Letting Go (5/13)

May 24, 2010 19:41

Title : Letting Go
Author : hime_lian92 
Length : Chaptered
Pairings : JaeSu, U2, KiMin, slight Yoosu
Rating : PG
Genre : Angst, Romance
Summary : If letting you go is what you want, then I’ll let you go, because I love you.
Warnings : Mpreg
Disclaimer : I did not own any of the characters above, except the plot. If there are any similarities, it’s only coincidences.

Chapter 4

Chapter 5


“Junsu-ah, it’s a benign tumor. It can be removed.”

“By operation and risking my child’s life? No.”

Changmin sighed. He pulled his hair in frustration. “Why won’t you listen to me, Junsu? Your life is important!”

Junsu turned and glared at Changmin. “And for me, my child’s life is important too!”

“But if you ask Jaejoong, he’ll choose you!” Changmin yelled.

Everything fell silent after he said that. Tears running down on Junsu’s smooth cheeks. Why? Why must everything fall apart like this?

“No matter what you say, Changmin, I won’t go for an operation.” Just like that, Junsu walked out of Changmin’s office.

________________________________End of Flashback____________________________________


Junsu looked up and saw a familiar man in front of him. He smiled. “Oh, Kibum-ah. You’re here. Please have a seat.”

Kibum nodded and took a seat in front of Junsu. “Did you order this for me?” Junsu nodded. “Thank you, Junsu. You still remember that I like mango juice.”

Junsu smiled. “Of course. How could I forget? When I ran away from home and stay at your place, you made me mango juice everyday.” He chuckled at the memory.

“Junsu-ah. Changmin told me about yesterday.” Kibum sighed. Junsu knew what it meant. Kibum is disappointed. “I agree with Changmin.”

Junsu chuckled bitterly. “Of course you’ll agree with him. He’s your boyfriend.”

Kibum shook his head. “No, I agree with him not only because of that reason.”

“Then, what else?”

“Because you’re important to me, Junsu-ah.” Kibum said sadly. He loved Junsu. Not only as a friend. He loved him more than that.

Junsu didn’t say anything. Of course he knew he’s important. But for him, this child is more worth it. It’s his and Jaejoong’s. Their first child. Junsu wondered if he can ever have a child with Jaejoong again.

“You can say that so easily is because you’re not in my shoes, Kibum.” Junsu said. He’s tired of this. Everyone said his life is important. But why can’t they see this child’s life is also important? Is there a mother who wants to kill their own child?

“Junsu.” Junsu turned his head away and refused to look at Kibum. Kibum sighed. “I understand. If you still want to protect your baby and risking your own life, then go ahead. I won’t stop you anymore.”

Junsu quickly turned to face Kibum. He widened his eyes. “Really?”

Kibum nodded tiredly. “But can you promise me if that child is not strong enough and endanger your life, you’ll choose to live. Can you promise me that?”

Junsu nodded and smiled weakly. “I promise. But I can guarantee you it won’t happen.”

“We won’t know what happen in the future, Junsu.”


“I’m home.”

“Oh, Junsu! You’re here. Come here.” Yunho called out from the kitchen. After putting his bag and shoes aside, Junsu walked towards the kitchen.

He entered the kitchen and saw Yunho is decorating a cake. “Wah, a cake! For whom?” He asked as he tried to take a piece of it but got slapped by Yunho. Yunho glared at him and Junsu smiled sheepishly.

“Yah, don’t eat it. It’s for Chunnie.” Yunho smiled.

“But I thought Yoochun’s birthday is on June? And it’s still May.” Junsu asked.

Yunho shook his head. “It’s our anniversary today.” Yunho smiled.

Junsu nodded. Suddenly, he felt the urge to vomit, so he turned to the bathroom and threw up. Yunho rushed to the bathroom and found Junsu sitting near the toilet. His face is flustered after throwing up. He patted the younger man’s back to comfort him.

“Are you okay, Junsu-ah? You kept on throwing up these days. Is it because of the food?” Yunho asked. Junsu shook his head weakly and lean towards the older man.

“It’s not that, hyung. It’s probably because of my stomach.” Realizing what he just said, he turned to look at Yunho’s reaction. Yunho had a shocked and confusion written on his face.

“Stomach? What’s wrong with your stomach?”

Junsu cursed himself for blurting out something important as that. But he felt guilty for lying at Yunho, since the latter had treated him nicely these days. “Hyung, I’ll tell you. But can you promise me not to tell anyone?”

Yunho nodded. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“I’m pregnant.” Junsu muttered. Yunho couldn’t hear what he said so he asked again. “I’m pregnant, hyung.” Junsu repeated, this time louder.

Yunho’s eyes widened when he heard that. “Is it Jaejoong-shii’s?” He asked and earns a nod from Junsu. “Does he know?” This time, Junsu shook his head. “But why, Junsu?”

“I can’t.” Junsu meant was because of his sickness. But Yunho thought it was because Jaejoong doesn’t want to have a child.

Yunho felt pity towards the younger guy. He hugged him. “Junsu-ah. Don’t worry. I’ll be always here with you.”

Junsu nodded and smiled. “Thank you, hyung.” And sorry I only tell you half truth, Junsu said in his mind.


The door opened and Yoochun entered the house. He put his shoes in its place and walked towards the living room. He wondered why the house is so quiet today. He tried to look for Junsu in the kitchen, but he didn’t find him there. Instead, he met Yunho who sat in the dining table alone with a cake in front of him. When he was about to walk out, Yunho called him.

“Chunnie, you won’t find Junsu anywhere tonight.”

Yoochun turned at Yunho. “What? Where is he?”

Yunho stood up and walked towards his husband. He loosen Yoochun’s tie and kissed him lightly. But sadly, Yoochun didn’t kiss him back. “He said he wanted to stay with Changmin tonight.” He said as he pulled away from the kiss.

Yoochun sighed. “Then I’ll go out.” He was about to walk away, but Yunho held his wrist.

“Don’t go, Chunnie. I need you tonight. It’s our anniversary.” Yunho looked up and met Yoochun’s eyes.

Yoochun smirked and let go his hand from Yunho’s. “Well, I don’t care about that.” He stopped at the doorway and turned at Yunho. “Maybe you’ll get lucky if I come home drunk tonight and imagine you as Junsu.” Then he walked out of the house.

Yunho cried again. Those words cut him deep inside. Why can’t Yoochun love him just like he loved Junsu?


Chapter 6

A/N : Sorry for the boring chapter. I have exam tomorrow, but I'm so bored. I can't study. *sigh* Oh well, I hope you enjoy. Please comment! :)

pairing: yunchun, pairing: kimin, length: chaptered, pairing: jaesu, letting go, fanfic

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