(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 14:00

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Tuesday, 27th, September / 3 p.m.
Location: 4th floor
Open To: Will
Currently Involving: Arisu Ryusaki, William Sparrow

Ari had soon come to the conclusion that she hated Tuesday. While a day of no classes had been enjoyable for the first week, it had grown old rather fast. It was just so boring. Most of her friends were either in class or working and Ari found herself with absolutely nothing to do. A day of simply sitting in the common room was less than exciting so eventually, she had decided to explore the school.

She couldn't help but feel like a first year again as she wandered aimlessly from the halls. It was as if she was seeing the school for the first time; there were far too many things she had seen that afternoon that she hadn't remembered at all. Shows how much she paid attention to things. The downside of this was that she had little to no idea where she was- let alone where she was going. Ah well. She had plenty of time before she had to head back to common room or great hall for dinner. For now, she was perfectly content walking around the school and getting thoroughly lost.

She paused infront of the tapesty, head tilted slightly to one side to study it. It was a rather dramatic image though truthfully, she found it rather creepy. Actually, a good deal of the paintings and tapestries bothered her but that was besides the point. She shivered slightly and turned back to the hall, pushing the thought of the tapesty out of her mind. With a sigh, she set off again, half wishing there was someone else with her.


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