Between You and Me There's Him [Chapter 2]

Jul 08, 2010 18:45

Title: Between You and Me There's Him
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, JaeMin, slight!YooMin
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff (failed)
Rating: Pg-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg, Character Death, Betrayal
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. I only own the story.
Summary: Jaejoong and Changmin are lovers. They've been living together ever since. Until one day, Changmin introduced Jaejoong to his best friends, Yoochun and Yunho, Jaejoong's feelings start to change.
Beta: motubunu7 Thanks, bb!

A/N: My last post (maybe) before going on a hiatus. I hope the chapter is okay. Comments are really loved! =)

Previous Chapter || Chapter 1||

It was Wednesday morning when Yoochun arrived. He knocked on the door once, no one answered. So he tried again.

Frustrated after the seventh knock, he was about to turn and leave, when the door opened.

“Hey, Chun! What are you doing here so early in the morning?”

Yoochun raised an eyebrow at the way his best friend looked like that morning. His hair was a mess and he hadn’t even buttoned up his shirt properly. “Did a storm just pass by your house and you got sucked by it?”

Changmin laughed at the statement as he stepped aside and let Yoochun in. “Sorry, I just woke up.”

Plopping himself down on the couch, Yoochun said sarcastically, “Yeah. I can see that.”

“So, what are you doing here at this time of the day?” Changmin asked as he plopped himself beside Yoochun. Being oblivious as he always was, he didn’t realize that Yoochun was actually having a battle in his mind whether to jump on him or not.

He took a deep breath (to calm himself down) before turning around to meet Changmin’s face. Oh, how sexy you look this morning, Changmin.

“You promised me yesterday that you would go shopping with me to look for a suit for this Saturday’s concert. Don’t tell me you forgot about it!”

Slapping his forehead, Changmin smiled apologetically at Yoochun. “Shit. Mian, Chun. I really forgot. You see, me and Jaejoong.......we.. um.. you know..”

Turning his head around, he held himself back from crying in front of Changmin. It had always been like that. Jaejoong was always number 1 in Changmin’s eyes.

Changmin was about to say something when a soft voice came from the hallway. “Minnie?”

Turning himself around, Changmin saw Jaejoong standing by the door and looking ever so cute while rubbing his eyes off sleep. “Boo? Why are you up? Shouldn’t you be resting?” He walked towards Jaejoong and wrapped his arms around him and pecked his lips.

Jaejoong pouted. “I don’t want to be a lazy bum.” Changmin smiled looking at his cute lover. “Oh, hey, Yoochun.” Jaejoong said and smiled when he realized that they were not alone.

Yoochun nodded his head curtly but did not answer Jaejoong’s greeting.

“Boo, I need to go with Yoochun to help him look for a suit for this Saturday’s concert. Is that okay with you?”, Changmin asked Jaejoong who seemed hurt when Yoochun didn’t reply to his greeting. But of course, Changmin didn’t notice.

Jaejoong nodded. “Of course. Now go and wash up. You don’t want Yoochun to wait any longer now, do you?”

“Thanks, Boo. You’re the best.” Pecking Jaejoong’s lips, Changmin ran out to the bathroom to have a quick shower and change.

After 15 minutes, Changmin was ready. He went to the kitchen and saw his lover cooking breakfast. He tiptoed behind Jaejoong’s back and wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist. “Smells delicious.”

Jaejoong smiled. “What are you doing here? You should go. I bet Yoochun is tired of waiting for you.”

Changmin nodded and headed out to the living room. “Yoochun-ah, let’s go.”

Yoochun looked up and saw a very fresh looking Changmin and it made his heart skip a bit faster than the normal. “Oh..., okay.” He stood up and trailed behind Changmin who was putting his shoes on.

“Oh, Minnie-ah!”, Jaejoong rushed to his lover who was just about to open the front door. “Can I go shopping with Yunho today?”, he asked. Yoochun rolled his eyes. Shopping? Yeah, right.

Changmin nodded. “Okay. But promise me that you will be careful, alright? If something happens to you, I’ll definitely blame Yunho for it.”

Jaejoong giggled and slapped Changmin on the arm playfully. “Babo! Of course Yunho will take a good care of me.”

Changmin nodded and pecked his lover on his lips. “Don’t be too late, alright? And no drinking either.”

“Arasso, Changmin-appa! Now go! Yoochun is waiting for you!” Jaejoong said as he pushed Changmin out of the house and closed the front door behind him.

He smiled to himself. He’s going to have another day alone with Yunho. He rushed to get his cell phone and call a familiar number.


“Yunnie! Are you busy?”

“No, why?”

A wide smile painted across Jaejoong’s face. “You’re alone, right? I want to come to your house!”, he exclaimed.

“But.. What about.. Changmin?” Jaejoong could hear Yunho say the last part so low that it was almost inaudible. It’s like Yunho was afraid to even say Changmin’s name.

“He gave me permission to see you. I told him we’re going shopping.”

There’s a long pause and Jaejoong was afraid Yunho would reject him. “Okay then. Come over.”

Jaejoong sighed in relief. “I’ll see you later then. I love you, Yunnie.”

“I love you too, Baby.”

Then, he hung up.


Junsu sighed for the nth time. He traced his fingers on the tickets that Yoochun gave him. Now, whom should he give this extra ticket to? He don’t have friends at all!

Just then, he turned to the window and looked out. He blinked his eyes. Did he just see Yoochun?

Grinning at the thought, he immediately put a few dollars on the table and ran out of the café to meet him. He stopped just a few meters away from Yoochun when he saw that tha said guy was not alone. There’s someone beside him. And that someone was.. his brother. Shim Changmin.

Junsu hid himself behind a pillar. He remembered it was his brother who introduced him to Yoochun, because his brother was Yoochun’s so-called "manager".

If God could fulfill his wishes; then one, he wanted to be blind. Because that way, he won’t have to see how much in love Yoochun was with his brother. And two, he just wanted Yoochun to look at him more than a friend. More than a brother.

He hated the thought of having Yoochun as his brother. He despised it.

“Oh, Junsu?”

Junsu jumped when a sudden voice called him. He turned around and there they were. Yoochun, looked ever so handsome with his shoulder length hair and a v-neck shirt which complemented his tight pants. And there was his brother too and his eyes were red. Because of anger, probably?

“What are you doing here?”, Changmin asked in a very cold voice. Junsu looked away. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school right now?”

Junsu pretended to not hear Changmin and instead grinned at Yoochun. “Chunnie! Did you buy any clothes? Can I see them?” Junsu was about to grab the bags in Yoochun’s hand when Changmin caught his wrist half way. Junsu turned around and glared at Changmin. “Let go of me.”

“I won’t.” Changmin smirked. Then Changmin dragged Junsu out of the mall, much to Junsu’s disappointment while Yoochun followed behind them quietly.

When they reached the parking area, just beside Changmin’s car, Junsu jerked Changmin’s hand off his wrist. “Don’t tell me what to do and what not ot do. You’re not mom!”

In a flash, Changmin slapped Junsu. Junsu’s head turned to the left due to the impact. Changmin had slapped him hard on his right cheek. “Don’t ever say that again. EVER. You hear me?” Changmin hissed, trying to control his anger and not burst out in public. “Now get in the car.” He said as he opened the back door for Junsu.

Junsu forced himself not to cry, though his tears were ready to pour his flushed cheeks down any moment now. He quietly ran to the back seat and closed the door harshly. Changmin sighed and ran his hand on his hair and turned at Yoochun. He smiled sadly. “Sorry you had to watch that, Chun.”

Yoochun shook his head. He smiled back, just a little. “It’s okay. You guys can go on ahead. I’ll just take a cab later.”

Yoochun knew, everytime Changmin and Junsu fought, they would end up not talking to each other at all. And later on, Changmin would go to their parents’ graves and blame himself, asking, why was he was such a bad brother to Junsu. Then, he would go drinking like there’s no tomorrow. That’s the part when Yoochun would appear and take Changmin home. Like usual.

Changmin nodded, feeling thankful to his best friend for understanding him. “Thanks. I’ll call you later.” He got into the car and soon drove off.

“Call me? You never do that, Min.” Yoochun smiled bitterly to himself. He turned around and walked into the mall again, finishing the shopping alone.


Seeing a grinning Jaejoong at his door when he opened it, wasn’t an unusual sight for Yunho. He stepped aside and held the door open to let the latter in.

Jaejoong stepped inside and cringed his face instantly when he smelt something burning from the kitchen. He rushed there while Yunho closed and locked the door. Yunho found Jaejoong in the kitchen holding a pan of burnt pancakes. He threw away the burnt pancakes and made new ones. Jaejoong turned to look at Yunho with a wide smile spreading across his face.

“Did you try to make these yourself?”

Yunho nodded. He sat on the nearest chair beside the kitchen counter. He grabbed a glass of water and gulped it down his throat. He watched how his secret lover, dancing around the kitchen to make the pancakes, admiringly. For him. Yes, just for him.

After minutes of creating magnificent looking pancakes, Jaejoong set the plate of pancakes covered in maple syrup in front of Yunho and smiled at his lover. “Here. Try them. I’m sure you’ll like it.” Jaejoong said as he sat beside Yunho handing him a fork to eat the said delicacy.

Yunho took a bite from Jaejoong’s pancakes and smiled. “Delicious.” He said, earning a smile from Jaejoong.

Jaejoong watched Yunho eat. He leaned his head on the other’s shoulder. He took Yunho’s free hand and traced his fingers on the bigger hand. “I miss this hand on my body.”

Yunho stopped eating and put his fork down. He turned to face the other, causing Jaejoong to remove his head from Yunho’s shoulder. “Aren’t you supposed to be going back?”

Jaejoong looked at Yunho bewildered by his words. “You don’t want me here? I just came a while ago and now you want me to leave?! This early?!”

Yunho sighed. He returned to his pancakes again and continued eating. “I don’t want you to leave. I really don’t.” Yunho whispered, his voice cracked. His tears flowed down and fell on his pancakes.

Jaejoong touched Yunho’s shoulder, forcing him to turn around and face him. “Oh, Yun. You know I will never leave you.” He hugged the crying man and patted his back. “I love you, Yun. I really do.”

Yunho nodded. “But you have to leave now. I don’t want Changmin to arrive at your house and not find you there.” Jaejoong was about to retort back, but Yunho cut him to it. “I know you already asked for his permission to go shopping with me. But Jae, I can’t let Changmin be suspicious of you. I just.. can’t. He’s my best friend for God’s sakes, Jae.”

Yunho turned to look at Jaejoong and noticed that the beautiful man was crying too. He wiped away the beautiful tears and caressed the other man’s cheek. “Don’t cry, Jae. Please don't. I love you.” He kissed the tip of Jaejoong’s nose then pulled away. Jaejoong wasn’t satisfied just by a kiss on the tip of his nose. He leaned in and captured Yunho’s lips with his.

He pushed the plates and other utensils on the table in front of him aside and pulled Jaejoong to sit on the table. They didn’t break the kiss. Yunho pushed Jaejoong to lay on the table. The thought of letting Jaejoong go now was long forgotten.

Yunho’s hands started to work on unbuttoning Jaejoong’s shirt and taking it off. He threw the shirt aside. He broke the kiss and let his mouth suck on Jaejoong’s sensitive spot that was on the junction between his neck and his shoulder. Jaejoong moaned loudly at that and Yunho smirked hearing that sexy, sultry and arousing voice. Jaejoong covered his mouth with his hands when he realised what he did just now. He blushed at his own action but Yunho pushed his hands away smirking. “Don’t cover them, baby. Keep them coming. I like listening to your moans when we do it.”

Yunho continued to trail kisses on Jaejoong’s neck, his shoulder, his nape, every arousing spot possible. Then he came face to face with Jaejoong’s beautiful, milky, broad and alluring chest. Suddenly Jaejoong pulled him up. Jaejoong pouted. “Not fair. You have to take off your shirt too.” Yunho chuckled and was about to take off his shirt when Jaejoong pried his hands away. “Let me do the honour, baby.” Yunho loved the smirk on the pretty man’s face. He let the smaller man take off his shirt for him.

Jaejoong did it slowly and teasingly. He glanced up to see Yunho and licked the corner of his lips. Yunho could feel his pants tighten looking at the sexy sight alone. He couldn’t wait for the part where he would take Jaejoong for real.

When finally Jaejoong’s finger arrived on Yunho’s last button, Yunho lost his patience and ripped his shirt off and threw it away. Jaejoong smirked. “Not so patient, huh?”

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong’s shoulder and kissed him hungrily. “Don’t tease me, baby. It’s been a while since we did it, so no teasing for today, okay?”

Jaejoong smiled on the kiss and brought his hands to the back of Yunho’s head and pulled him closer and deeper in the kiss that they were sharing. He let Yunho take control of him completely. He was submissive like that.

After a few minutes of breathtaking kisses, they pulled away, panting. Yunho’s hand travelled down to Jaejoong’s pants and pulled down the zipper. He pulled his pants down and felt happy when he saw the bulge on Jaejoong’s boxer. He smirked, looking up to the man lying on the table. “Now, now. Look who is impatient. You can’t say that I’m the only one who’s impatient, alright?”

Jaejoong blushed at this and hit Yunho’s shoulder playfully. “Just hurry up, will you?.” He said, impatiently.

Yunho did as he was told and pulled down the boxer as well as his. They’re now both stark naked and on Yunho’s kitchen, on Yunho’s dining table, doing their did. Yunho wasn't sure if he’s ever going to eat on this table again. He’ll be constantly reminded of his beautiful lover lying on it naked. It will be excruciatingly painful for him to erase the enticing image of the said event.

Suddenly Yunho pulled away, much to Jaejoong’s discontend. “Did he make love to you yesterday?”

Jaejoong grunted. “He did, but it’s not making love, Yunnie. It’s called making love only when I do it with you.” Jaejoong smiled, pulling Yunho closer to him.

Yunho smiled at Jaejoong’s answer, but the thought of having his lover getting touched by some other man, moreover his very own best friend, made him mad. Jaejoong saw the change on Yunho’s face and forced Yunho to look at him. “Yunnie, I love you. When he did it to me, I felt nothing but disgust. But this,” he pointed at both of their bodies, “is my happiness. This is me making love to the man that I truly love. The thing we are doing right now is out of love, baby.”

Yunho took his lover in his embrace and nodded. “Yes. You’re my happiness too, Jae. My love too.” Then he continued from where he left off, making Jaejoong scream his name in utter ecstacy when he came in him and let his seeds seep out of Jaejoong’s hole when he finished.

They both sighed in contend after they finished and both laid on the dining table, panting heavily, trying to catch their breaths. Jaejoong rolled his body and kissed Yunho’s left cheek. “I love you, Yun.”

“I love you too, baby.” Yunho smiled.

length: chaptered, pairing: yoosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: yunjae, byamth, fanfic

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