Letting Go (1/13)

May 20, 2010 19:43

TItle : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, 2U, KiMin, slight YooSu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I'll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the character above except the plot. If there're any similarities, it's only a coincidences.


Chapter 1

And there he is, standing in front of his best friend's house. He wanted to knock, but he doesn't have the strength to. So he decided to ring the bell. The bell rings twice. He can hear two footsteps making their way to the door.

"Junsu? What are you doing here?"

He couldn't take it anymore, and he collapsed in front of his best friend. The last thing he hear was Yoochun's voice calling out his name before falling into darkness.


Junsu opened his eyes. He tried to sit up, but he couldn't. He looked around the room. It's not his room, so where is he?

Then he remembered everything. Everything, when he told Jaejoong, his husband, that he want a divorce. And then he ran, despite being sick and..

He sighed. Then he end up going to his best friend's house, Yoochun. He must've bother them.

"Oh, you're awake." He looked up to find a smiling Yoochun. He tried to smile back, but it hurts too much. So he only smile a little.

"Did I fainted in front of you?" Junsu asked, looking down.

Yoochun makes his way to Junsu and sit on the bed. Junsu moved a little to give Yoochun space to sit. Yoochun nodded. He placed his hand at Junsu's forehead. "Oh, your fever is gone now. Thank Godness."

Yoochun smiled at his best friend, whom he knows ever since they're small. They were inseperable. That is until Junsu met Jaejoong during their university years. After they graduated from university, Jaejoong proposed to Junsu. Yoochun could still remember how happy Junsu was when Jaejoong proposed to him. But Junsu doesn't know one thing.

"Yoochun?" Junsu waved his hand in front of Yoochun's face and that is enough to bring Yoochun back to reality.

"Oh, yes, Junsu-ah. You need to eat this." Yoochun placed a bowl of porridge into Junsu's lap. "You have to eat. Or else, I'll get mad at you."

Junsu giggled. Yoochun loved that sound very much. "Araso, Yoochun-hyung. By the way, did you make this?" Junsu asked as he pointed to the porridge.

Yoochun nodded. "Yes, I made it. That's why, if you don't finish it, I'll cry." Yoochun said as he faking sobbing sounds. Junsu giggled again and start eating. Yoochun smiled. He'll do anything to hear that sound everyday.


His thought were interrupted when a soft voice calling his name. He turned his head to the door and saw Yunho standing there. "Oh, Yun. Come here." He gestured Yunho to come in and sit on the bed beside him and Junsu.

Yunho made his way to Yoochun, but he didn't sit on the bed. Instead, he only stand up beside Yoochun. Junsu stopped eating and looked up at Yunho. He nodded a little and then he smiled.

"Yunho-hyung. How are you?"

Yunho nodded, but he didn't smile back. "I'm fine. How are you and Jaejoong-shii?" Junsu's smile dropped when Yunho ask that. Noticing this, Yoochun decided to interrupt.

"Junsu-ah. I need to talk to Yun for a while. I want to see a clean bowl when I come back later, okay?" Junsu only nodded as a reply.

Just as soon as they're outside and close the door behind him, Yoochun turned his head to Yunho. "What was that, Yun?"

Yunho didn't look up. "What was what?"

Yoochun pinned Yunho against the wall and snorted. "Playing innocent, huh?" Yoochun's face is only an inch from Yunho's. "Didn't I tell you already? Don't talk about HIM inside my house!" Yoochun yelled loud enough to make Yunho jumped, but not loud enough to be heard by Junsu who is inside the room.

Yunho didn't reply. He's still looking down. He knew, making Yoochun angry is not a wise idea, but he's tired. Tired and sick of this.

"Fuck, Yun. Do you need me to spell it for you? Why can't you understand that I don't like it when HE is being mentioned in my house! Especially when it comes out from that filthy mouth of yours!" Yoochun yelled again.

Yunho looked up. "Will you love me then?" A pause as Yunho trying to compose his words. "Will you.. love me just like.. you love Junsu?"

Yoochun pulled away. He glared at Yunho. "I don't want his name being mention here ever again." Yoochun said as he make his way to the room where Junsu stay.

And the question.. left unanswered.


"Junsu-ah, are you okay?"

Yoochun was surprised to find Junsu in the bathroom, throwing up. Immediately, he rushed to the younger and rubbing slowly at Junsu's back to make him comfortable. After Junsu finished, he led Junsu back to the bed and lie down. He bring a glass of water and then helped Junsu to drink.

Junsu smiled, feeling grateful at Yoochun's attention. "I'm fine now. Thank you, hyung."  He lied.

Yoochun frowned. He always can read Junsu like a book. He could easily tell that Junsu just told him a lie. "Don't lie to me. What's wrong with you?" He pushed. He couldn't help but worried at the younger guy.

"I think it's only a gastric, since I didn't eat anything this morning." Yet, Junsu lied again. But this time, Yoochun seemed to believe him.

"That's why I always told you to eat according to the time! Now, see what happens?" Yoochun scolded. Junsu only smiled, but he knows his smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Hyung, where is Yunho-hyung?" Junsu asked, trying to change the topic. Yoochun frowned even deeper.

"Why are you asking him? You should be worried about yourself first! You just threw up! And that made me worried, Junsu!" Yoochun exclaimed. Junsu looked at Yoochun. He's upset because he made another person worried about him, yet again.

He grabbed Yoochun's hand and hold it with both of his hands. "Hyung, please. I'm okay. I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself. It's just that I forgot to eat this morning." He said. But deep inside, he's pleading for Yoochun to not ask about him anymore. He just don't want to cover it with another lie.

Yoochun sighed. He held Junsu's cheek with his free hand and caressed it softly. "Araso. Can you promise me to take care of yourself then?"

Junsu nodded. He smiled. At least Yoochun understand his silent pleads.

"Oh, Junsu-ah. Do you want to stay here?" Junsu look shocked at Yoochun's sudden question.

"You're not going to ask me anything, hyung?" Junsu asked as he look at Yoochun's eyes. Yoochun smiled and shook his head.

"I won't force you to tell me. If you need a place to stay, then I'll be more than glad to have you here."

Junsu wanted to cry. He's so lucky to have an understanding best friend like Yoochun. He couldn't ask for more. Immediately he hugged Yoochun and cried on his chest. Yoochun didn't say anything as he hugged Junsu's fragile body tighter. If only this can last forever.

Unknown to both of them, Yunho is crying at the other side of the door.


Chapter 2

A/N : Since I'm in a good mood today, I decided to update fast~! I decided to try angst, but heck I don't know how to write them! Mianhae if this is sucks. And also, forgive any typos and grammar mistakes. Please comment~! :D

pairing: yunchun, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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