
Jul 06, 2008 21:03

Week Name/Date/Time: 'She's Bad News'/ Monday, November 20th, 2006 / 9:50AM
Location:  Rm. 14
Currently Involving: Rita Skeeter

"Well, that certainly was enlightening!"

The last cry echoed as the door slammed behind the heels of the little red-headed girl.

"Did you get her name? Lemme seeit!" Rita pulled the parchment towards her as the ( Read more... )

mod-post, week-047

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kazuki_takurai July 8 2008, 19:59:15 UTC
Why was he doing this? Carefully looking around, he debated in his head whether he wanted to go through with it or not. He supported Dumbledore, and he definitely didn't want to see Lucius Malfoy continue with his reign as Headmaster of Hogwarts!

His father always told him never to show his fear, or else the enemy will latch onto it and that would be his downfall. Instead, Kazu furrowed his eyebrows and clenched his hand into a fist, ready to take on whatever that Skeeter threw at him.

And then that shrill voice...


Kazu almost jumped, but he remembered not to look scared of her. He put on his best swagger and nudged the door open with his foot.

"Yo," he greeted the woman.


hih_dumbledore July 8 2008, 23:48:44 UTC

Rita eyed the newcomer with a look of dislike for this greeting-- but it was only for a second! Like the flipping of a light switch, her demeanor changed to one of sparkling politeness. The dimples of her smile almost even touched her eyes.

"Hello, dear boy! Please, have a seat! Can I offer you some tea, perhaps some biscuits?" she said, offering him the plate of cookies with a wave of her wand. Perhaps now she'd get someone to talk! And this boy looked like a strapping lad-- no doubt he'd eat all the damn cookies her editor had insisted on her bringing, unlike those two probably bulimic girls before him!

"I'm Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet Reporter, as you know, here to do a little...expose on this wonderful, wonderful institution! Are you excited to be in print?" she asked Kazu, looking him up and down some more.

"First, I'll need your name and age, and then I'd like you to tell me what you think of the switch thus far-- are you pleased with the Minster's intervention?"

Hopefully not another Dumbledore mongor!


kazuki_takurai July 9 2008, 00:05:18 UTC

"Hey, awesome," he chuckled, grabbing the seat in front of the scary woman. Almost immediately, he picked up a few of the cookies and popped them in his mouth, chewing on the yummy treats. Oh thank god there was food for him and his tummy. He was about to go nuts.

Kazu listened as Skeeter went on, but he was still eating as he did so, nodding occasionally to prove to her thus.

"Mmph," he began, his mouth full. "Yeah, being in print... kinda sounds fun." --he chewed some more-- "I've never been... interviewed before."

He swallowed the cookies in his mouth before continuing.

"I'm Kazuki Takurai," he said with a wide grin. "I'm sixteen. Gonna be seventeen in the summer."

Carefully, he pulled more cookies from the tray and munched on them rather noisily.


hih_dumbledore July 9 2008, 02:52:13 UTC
Oh...yuuck. Was he...?

He was.

Rita had to try her hardest not to scrunch up her nose at the manner in which this boy was eating!

She had to turn her head away from the mess he was making to cough in an undignified manner. The slob! But no, no, no! This could be the one she was looking for: the testimonial to Dumbledore's failures as a Headmaster!

"Lovely, lovely," she said, trying to turn her eyes back to Kazu. "And, now, Kazuki," always first names-- that way you were on a personal, intimate basis with your interviewee! "What do you think of the switch between headmasters? Surely, the Minister is influencing Hogwarts in positive directions, no?"


kazuki_takurai July 9 2008, 03:03:30 UTC
After downing about half of the cookies on the plate in less than a minute and a half, he moved quickly onto the tea she offered, pouring himself a generous amount. Not wanting to appear like a total slob (what did it matter by now, anyway?) he didn't put anything into it. Graciously, he drank the hot tea, sans sugar and milk.

"Ah..!" he yelped at the temperature of the tea. How embarrassing was that?

He tried to make it seem like the outburst was meant to be part of the answer to her question.

"Yeah, er, Headmasters..." he began. "Um, well... I dunno. Dumbledore made school fun, y'know? This new chump kinda makes it all uptight and kind of stingy. That, and, well..."

Kazu frowned before reaching for another cookie. He continued, in a quieter voice.

"You don't really know who you can trust anymore, you know?"


hih_dumbledore July 9 2008, 05:09:09 UTC
Rita watched him burn himself, clearly not fooled by his attempt to play it off.

"Oh, won't you have some milk, dear boy? To... cool it down?" the last thing she needed was this kid spitting hot tea everywhere. She poured some milk into the tea for him, not waiting to hear protests.

"There you go, that should be so much better!" she gave him her winning smile, before letting her eyes fall to the acid green quill, making sure it got all that-- and by that, the mess that Kazu was clearly making all over the place.

"Takurai, clearly unable to use his own body properly seeing as the mess he has made all over this reporter's table, seemed to be under a spell when I spoke to him. Professors at Hogwarts may want to examine him to see if he's been Confunded, or perhaps even worse..."Rita shifted the paper away from Kazu's eyes, setting it on her knee. The green quill darted after it. She cleared her throat ( ... )


kazuki_takurai July 9 2008, 06:15:52 UTC
Kazu flushed when she poured the milk in his tea ( ... )


hih_dumbledore July 13 2008, 03:16:19 UTC
Rita frowned. If she was going to have to sit here all day and have her cookies eaten by these ridiculous Dumbledore mongors who didn't have a brain between the lot of them...? Well!

She quickly turned that frown upside down, her eyes focusing for a moment on the acid green quill on her knee as he continued to write.

"Things are...wonky... you don't know who [could be a Death Eater]," says Takurai, clearly displaying signs of intense paranoia. Medical experts from St. Mungo's Wizarding Hospital state that paranoia could be a sign of a Confundus jinx, or...

"Can you describe what you mean by it only started getting bad once the Minister came to the school?" she asked him, watching the quill write with delight. Sometimes, even she didn't know how she came up with this brilliance!


kazuki_takurai July 14 2008, 02:26:39 UTC
Kazu furrowed his eyebrows. He'd known about Rita Skeeter and all of her nasty-doings. He tried to see what in Merlin's name that quill was writing, but the devil reporter had done a fine job of hiding it from his eyes.

He seemed to snap back into reality when she asked him a question.

"Well," he began. "When Dumbledore was the Headmaster, I felt that everyone at the school was here to help the students, and stuff. Now that he's gone, I don't think I feel safe with anyone on staff. And that Malfoy guy isn't exactly the friendliest guy out there, either. He likes to glare a lot..."

He eyed one of the three remaining cookies on the plate. He couldn't decide between red, green, or purple. Which frosting would be the tastiest, he wondered. Moving rather quickly, he picked up the red cookie and put it in his mouth.

"Sorry I'm eating all your cookies. I'm really hungry, you know?" he said, making sure to chew and swallow before he talked.


hih_dumbledore August 6 2008, 23:55:08 UTC
"I don't feel safe with anyone on staff," continues Takurai, before launching into apologies for eating all the biscuits I had offered him, clearly paranoid I might attack...

Rita watched the quill flit and flutter about for a couple more moments, a little smirk on her face.

"Oh, my boy, it isn't a problem! Not whatsoever!" she said, beaming at him.

"But I'm afraid we're running out of time! Thank you very much for your time and company-- your views are most enlightening," prattle, prattle, prattle. It was always the same. She stood up and walked to open the door for him.

The remaining two cookies sat there, staring innocently up at Kazu from their china bed.


kazuki_takurai August 7 2008, 00:07:26 UTC
Kazu gave Skeeter a tiny smile in return, though he immediately regretted doing so. He finally decided that he despised this woman, and this interview definitely proved it. She was a complete phony ( ... )


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