Week Name/Date/Time: A Moment's Peace / Tuesday, 4 October, 2005 / 1:05 p.m.
Location: Quidditch field
Open To: Jacqueline Zhang
Currently Involving: Soren Sigurd
Sky was clear. Check.
Wind not too strong. Check.
Not skipping any classes or study periods. Che-
That aside, it was a good day for Flying and Quidditch practice, even if the air was slightly chilly and he could see his breath come out in white little clouds. He leaned against the bleachers on the field and watched his broom fly up to his hand when he snapped his wrist and drop down again when he released it.
He really ought to stop doing that. It wasn’t good for the broom - or his wrist. Then again, a new model would be out soon, wasn’t it?
“Hmm. Now where is that Jackster?” Soren was getting a little bored of waiting, even though it had only been less than five minutes perhaps, having him broom there gave him less patience than normal since he would have much preferred to be flying.