
Jul 06, 2008 21:03

Week Name/Date/Time: 'She's Bad News'/ Monday, November 20th, 2006 / 9:50AM
Location:  Rm. 14
Currently Involving: Rita Skeeter

"Well, that certainly was enlightening!"

The last cry echoed as the door slammed behind the heels of the little red-headed girl.

"Did you get her name? Lemme seeit!" Rita pulled the parchment towards her as the ( Read more... )

mod-post, week-047

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Comments 24

xxhaylynxx July 8 2008, 00:36:58 UTC

Glaring defiantly, Haylyn tousled her bright red hair and drew her cloak around her before entering the room. She agreed to do the interview, but that sure as hell didn't mean she didn't support Dumbledore.

She reached out and opened the door, stepping inside and sitting down.

"Hello." She greeted stiffly.


hih_dumbledore July 8 2008, 02:52:25 UTC
Well, if the red-heads weren't coming in in droves this morning!

Rita gave Haylyn one of her most charming smiles. She was, after all, an experience reporter and all reporters could sense when their subjects were anxious or apprehensive... this girl positively stank of it!

"Hello, my dear girl!" she exclaimed, at once replenishing Miss Hawkins' unused teacup with the drink. "And how are we today? Have some tea. Biscuit?" she offered the plate of cookies to Haylyn with a wave of her wand. The vile green quill leapt out of the way so it could pass.

"First of all, I need to know your name, and your age, my dear. Just for the sake of posterity, you know?" she gave a high and false laugh.

"Please, help yourself to any of the food there. Are you excited to be in print?"


xxhaylynxx July 8 2008, 05:03:19 UTC
Haylyn accepted the tea, but declined the biscuits. There was a time to jump up and yell at someone and there was a time to pretend to be friendly and nice to someone you hated.

Haylyn smiled at Skeeter. "My name is Haylyn Day, ma'am. I'm sixteen."

"Oh, yes, I am excited to be in print!" Just wish it wasn't you writing the damn article, Haylyn thought. "I'm actually considering journalism as a future." Haylyn added.

It was true, she was thinking about journalism as a career. But, she would definitely not be a journalist like Skeeter - she would report the truth. Better not to let Skeeter know that, of course.


hih_dumbledore July 8 2008, 23:23:54 UTC
"Oh, are you?" Rita was excellent at feigning interest. As she smiled, she withdrew a small card from her handbag and gave it to the girl seated before her. "There's my card if you ever need an in at the Prophet! You know, I was the one who recommended Gregory Beedle all those years back," she waved her hand airily and gave a laugh, "not going to say how many of course! 'Give this kid a shot,' I told the editor of the Prophet, and well! Look where he is now. Chief Editor himself!"

She gave another airy laugh, her blonde curls bouncing. A lift of her bejeweled spectacles and she was off.

"Sixteen, you say, my girl? So you're a sixth year, hm..." the acid green quill scribbled alongside her as she sipped the tea.

"We'll start with the easy questions first, shall we? What do you think of this switch? Which Headmaster do you prefer and why?"

Maybe not so easy after all!


kazuki_takurai July 8 2008, 19:59:15 UTC
Why was he doing this? Carefully looking around, he debated in his head whether he wanted to go through with it or not. He supported Dumbledore, and he definitely didn't want to see Lucius Malfoy continue with his reign as Headmaster of Hogwarts!

His father always told him never to show his fear, or else the enemy will latch onto it and that would be his downfall. Instead, Kazu furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his hand into a fist, ready to take on whatever that Skeeter threw at him.

And then that shrill voice...


Kazu almost jumped, but he remembered not to look scared of her. He put on his best swagger and nudged the door open with his foot.

"Yo," he greeted the woman.


hih_dumbledore July 8 2008, 23:48:44 UTC

Rita eyed the newcomer with a look of dislike for this greeting-- but it was only for a second! Like the flipping of a light switch, her demeanor changed to one of sparkling politeness. The dimples of her smile almost even touched her eyes.

"Hello, dear boy! Please, have a seat! Can I offer you some tea, perhaps some biscuits?" she said, offering him the plate of cookies with a wave of her wand. Perhaps now she'd get someone to talk! And this boy looked like a strapping lad-- no doubt he'd eat all the damn cookies her editor had insisted on her bringing, unlike those two probably bulimic girls before him!

"I'm Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet Reporter, as you know, here to do a little...expose on this wonderful, wonderful institution! Are you excited to be in print?" she asked Kazu, looking him up and down some more.

"First, I'll need your name and age, and then I'd like you to tell me what you think of the switch thus far-- are you pleased with the Minster's intervention?"

Hopefully not another Dumbledore mongor!


kazuki_takurai July 9 2008, 00:05:18 UTC

"Hey, awesome," he chuckled, grabbing the seat in front of the scary woman. Almost immediately, he picked up a few of the cookies and popped them in his mouth, chewing on the yummy treats. Oh thank god there was food for him and his tummy. He was about to go nuts.

Kazu listened as Skeeter went on, but he was still eating as he did so, nodding occasionally to prove to her thus.

"Mmph," he began, his mouth full. "Yeah, being in print... kinda sounds fun." --he chewed some more-- "I've never been... interviewed before."

He swallowed the cookies in his mouth before continuing.

"I'm Kazuki Takurai," he said with a wide grin. "I'm sixteen. Gonna be seventeen in the summer."

Carefully, he pulled more cookies from the tray and munched on them rather noisily.


hih_dumbledore July 9 2008, 02:52:13 UTC
Oh...yuuck. Was he...?

He was.

Rita had to try her hardest not to scrunch up her nose at the manner in which this boy was eating!

She had to turn her head away from the mess he was making to cough in an undignified manner. The slob! But no, no, no! This could be the one she was looking for: the testimonial to Dumbledore's failures as a Headmaster!

"Lovely, lovely," she said, trying to turn her eyes back to Kazu. "And, now, Kazuki," always first names-- that way you were on a personal, intimate basis with your interviewee! "What do you think of the switch between headmasters? Surely, the Minister is influencing Hogwarts in positive directions, no?"


vanadevi_sen July 28 2008, 19:03:02 UTC
Vanadevi made her way down the hall towards Room 14. Her main motivation for wanting to be interviewed by Rita Skeeter was to be able to finally meet the woman in person. She had heard many a horrible thing about her, and had always wondered if she was really that bad ( ... )


hih_dumbledore August 7 2008, 00:05:06 UTC
Ooh, look. Another girl. Surprise, surprise.

Rita offered the girl a gracious smile when she entered, slipping the parchment from her last interviewee into her bag. "Why, hello there," she said, setting the bag down and pulling the chair out for Vanadevi to sit.

"Welcome, welcome! Please, make yourself at home, my girl! I've got tea-- but I'm afraid I'm fresh out of biscuits. My last interviewee... had a bit of an appetite," she smiled falsely apologetic. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this girl have good words for the Minister.

Pulling out a fresh sheet of parchment and setting it on her knee, Rita sat at the little table, pouring herself another draught of tea and offering the kettle to Vanadevi.

"First, my girl, I need your name and age, if you please."


vanadevi_sen August 10 2008, 05:38:18 UTC
Vanadevi sat down with much more grace then she usually displayed, calling on the proper raising that her parents had provided which she normally ignored. If there was ever a time to act ladylike, this was it.

She stifled a snort when informed that all the biscuits were gone. She could only imagine who was responsible for that. She smiled back genuinely, completely missing Skeeter's insincerity.

She politely refused the kettle knowing that, despite her upbringing, dainty consumption of food and beverages had never been one of her strong points.

"My name is Vanadevi Sen, Ms. Skeeter. I'm seventeen."


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