Between You and Me There's Him [Chapter 1]

Jul 03, 2010 16:49

Title: Between You and Me There's Him
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: YunJae, YooSu, JaeMin, slight!YooMin
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Fluff (failed)
Rating: Pg-13 to NC-17
Warnings: Mpreg, Character Death, Betrayal
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. I only own the story.
Summary: Jaejoong and Changmin are lovers. They've been living together ever since. Until one day, Changmin introduced Jaejoong to his best friends, Yoochun and Yunho, Jaejoong's feelings start to change.
Beta: motubunu7 Thanks, bb!

A/N: My first YunJae chaptered fic. I hope you like it. Comments are really loved!
My readers from 'Happiness' and 'Because of You' will probably bricked me for not finishing the stories and yet I already start a new story. Sorry~ I'll definitely finish the two fics soon! I promise! ^^

“Don’t you think we should stop this?”

Yunho turned to look at his lover. He extended his hand for his lover to take. The latter took it with much hesitation before Yunho pulled him and led him to sit on his lap.

“Didn’t we talk about this already?” Yunho whispered into his lover’s ear making him shiver.

His lover didn’t say anything, only hung his head low.

“I love you, and you love me. So why should we stop? If you tell me one of the three reasons why I should break up with you, then I will. But if you can’t, I won’t let you go.”

The smaller man sighed as he snuggled closer to Yunho. This was wrong. But it felt right. Too right.

“What are those? The three reasons.”

Yunho pulled away enough to stare at his lover’s eyes. He smiled.

“It’s for me to know and for you to never find out. I don’t want you to ever know.” Yunho pulled his lover in his embrace again as the other wrapped his arms around Yunho’s neck.


Changmin stared at the outside view from the balcony of his apartment. It was early December and yet it was a bit chilly already. Changmin made a mental note to buy a new heater since the old one was already broken.

“Minnie-ah, what are you doing there?”

Changmin turned his head to see the beautiful and angelic figure of his lover. He smiled at his lover before pulling him into a deep passionate kiss.

They pulled away after a few minutes, but Changmin’s hand still stayed firm on his lover’s slim waist.

“What was that for?” His lover asked.

Changmin pouted, pretending to be hurt. “Why, don’t you like my kisses, Joongie?”

Jaejoong smiled and pinched Changmin’s cheeks lightly. “Don’t assume that, Min. I never said that I don’t like your kisses, did I? Now, now, why are you so weird tonight, hm? Something happened at work?” Jaejoong couldn’t help but feel worried.

Changmin took Jaejoong’s hands in his and squeezed them lightly. He shook his head. “Nothing’s wrong, Joongie. I just felt like kissing you. And the other reason is that your lips are too inviting so, I had to taste them.” He grinned at his lover.

Jaejoong slapped Changmin’s arm playfully. He pouted. “Then next time I should just wear a flu-mask so that my lips won’t invite you to kiss them anymore!” He let go of Changmin’s hold and was about to go back into the warm living room when suddenly Changmin grabbed his wrist and spun him around.

“Aw, Joongie. Don’t be mad. I like kissing you, so why should you wear a flu-mask! Don’t wear them! I can’t live a day without your kisses, Joongie.” Jaejoong looked at his lover who gave him puppy eyes. He chuckled at his lover's cute display of act.

“Min, you know I could never stay mad at you for too long. Anyway, I was just joking. I would go crazy without your kisses too.”

Changmin grinned widely and that caused Jaejoong to chuckle again. Changmin swept Jaejoong off his feet earning a squeal from the older man and carried him bridal style into their shared room. They made love throughout the night and snuggled closer to each other.


“Yoochun-ah! Yunho-ah!”

“Min, I am really sorry! Yoochun woke up late and that stupid car had to break down at the same time!”

Yoochun glared at Yunho before smiling sheepishly at Changmin while scratching his not-so-itchy head. Changmin shook his head while smiling lightly.

“You guys will never change. When are you guys ever going to grow up? Huh? I won't be here to take care of you guys all the time. After I marry Jaejoong, who is going to take care of you?” Changmin said as he fixed Yoochun’s hair and tie.

The last sentence sure did catch both of Yoochun's and Yunho’s attention. They both took each of Changmin’s shoulder and shook them hard.

“Min! Marry Jaejoong?!” Yoochun and Yunho chorused together. Changmin thought they both felt shocked because they were happy that he was going to marry Jaejoong soon. But Changmin thought wrong.

“Well, I haven’t officially proposed him yet, because well, I need to plan it. I don't want to ruin anything.” Changmin smiled as he imagined himself proposing to Jaejoong.

However, the other two males didn’t feel happy for him at all. In fact, if Changmin wasn’t his best friend, he would have definitely screamed in front of his face and tell him not to marry Jaejoong.

“But, don’t you think it’s too sudden, Changmin-ah? I mean-”

Changmin cut Yoochun’s words off. “Of course not, Yoochun-ah! I have been dating Jaejoong for 3 years. Don’t you think it’s time for us to settle down?” Changmin flashed his genuine smile to both of his best friends.

Seeing that, both Yoochun and Yunho couldn’t help but agree.

Changmin smiled in satisfaction at his best friends’ approval. “Now let’s go. I need you guys to help me choose the ring.”

Yunho swore he saw Yoochun’s eyes moisten before they followed Changmin silently to choose the perfect ring for Jaejoong.


“Yoochun! You’re here!” Junsu exclaimed happily when he saw Yoochun walk in to the café. He immediately got up and hugged Yoochun tight, as if they hadn’t met for a very long time.

“Yah, Junsu-ah, it’s only been 2 days, and yet, you hug me as if we haven’t met for 2 years!” Yoochun said jokingly as he pulled away from Junsu’s hug enough to see the other’s smiling face.

“I know! But I really missed you! 2 days felt like 2 years for me, you know!” Junsu grinned as he gestured Yoochun to sit beside him.

A waiter came and took their orders. Yoochun asked for mango slush and had to raise an eyebrow at Junsu who was smiling at him, ignoring the waiter.

“You don’t want anything to drink, Junsu-ah?”

Junsu blushed when he got caught staring at Yoochun by him and turned his head to the waiter.

“I’ll have the same, please. And thank you.” Junsu said not forgetting to smile his usual charming smiles. The waiter smiled back at him and walked away to get their orders ready.

Yoochun patted Junsu’s head lightly. “Do you even know what I ordered just now?”

Junsu nodded. “Mango slush. As usual.” He smiled. Yoochun smiled back.

“You know me better than myself, Junsu-ah.” Yoochun hung his head low as he remembered what Changmin had said to him (and Yunho) yesterday.


“Guys! When do you think is the perfect time?” Changmin asked his best friends as they sat in a café that Jaejoong owned. Jaejoong was so busy with the costumer that he couldn’t join them then.

“Perfect time? For what?”, asked Yunho while sipping his juice. He looked up to see I-can’t-believe-you-just-asked-me-that look on Changmin’s face.

“To propose Joongie of course. I’m planning to propose either this week or the next.” Changmin whispered to him because he didn’t want Jaejoong to hear it.

Hearing that, Yunho spat out his juice and it made a mess on their table, while Yoochun’s jaw dropped.

-End of flashback-

“-Chun! Yoochun!” Yoochun jerked.

“Oh, mian, Junsu-ah. What were you saying?”, Yoochun asked unconsciously wiping a newly formed sweat on his forehead.

Junsu frowned. “Are you alright, Chun-ah? I called you for 5 times but you didn’t respond.” Junsu was worried for his fri-no, his crush. Yes, Junsu admitted that he had a crush for Yoochun ever since he met the guy 2 years ago.

Yoochun smiled at Junsu. He didn’t want the guy to worry about him. “I’m okay, Junsu-ah. I was just thinking about stuffs at work. Oh anyway, I’m going to perform this Saturday. Do you think you can come?”

Junsu’s face lit up when Yoochun said that. He nodded and a wide smile painted across his face.

“Absolutely! I will definitely come, Chun! Don’t worry!”

Seeing how eager Junsu was, Yoochun couldn’t help but chuckle. Junsu looked like a kid who just got a candy. He ruffled the younger’s hair and smiled. “Okay, okay. Here are the tickets. I am giving you two, so that you can come with your friend.” Yoochun gave Junsu the tickets and sat back when the waiter came and placed their drinks on the table before walking away again.

Junsu took the tickets from Yoochun’s hand and the smile ha had just now disappeared. He frowned. Junsu didn’t have any friends at school. But he didn’t want Yoochun to know that. He would never let Yoochun know.



Yunho had just gotten home from work and that was how his lover greeted him? Calling him a 'liar'? No hugs or kisses?

"What do you mean?" Yunho asked as he walked into the living room, loosening his tie on the way. He saw his lover sitting on the couch and giving him a death glare.

"You lied to me. You said you're going to be home by 6. Look, what time is it now! It's 6.45! You know that I have to leave at 7, don't you?" His lover asked, standing up to meet Yunho's eyes.

Wrapping his hands around his lover's waist, he pecked his lover's lips and smiled lightly. "I know and I'm sorry about it, baby. We had a very urgent meeting that I had to attend. I wanted to call you, but my phone ran out of battery. I'll make it up to you some other time, all right?" He tried to persuade his lover by giving him his infamous puppy eyes and cute pout.

Jaejoong sighed. There's no way he could say no to that puppy eyes and cute pout. "All right." Yunho grinned. His puppy eyes and cute pout won again. He sat down on the couch.

"Are you tired? Do you want me to cook for you?" Jaejoong asked, seeing how tired Yunho was.

Shaking his head, Yunho pulled his lover to sit down beside him. He scooted to the end of the couch and laid his head on Jaejoong's lap. Automatically, Jaejoong’s hand caressed Yunho's face and smoothed his hair.

"It's been a while since you're here." Yunho whispered with his eyes closed, but loud enough for Jaejoong to hear. Jaejoong sighed. He felt guilty for not visiting Yunho for almost 2 weeks. And those two weeks were because Changmin was home.

Yunho looked up when he didn't feel Jaejoong caressing his face anymore. "Baby?"

A stream of liquid ran down Jaejoong's face. He was crying. Seeing this, Yunho sat up and held Jaejoong's face in his hands. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Yunho asked.

Jaejoong shook his head and yet still, he cried. Not knowing what to do, Yunho pulled Jaejoong in his embrace.

What could possibly make Jaejoong cry?

One thing. GUILT.

length: chaptered, pairing: yoosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: yunjae, byamth, fanfic

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