Letting Go (2/13)

May 21, 2010 02:06

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight Yoosu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own the characters above except the plot. If there's any similarities, it's only coincidences.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

"Do you know what I want to say to you?"

Junsu looked up, but doesn't look interested in what the other man is saying at all. "What?"

"You are the most stupidest person I have ever known in my whole life!"

Junsu rolled his eyes. "And here I thought you're the most genius person I have ever known. But I guess you're almost the same level as I am, since you can't even speak properly. Is 'the most stupidest' even a correct words?"

Changmin gave Junsu an of-course-I-know-that look. "Anyway, are you staying at YunChun's house now?" He asked, obviously trying to make himself less embarrasing in front of Junsu by changing the subject.

Junsu nodded. He took a sip from his orange juice. "I feel like a burden to them."

"Oh, don't be! I'm sure they're happy to have you around." Changmin said as he playing with his straw on his milk tea. Junsu looked at the man in front of him again and sighed. Sometimes Changmin can be as childish as a 4 years old.

Unconciously, he rubbed his tummy. "Changmin-ah. I think Yunho-hyung doesn't like me." He said as he looked down at his still full plate of spaghetti.

Changmin stopped playing with his straw, as he's far more interested in what Junsu is going to say.

"You know, he never really smiles when he saw me and I don't know if it wise to stay with them any longer."

Changmin shrugged. "Well, you are the one who came to them that day. If you chose to come to my house, Kibum will surely be happy to have you in our house. After all, he treated you like our son." Changmin smiled. Junsu nodded.

"Yes, I know. But that day, I couldn't think. I need someone who can listen to me-"

"I can listen to you."

"Yes, but you'll always end up calling me stupid or ask me to go back to him."

Changmin pouted. "What's wrong with it? I'm just being nice."
Junsu ignored him as he continues. "It's already been a week, but Yoochun-hyung didn't even ask me the reason why I'm staying at their house."

"Not even once?"

Junsu nodded. "Not even once." Junsu looked down again. "But now, I need to meet him again."

Knowing who Junsu meant, Changmin asked. "Are you meeting him now?" Junsu nodded. "Do you want me to be there with you? You know I can explain everything and I'm sure he will under-"

Junsu cut Changmin's words. "No. I don't want him to know. If it's successful, then I'll definitely go back to him. But if it doesn't.. then he won't feel the pain anymore." He could feel his eyes moistened after he said that. But no, he's not going to cry. He's not the weak Kim Junsu. He can't be weak. Not for him and not for..


"What?"  His voice cracked. He cursed himself for not being able to held it back.

"You know that you don't have to face all of this alone." Changmin gave his cousin's hand a little squeeze. Junsu appreciated this. Even a little gesture can make him happy.

He smiled. "Thank you, Changmin-ah."


It was Saturday morning and yet Yunho is sitting alone in the dining room. Yoochun is still sleeping in their room. He always woke up 2 hours earlier than Yoochun. He couldn't face an angry Yoochun when he wakes up in the morning. Yoochun is always angry everytime he woke up and found Yunho in the bed together with him.

Yunho sighed again. Why did he fell in love with such a guy? Why did he marry him?

Even Yunho himself didn't know the answers to those questions.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a sound of footsteps coming. He quickly wipe away his tears and getting ready to make Yoochun's morning coffee.

Without a morning greeting, Yoochun sat in his usual seat. "Where's Junsu?" That's all he could ever think about. Junsu this, Junsu that.

Yunho tried to sound normal. "He's out with a friend."

"A friend? Who?"

Yunho scared of Yoochun's tone. But he'll be in trouble if he don't answer those questions. "I di-didn't k-know."

Yoochun slapped Yunho harshly. "Why the hell you didn't know?! Didn't I ask you to take care of Junsu?!" He yelled.

Yunho brought his hand to the cheek Yoochun just slapped. He hung his head low. "I-I'm s-sor-ry."

Yoochun turned his back at Yunho. "Seeing you makes me want to puke." He said as he make his way out of the kitchen and to the bedroom. He closed the door with a loud bang.

Yunho fell on his knees and sobbed quietly. When is this torture going to end?


"You're here."

Junsu nodded. "Please have a sit."

Jaejoong sat in front of Junsu and order a glass of orange juice to the waiter. "So?"

Junsu was fidgeting in his seat. How could Jaejoong look so normal? Like nothing happened between them. "I wanted to talk about-"

"Where are you staying now?" Junsu was taken aback with the question.

"I-I'm staying at C-Changmin's house." Junsu answered.

Jaejoong looked at Junsu's eyes. "You lied. I went to Changmin's house and he told me you weren't there." Junsu cursed Changmin in his mind. "Why did you lie? Where exactly are you staying now?"

Junsu knew it was useless to lied to Jaejoong. As long as Junsu didn't tell him the truth, Jaejoong will keep on pushing him until he tell the truth. "I'm staying at Yoochun and Yunho-hyung's house."

Junsu was expecting Jaejoong to be angry, like he used to be everytime he knows Junsu is hanging out with Yoochun. Moreover, staying at his house now. But no. Nothing happened. Jaejoong only answer him with an 'oh'. And that's it.

"You're not angry?" Junsu asked. Actually, he's scared when Jaejoong is angry. But he even more scared when Jaejoong is not saying anything.

Jaejoong looked up (he was looking down at his finger the whole time) and shook his head. "Why should I? After all, you're not my wife anymore, Junsu."

Junsu's heart almost stopped when Jaejoong said those words. He wanted to laugh at his own stupidity. "Ri-right." How could Jaejoong look so calm about everything?

But that's what make Kim Junsu fell in love with Kim Jaejoong. Sadly, they're now history.

"So, when are you going to the court to submit the divorce papers?" (A/N : I don't know the procedures of getting divorce, so correct me if I'm wrong.)

Junsu tried to control his voice and not to break down there in front of his soon-to-be ex-husband. "Next Monday."

Jaejoong nodded. "Okay. Update me about anything else, yes?" Jaejoong smiled at the waiter who brought his orange juice. He drink the orange juice and smiled to himself.

Junsu smiled bitterly. Can Junsu see the genuine smile from Jaejoong ever again?

Chapter 3

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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