Letting Go (3/13)

May 21, 2010 20:55

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there's any similarities, it's only coincidences.

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

He looked down at his feet again. What the result will be? Will it be positive? Or negative?

"Kim Junsu-shii."

He stood up and walk to the nurse who stand in front of him. "Oh, yes?"

She handed him a folder and smiled. "Congratulations, Kim Junsu-shii. It's positive."

Junsu wanted to hug her for telling him such an amazing news, but he stopped himself as he knows it's not appropriate to hug someone you barely know and in a hospital. He took the folder from her hand and smiled. "Thank you."

He couldn't help but grinning during the entire journey to Changmin's house. He can't wait to tell Changmin the great news that he just heard.


"Junsu-ah, where are you?"

"I'm at Changmin's house, hyung. Do you need me for something?"

"No, I was just worried about where you are, since you didn't tell me where you're going this morning." Yoochun could hear Junsu chuckled.

"You don't have to worry about me, hyung! I'm perfectly fine. If you're here right now, you'll definitely can see me healthy enough to strangle Changmin!"

Yoochun smiled. At least Junsu is happy. "Okay. Please be back for dinner, yeah? I'll be cooking your favorite dish again."

"Hyung." Junsu called out softly. Yoochun only answered with a soft 'hm'.

"Why don't you make Yunho-hyung's favorite dish today?" Yoochun froze. Yunho's favorite dish? Like he know what his favorite dish is! But he quickly recovered after he heard a soft 'hyung' from Junsu.

"Junsu-ah. I'll be cooking Yun's favorite dish today. So you have to come home and eat it with us, okay?" Yoochun pushed. He didn't care if he have to make Yunho's favorite dish today, as long as Junsu is there, everything won't matter.

He could imagine Junsu's smiling face when he replied in a cheerful voice. "Araso, hyung! I'll definitely be back before dinner!"

Then he hang up. He slapped his forehead and cursed. Shit, what is he going to make for dinner? He didn't know what Yunho's favorite is! Heck, he didn't even know anything about Jung Yunho, except his name and he's an heir for Jung corp.

He stood up and looked around the house for his wife. When he passed the bedroom, their bedroom, he saw Yunho's sleeping in the bed with his back facing him. He walked to the sleeping Yunho and shook his shoulder harshly.

"Yah, wake up." He called out.

Yunho jumped in surprise when he felt someone shook his shoulder. "Oh, Chunnie. Sorry, I fell asleep." He rubbed his eyes cutely and moved a little from the edge, to the center of the bed, expecting Yoochun to sit on the bed with him. But, Yoochun didn't.

"What's your favorite dish?" Yoochun asked coldly. Yunho looked up, confused. Why is Yoochun suddenly ask about his favorite dish? Is Yoochun going to cook his favorite dish tonight?

Grinning at the thought, he answered. "My favorite dish is anything that you make, Chunnie." He smiled lovingly at his husband. Maybe his husband had changed and return his feelings?

But Yunho is wrong. Yoochun shouted at him. "Don't give me crap like 'my favorite is anything that you make'! It's all bullshit!" Yunho jumped in surprised again at the sudden outburst.

He looked down at his finger. "I-It's true. I like ever-everything t-that you ma-make, Chunnie." Yunho was on the verge of tears.

Yoochun scoffed. "Don't talk about shit like that in front of me. I hate it. Now, tell me your favorite dish, or else I'm going to slap you again." Yoochun brought his hand to the air, almost hitting Yunho's soft cheek, but stopped when Yunho answered.

"It's omurice*."

Yoochun smirked. "Shit. Why did I have to waste my time asking you? Heck, I should've just cook my own favorite!" He turned to the door and walked out of the room.

Even though Yoochun is not in sight anymore, Yunho is still looking at the door. He said quietly, "I like it because it's your favorite, Chun."


"So, tell me the good news!" Changmin exclaimed as he shook Junsu's shoulders furiously.

"I-I wi-will i-if y-you st-stop shak-shaking me!"

Changmin stopped but the grin didn't leave his handsome face. "I stopped. Now, tell me!"

Junsu sighed. Why does he have such a childish person as a cousin? "Where's Kibum?" He asked. Ever since Junsu stepped into the house, he didn't see Kibum.

"Kibum's out buying groceries. Tell me. Tell me!" Changmin yelled again as he couldn't wait for Junsu's good news.

Junsu rolled his eyes at Changmin. He chuckled when he imagined Changmin's dancing WG's Tell Me when he said that.

"Yah!" Changmin yelled, startling Junsu who didn't respond to him.

Junsu waved his hand in front of Changmin's face. He sighed. "Araso. I'll whisper it to you." He signalled Changmin to come closer and whispered the good news in his ear.

Changmin pulled away. "You're kidding me, right?!" He gasped.

Junsu shook his head and smiled. "Nope. Don't you think it's a great news?" He chuckled. Changmin nodded furiously.

"Heck, this is the best news I heard today!" Changmin hugged Junsu and stroked Junsu's hair softly. "Congratulations, Junsu." He said as he hugged Junsu tighter. Junsu nodded and smiled.

"Should I be jealous here?"

They broke the hug when someone's voice interrupted them. And that someone, turned out to be Kibum. Changmin ran towards his lover and pecked the latter's lips.

"Bummie, you won't believe what our Junsu told me just now!" He grinned and slid his arm at Kibum's waist.

Junsu raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me? 'Our' Junsu? Since when did I become your child?" He pouted. He doesn't like the idea of becoming a child of a person who is a child himself. (A/N : Referring to Changmin)

Kibum smiled and walked to Junsu with Changmin trailing behind him. "Since forever, Junsu-ah." He caressed Junsu's cheek and pinched it lightly.

Junsu always loved how Kibum treated him. He never really like it when someone treated him like a child. But somehow, he liked the way Kibum treat him.

"So, tell me then." Kibum turned his attention to Changmin. Changmin smiled and nodded. Then he whisper the same thing that Junsu told him just now to Kibum's ear.

Kibum widened his eyes. He looked at Junsu, asking for confirmation. Junsu nodded and smiled. Kibum launched himself at Junsu and took the younger and smaller man into his embrace.

"Junsu! I couldn't believe it! You're going to be a mother!" He said happily. He pulled away to see a teary Junsu. "Hey, what's wrong?" He wiped Junsu's tears.

Junsu sobbed. "I'm sorry. I'm just too emotional right now." He said as he wiped his tears using his sleeves.

Changmin and Kibum exchanged looks before turning at Junsu again. They felt hurting seeing the younger guy cried.

"Does.. Jaejoong know about this?" Kibum asked quietly. Junsu shook his head. "But why, Junsu? He deserve to know. It's hi-" Kibum stopped when he felt a hand squeezing his arm. He looked down and saw it was Changmin's hand. He turned his head at Changmin and saw Changmin shook his head.

It's enough for now.


Chapter 4

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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