(no subject)

Apr 11, 2006 14:52

Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Monday, 26th, September / 10 a.m.
Location: Library, Restricted Section
Open To: Noah and Abel
Currently Involving: Riane, Noah, and Abel

Riane stood at the entrance to the restricted section of the library, her hands clasped behind her back. The look on her was was similar to the looks on the faces of the third years on their first visit to Honeydukes. Finally, she was old enough and even had permission to read any of the books found in the most intriguing section of books, but she was having trouble making herself enter. Seven years as a student had trained her that you didn't just enter that section, else you might be attacked by the librarian and run from the room, not to mention given detention. Sure, she was an auror, but there was something to be said about overcoming years of conditioning.

She adjusted her robes, no longer having been accustomed to wearing them every day, and took a deep breath before finally stepping up to the first shelf. One arm was lifted and her gently fingers began running along the spines of the books, trying to select one that seemed to have the most promise. In her years of studying old books, she'd learned that a witch needed to pay attention to more than just the title of a book if she wanted to know what was inside. Even the spine of the book could hint at weather it was dark, if you knew what you were looking for.

After several long minutes of searching, she selected a book with a well worn cover of red leather. She carefully pulled it off of the shelf and lowered it to chest height before moving off to sit in the lone table situated in that section of the library.


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