Letting Go (4/13)

May 23, 2010 20:54

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there's similarities, it's only coincidences.

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Junsu kneeled beside Yoochun and pouted. "Hyung, please?"

"No is a no, Junsu. Don't you understand me?" Yoochun casually flipped his newspaper to another page.

Junsu sighed. He had no other choice but to use 'that'. He turned his face at Yoochun and put his hands below his chin. He gave Yoochun his best puppy eyes. "Hyung-ah, do you want to see me cry?"

Yoochun gulped. He did not want to lose, but he couldn't resist those eyes.

"Hyung~" Again, Junsu called and show him his puppy eyes.

Standing up, Yoochun groaned in frustation. "Okay! I'll go!"

"Yes! I love you, hyung!" Junsu hugged Yoochun lightly and skipped towards the kitchen where Yunho is. Yoochun felt his heart beat faster when Junsu said he love him. But, Yoochun know, Junsu could never love him more than friend.

Junsu entered the kitchen with a smile on his face. But he gasped when he saw Yunho was holding a knife.

"Hyung! What are you doing?!" He ran at Yunho and pushed the knife away. Yunho startled at Junsu's sudden appearance.

"Junsu?" He tried to break free from Junsu tight grip on his wrist, but he's too weak. "What are you doing here? Weren't you in the living room?"

"Why did you want to cut yourself?!" Junsu yelled. His tears are now running down his face. He couldn't help but be worried over the older man, even though the latter didn't really like Junsu's existence.

Yunho hated himself for ever wish that Junsu doesn't exist. Junsu is such a good man. He cares about other people too. He wiped Junsu's tears and tried to smile. "Junsu, I think you misunderstood. I wasn't trying to cut myself."

Junsu looked up. "Really?" He sobbed. Yunho nodded. Junsu wiped away his tears and smiled too. "That's great then. I'm sorry for misunderstood, hyung."

Yunho ruffled the younger man's hair playfully. This is a good feeling. It's like he's having a younger brother he could never have. "So, are you looking for me or something?" He asked.

Junsu nodded. He grinned at Yunho. "He agreed!" He gave two thumbs up at Yunho and smiled widely. Yunho raised an eyebrow in confusion. Seeing this, Junsu whispered at Yunho's ear. "Yoochun-hyung agreed to go out on a date with you."
Yunho's eyes widened. He stared at Junsu like an idiot. He's just too shocked to say anything.

Junsu shook Yunho's shoulder lightly. "Hyung? Are you okay?"

Yunho nodded but he can't make any sound. So he hugged Junsu tightly as if letting him go will wake him up from this dream. Junsu-ah, thank you, he said in his mind.

As if he can read Yunho's mind, Junsu rubbed Yunho's back and smiled. "You're very welcome, hyung."

“Have fun today, hyungs!” Junsu waved his hand at both Yoochun and Yunho. Yoochun turned at Junsu again.

“Junsu-ah. Are you sure? I can help you, you know. You don’t have to clean the house by yourself.” Yoochun tried to persuade Junsu. Junsu shook his head hard.

“No way! I will cry if you don’t let me repay my stay here by cleaning your house! After all, I’m staying here for free.” Junsu pouted. He offered Yoochun money, but Yoochun refused, saying that he doesn’t need Junsu’s money. He said that having Junsu around is more than enough for Yoochun. But Junsu is not satisfied with it.

Yoochun sighed. “But Junsu, I already told you-”

Junsu cut Yoochun’s words. “No. I will still clean your house whether you like it or not.” Yoochun was about to say something when Junsu pulled him close and whispered to his ear. “By the way, hyung, I want to see a happy looking Yunho-hyung when he got home later, okay?”

This is like a burden to Yoochun. He doesn’t like being nice to Yunho, moreover bring him out for a date. But since this is Junsu’s request, he doesn’t have the heart to object him.

Yoochun nodded. “Okay. Promise me not to work too hard, okay?”Junsu gave him a smile and nodded. He mouthed ‘okay’.

After making sure Yoochun’s car is not in sight, he quickly close the door and ran to his room. He searched for his bag and took out a piece of letter from it. He sat down on his bed and read the letter again.

Junsu sighed.

It’s from Seoul Hospital. That’s the place where he’s going to be in two months time. He’s going to spend the rest of his life there, and it hurts. He’s not going to meet Yoochun and Yunho. He’s not going to meet Changmin and Kibum. Also, he’s not going to meet Jaejoong again.


They’re now sitting inside a café. It’s an awkward, yet comfortable silence. Junsu stole a glance at the man in front of him.


Junsu almost jumped when Jaejoong suddenly called out his name. He stuttered. “Ye-yes?”

“Can we still be friends after this?” Jaejoong asked. He didn’t look up to meet Junsu’s eyes, but Junsu knows Jaejoong is scared. He’s scared of Junsu’s answer. Where was Jaejoong who look calm and composed? Junsu didn’t know.

They’ve just finished submitted the divorce papers and now the divorce is under process so they only need to wait for the call from the court.

“Do you know that I could never hate you?” Junsu asked. Jaejoong looked up and confusion is written on his face. “You were my best friend when we were young, and you’ll always be.”

Jaejoong looked sad at Junsu’s answer, but still smile nonetheless. “Junsu-ah. Do you know that I’ll always love you?”

Junsu felt as if someone had just slapped him on his face. He felt guilty and wished he didn’t break up with Jaejoong. But it’s too late. Everything is just too late now.

Jaejoong hold Junsu’s left hand with his right and squeezed it lightly. “I let you go now, because I love you, Junsu-ah.”

______________________________End of Flashback_______________________________

Junsu wanted to tear the letter into pieces. He wanted to run away and live a normal life. But he couldn’t. Not with this damn sickness.

“I’ll always love you, Jae.”

Putting the letter aside, he stood up and starts cleaning the house.


The ride to the amusement park was a silent one. Yunho kept on stealing glances at Yoochun who seems too focused on driving the car.

“Don’t misunderstand, okay? I take you out was because of Junsu’s request. It’s not like I want to anyway.”Yoochun said. Yunho tear his gaze away from Yoochun. He frowned. Junsu again. For Yoochun it was always Junsu. Why can’t Yoochun forget about Junsu just for today?

“We’re here.” Yoochun opened his door and go out from the car. Yunho followed after him to the ticketing center.

They’re now standing in front of a ticketing lady. She smiled to them. “Hello. Welcome to Tokyo Disneyland. Ticket for two, sir?” She asked Yoochun. Yoochun nodded. “Okay. It’ll be 13,000 yen, sir.”

Yoochun hand her the money and take the ticket from her hand and walk away. Yunho still stood in front of the lady. She smiled at him. “Sir, today we have new attraction for couple. Hope you’ll enjoy it with your boyfriend.” Yunho nodded and smiled back at her before ran towards Yoochun who is standing near the entrance gate.

“Where do you want to go first?” Yoochun asked. Yunho wanted to answer anywhere is fine for him, as long as Yoochun is there, but he doesn’t want to make Yoochun angry. At least, not today.

“Can we go to Mickey’s house?” Yunho asked. Yoochun nodded and walk in front of him. Yunho smiled and follow Yoochun.

They spent the whole day playing and Yoochun, unconsciously smiles once in a while seeing Yunho’s clumsiness when he played in the shooting game. Yunho almost shoot another customer, but luckily Yoochun held Yunho’s arm. Yunho couldn't help but blushed.

They’re now sitting at the Tomorrowland’s café. At first Yunho wanted to sit at Toontown’s café, but Yoochun refused. Saying that it’s too childish. Yunho couldn’t help but follow Yoochun. They’re sitting face to face but no words spoken. Once in a while, Yunho would steal a glance at the handsome man in front of him, who is his husband. He smiled. Even though Yoochun never treat him like a spouse should be, but he never cared. It’s because he loves Yoochun too much.


“Appa, I don’t want to get married.”

Mr Jung looked up and sees his only son standing in front of him. “Yunho? Why? I thought you agreed with it?”

Yunho frowned. “I know I did. But I don’t want anymore. Not after I know he likes another guy.”

Mr Jung chuckled. He stood up and walks towards his son and wrapped his arm around his son’s shoulder. “Well, would you change your decision after you know that he’s already agreed to marry you?”

Yunho’s jaw dropped. “Really?!” He’s surprised. Is this really true? It’s not a dream, is it?

Mr Jung nodded. “Yes. So, from now on, I might start calling you Mrs Park, then.”

Yunho blushed. He hit his appa’s shoulder playfully.

______________________________End of Flashback_______________________________

“Yah, are you finish?”

Yunho startled by Yoochun’s voice. He looked up and saw Yoochun is already standing up. Today is already over? But Yunho doesn’t want it to be over yet. Not without a memory. “Ehm, Chunnie?” He called out. Yoochun turned at him. “Can we take one picture from today, please?” He asked, no, begged. He begged Yoochun to agree.

Yoochun looked at his wife’s face and sighed. Well, it’s not a bad thing anyway. After all, he still needs to show Junsu the evidence of a happy looking Yunho. “Okay. Come here.”

Yunho beamed happily and skipped towards his husband. He wanted to hold Yoochun’s hand but he’s surprised when Yoochun hold his first. His heart almost jumps out of the rib cage when Yoochun whisper in his ear. “Smile now.” Yunho blushed.


Yoochun released Yunho’s hand as he examined the picture. Yunho’s hand feel warm after Yoochun held him. He wanted more of them, but he knows he couldn’t.

“This is good. Now, let’s go home.” Home. Home is where the heart is. For Yoochun, home is where Junsu is. But for Yunho, home is where Yoochun is.


Chapter 5

A/N : A happy (?) day for YunChun~! Please forgive me for making Yunho hurt in the earlier chapter, so as my apology, I make Yunho happy! :) Please comment~! They make me happy. =)

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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