(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 13:41

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Tuesday, 27th, September / 7 p.m.
Location: Owlery - Library
Open To: Tobias
Currently Involving: Andra


Andra's brow was furrowed as she looked up at the owls in the owlery. She knew that it was a longshot for an owl to still be clutching its letter, rather than having delivered it, but she tried to soothe her mind with the knowledge that she'd been out and about and in all sorts of places over the past few days. What if the owl couldn't find her?

She swallowed, then turned and headed toward the stairs to exit; she stopped along the covered walkway, staring out over the grounds with a million thoughts racing through her head. Maybe it was better this way; maybe she was never meant to learn what she could from the Auror, never meant to be on 'that side'. Still, the fact that she'd been looking forward to it didn't help the situation. Last she heard, an Auror had been restationed. Couple days later, after no word on their 'training', she began to wonder.

And now, it was pretty obvious. He'd left, without so much as a 'Sorry, can't keep our agreement' or even a 'Bye'.

She wondered if she had been the reason he left; maybe he'd asked to be removed from Hogwarts because of some annoying twit who wouldn't leave him alone? Who knew. All Andra knew was that she was suddenly feeling pretty lost again, and it was a feeling she didn't enjoy.


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