent. . .”

"I doubt she was innocent” I half mumbled to myself sarcastically with furrowed eyebrows.  If I knew anything I knew that I was not innocent.

“Well you’re wrong.” His assertion was flat, cold even, causing my eyes to travel up to meet his.  A haze of disappointment covered his gaze “She is innocent, and I don’t know why she can’t see it.” His words seemed to trip absentmindedly over his lips before he pulled his eyes down to his hands which were clamped firmly around his glass.  “I promised I’d never hurt her, but I did.” He swallowed hard before raising his eyes to mine once again, gripping my gaze in his wounded green orbs “I made a mistake. . .one that no amount of ‘I’m sorry’s’ can change.”  The pain was blurring his once crisp eyes with the warm tears that were threatening to escape.  As much as I had enjoyed the thought of him being in pain these past few days, the sight of his pain was killing me now.  Though he had brought it on himself, all I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and hold him, as he had done all those times for me, but I knew that I couldn’t.  So instead I looked down to my hands and watched as I turned the silver ring on my left middle finger.  Ville drew a sharp, ragged breath “I am sorry.”  Out of the corner of my eyes I watched as his hand snaked towards mine on the table.  As his delicate hand found mine, he let his finger tips rest briefly on my little finger, as if he was afraid to touch me.  After a moment his hand slipped back to him and I watched as he tried unsuccessfully to give me a little smile.

“I know you’re sorry,” my words took on a life of their own, passing through my lips before I had become aware of them “but I. . . I just don’t understand. . .I mean, if you were with her . . .”

“I wasn’t. . .I’m not.” Frustration coated Ville’s deep voice.  I found his eyes focused on me, pleading as they had the other morning.  Pleading for me to understand, for me to not leave.  “It wasn’t like that Meg,” he explained shaking his head “she had visited, but nothing. . .until that night. . .” his voice trailed off; I didn’t need a reminder of what had happened and my face told him that.

“And what about the next time she shows up at your door?” those words came out of my mouth like venom.  I wanted nothing more than for all this to be over, to have never happened.  Slowly my hand combed through my hair, trying to straighten my thoughts, but it didn’t help.

“There won’t me a next time Meg. Please,” I looked up to find two tears sliding carefully down his alabaster face “I can promise you that”  My eyes studies him as he slowly brought another chemical infused stick to his lips.  Those long, elegant fingers fumbled with the red plastic lighter, taking five piercing turns on the little metal wheel before that cigarette would light.  His chest rose unevenly as he took a deep drag of momentary relief.  The gray smoke lingered around his lips as he spoke with is head hanging down and shoulders slumped forward “I’m so sorry.”  His last words caught in his throat before he started to chew nervously on his softly trembling bottom lip.  His pain was unbearable, our pain was unbearable, so I let my small hand slip across the cool wooden table to his; my finger tips slid gently over his fingernails.  Our eyes looked down upon my simple gesture, neither of us sure exactly what it meant.

“You look like you’ve had a rough weekend” I whispered without moving my eyes from our hands.  The sound of a small nervous laugh escaped him, finally cracking the tension surrounding us.  I slowly let my demure hand slip over his, resting silently there on his familiar skin.  I never told him I accepted his apology or that I forgave him: I don’t know that I ever did forgive him.  Our eyes met again, but for the first time his eyes didn’t look into me, rather those emerald eyes opened enough for me to truly see him.

“I. . .” inarticulate words began to slip off his normally well spoken tongue “I don’t know if I can be.  .” he looked as though tears might leap from his eyes, but they never did: had all his tears dried up like mine? “. . .what you need me to be.”  Furrowing my brow I shook my head at his surprising words.

“I don’t want anything from you except the person that you are Ville.” Those whispered words landed on him, softening his pleading eyes slightly as my fingers curled around the sides of his hand.

“Will you come back to the house with me?” he asked killing his cigarette in the little dish “There’s something I want to show you.”  My head nodded without asking my permission and before I had time to change my mind we were getting into a cab heading for the house.  We didn’t exchange one word during that cab ride, rather we sat in the back, my hand still loosely wrapped around his, watching the scenery go by.  When we finally arrived, Ville paid the cabbie and pulled me into the empty house.

“Where is everyone?”

“They’re all taking a little vacation this week.”

“From recording?”  An almost inaudible sigh passed from him

“We’ve postponed recording for the week, and no, they’re taking a vacation from me.”  Finally I turned to look at him for the first time since we left our bar; the circles under his eyes looked darker than they had earlier as he looked around the vacant living room.

“You really are a pain in the ass aren’t you?” my attempt to break the tension only resulted in a small fractured smile on his lips.

“Come on,” he pulled me along, heading upstairs.  I walked as far behind him as I could without letting go of his hand as I remembered the last time I had made this walk, only then I had Linde standing behind me.  As we reached his bedroom door he stopped and looked at me, finally a true smile graced his lips.  “This is going to seem really stupid.” His cheeks slowly started to color as he spoke, causing him to turn away from me.  Tired of playing our little game, I rested my free fingers on his now prickly chin and brought his apprehensive looking face back to mine.

“No it won’t, I promise.” My expression and my voice were quite serious considering the longer we stood there the more nervous I became about what could be awaiting me behind his door.  Leaning down he briefly rested his lips against my forehead and without turning around, he open the door behind him.  As we walked into the familiar room I took it all in.  The bed was made, clean sheets, but everything else was a mess, a bigger mess than I remembered seeing the other night.  Clothes covered the floor, leaving only a path from the door to the bed and over to the bathroom; cd cases, beer cans, cigarette packages, and discarded lighters littered the floor, the dresser, and the bedside tables.  The drawers of the imposing dresser were all slightly open with random clothing hanging out of them like carcasses.  Ville walked past me, taking a seat on the edge of the bed as I continued to survey the destruction.  His suitcases were thrown in a corner of the room, next to a small collection of shoes.

“This is me.”  His flat words brought my attention back to him.  Sitting on the edge of the bed he was watching me for a reaction.  “I’m a mess, emotionally, physically, and literally.” He finished by taking a quick grimacing glance around the room.  Laughing I negotiated my way to him, slowly running my hand through his short, yet obviously uncared for hair.

“You think I didn’t know that?” his face was serious when he looked up to me.

“I’m sorry Meg, please, I don’t want to lose you. . .”  As my finger landed on his lips his words stopped.

“No more apologizing Ville, what’s done is done.”  My finger slipped off his lips and traced the prickly fuzz that was growing on his top lip and chin “Do you know how ridiculous this looks?” my words were covered with a small laugh.

“I haven’t been out of bed really since I last saw you.” He grinned, reached up and took my hand in his, pulling it against his lips briefly.  I pulled him to his feet slowly and led him to the bathroom, hand in hand.

“Sit.” I instructed as I lowered the lid on the toilet.  Ville cocked an eyebrow, obviously confused, but he followed my instructions none the less.  Opening the medicine cabinet I found his shaving gel and a razor and brought them to rest on the counter next to the sink.

“Oh no,” he laughed, finally figuring out what I was up to “you’re not getting anywhere near me with that razor, you’ll cut me.” His eyes danced as I looked into them while turning the faucet on.

“And Mr. Valo, where could I find a clean washcloth?” I asked with a sly grin as I placed a chaste kiss on his rough chin.  Pulling away I saw him pointing to the cupboard under the sink.  I opened the small door and pulled out two dark purple oversized washcloths.  Ville studied me as I ran one on them under the warm tap, letting the moisture seep into it.  He kept his eyes on my face as I ran the soaking wet cloth over his chin and upper lip, getting his supple skin good and wet.  Tossing the cloth onto the counter I dispensed a small amount of the cool blue shaving gel into my wet palm.  After turning the blue gel into a small mound of white lather in my hands I slowly slid the light foam over Ville’s unshaven skin.  His green eyes finally fell closed as my hands moved gently across his face.  Even though he had put up a small protest about this, he now looked perfectly content, satisfied even, and that brought a smile to my lips.  I rinsed the remaining foam off my hands before picking up the razor.  His eyes were still closed, but flew open as soon as I straddled his legs and sat on his knees; instinctively, his hands came up to rest on  my hips, pulling me slightly closer to him.  I paused for a minute, thinking that I should still be mad at him, but there was something about his touch that made all of those thoughts vanish.  Maybe I was stupid for running back into his arms so quickly, but those long slender arms felt right.  Again he let his eyes fall closed and he lifted his chin slightly, letting me know that he was ready.

“You can breathe Ville,” I started to slide the razor over his chin as he sucked in his bottom lip gently “I promise I won’t hurt you.”  I let the razor float over his skin once more before leaning and thrusting it under the faucet and then returning to his face.  After about five minutes of this, I tossed the razor into the sink, picked up the wet washcloth and rinsed off his once again smooth face.

“You’re good at this.” His words were whispered as he kept his eyes closed, but began to tighten his grip on my hips.  I exchanged the damp rag for the dry one and gently patted his face dry.

“I know” I rested a quick kiss on his nose.  “All done, and not one drop of blood.” His eyes opened just as I was running a finger along the dark circle under his right eye.  “You should take better care of yourself, you look so tired.”

“I haven’t been sleeping well, something’s been missing.” His lips stared to turn up as he spoke.

“Well you should figure out what that something is and fix it.”  I cocked an eyebrow as his lips took on a full blown Cheshire cat smile.  His hands slid off my hips and under my ass.

“That’s very good advice.” His words ended just as he stood up, holding my body up against his, forcing my legs to wrap themselves around his narrow waist.  I buried my head in the crook of his neck as he carried me out of the bathroom towards the bed.  Stopping at the bed, he let his lips rest against mine.  The gentle caress of his tongue against my lips was all it took to get my mouth to open for him.  I let myself explore his warm mouth, savoring that familiar taste on my tongue before he broke away from the deepening kiss.  “Will you take a nap with me?” he asked while placing a kiss on my neck.  I nodded silently as I leaned my head to the right, giving him better access to my sensitive skin.  Still holding me up, he crawled onto the bed, before leaning me down until my back was against the mattress and his body was resting firmly on mine; his tender mouth never left my neck.  A small moan erupted from me as he pulled away from my neck, tugging at a small piece of my skin as he did so.  He slid off of me and we turned on our sides, facing each other, as his hand traveled up the side of my body, over my shoulder, until he rested the palm of his hand on my cheek.  “Nice shirt.”

“I forgot I was wearing it.” I looked down, remembering that his shirt was still covering the top half of my body.  His hands slowly found their way back to my waist and he pulled me up close against him, holding my body tighter than he ever had before.  The muscles in his arms were visibly tensed, as if he thought I might runaway.  Smiling, I nuzzled myself into the spot on his chest that I had become accustom to.  “So what are you gonna do all week with everyone gone?”

“I don’t know?” his voice was heavy with sleep.  I let my eyes fall closed as I knew his already had.

“You should come home with me.” I whispered, not sure if he had heard me, or if he was even awake.

“Alright sweetheart.” He mumbled.  A few minutes later his breathing became slow and steady.  I smiled to myself knowing that he was asleep and knowing that I was back where I belonged.  My body began to relax as I drifted into rest thinking about spending the next few days with Ville.

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