
Jan 08, 2007 15:22

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Picking Up The Pieces"
Location: History of Magic Classroom, First Floor
Open To: History of Magic Students
Currently Involving: Professor Ferguson

At the beginning of every class, Cadogan found himself incredibly nervous. He knew his knowledge of the subject was good enough, he was excited about teaching and having the new spot ( Read more... )


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Comments 13

1st Through 4th Years prof_ferguson January 8 2007, 23:38:24 UTC
((Professor Ferguson will jump in if enough students show.))

On the board was written the following assignment:

Write one paragraph on your favourite topic in History of Magic. Easy enough? And also, introduce yourself. Be prepared to share aloud.


Re: 1st Through 4th Years Slytherin/Gryffindor amabel_ricci January 9 2007, 01:42:27 UTC
Strolling into History of Magic like Mae owned the place, she took her regular seat and paid almost no attention to the professor until she actually looked up. At which time Amabel really needed to close her mouth, or someone needed to do it for her.

"H-hi," Mae stammered out after she managed to close her mouth. "I'm Amabel, first year Slytherin, Professor," quick glance at the board, "Ferguson." Oh wow, he was just too gorgeous. Even Mae thought that he was a cute bloke which was saying something. She'd better not fall asleep today...or any day to come!


5th Years prof_ferguson January 8 2007, 23:40:15 UTC
((Professor Ferguson will jump in if enough students show.))

On the board was written the following assignment:

You're lucky. This is an easy class period today. All you have to do is write a few paragraphs on your favourite topic covered so far in History of Magic class, along with an introduction of yourself. Be prepared to share aloud.


5th Year Gryffindor & Slytherin erikcohen January 9 2007, 17:27:40 UTC
((Erik and Merry are my only history students!))

Erik Cohen was laughing his bloody arse off. Not because he'd tripped in the corridor and found injury funny (though, this was often the case), nor because the assignment was to write about himself to some extent (and that was a frightening thing for the class to have to endure). No, he was laughing over the fact that this new Professor had actually asked what he could do to keep Erik from falling asleep. FALLING ASLEEP IN HISTORY CLASS! It was, well, it was like asking a Slytherin not to cheat at Quidditch. It was almost a scheduled nap time, a class much more focused on outside of the classroom than during the actual scheduled blather session.

But, for some reason, Erik had a feeling that might just be changing. Especially when he was now bent on becoming an auror, and this bloke had been one. Perhaps he could bother this Professor Cadogan with hundreds of questions and... surprisingly take some time to pay attention!

While Erik wasn't too interested in History, it wasn't one of ( ... )


Re: 5th Year Gryffindor & Slytherin avis_abernathy January 9 2007, 19:27:13 UTC
Still grumbling over a disastrous Transfiguration class, Avis stomped along to History of Magic class, that at least cheering her up the slightest bit. Another class period where she'd get her writing done in just under ten minutes and then set her purse up on her desk, only to take a lovely little nap as Binns droned on and on. This always made her a bit cocky, but it really only proved how dorky she was that she relied on just her outside interest in wizarding history ( ... )


5th Years Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff margietheshy January 11 2007, 19:43:58 UTC
Margie wasn't paying much attention when she walked into class, which was slightly unusual for her. This was her fav class and no matter how many people fell asleep she would always be wide awake, trying to take down as many notes as possible ( ... )


6th Years prof_ferguson January 8 2007, 23:45:47 UTC
((Professor Ferguson will jump in if enough students show.))

On the board was written the following assignment:

Write three sheets of parchment in length on the following prompt: With the coming of the Renaissance and the increasing reliance among Muggles on scientific reasoning, the break between the Wizarding and Muggle worlds became more and more complete. Describe these breaks in a detailed essay, citing at least seven sources from your text or outside literary works.

Cadogan couldn't help but smirk at waiting to see if his new sixth years would take him seriously or not. He knew what he'd have done if he was handed the assignment back when he was their age; either storm out and get a detention or curse loudly.

However, he was determined to keep this joke up for as long as he could, until he caved.


Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm eruditetwin January 9 2007, 07:17:02 UTC
Ellie looked over at her twins doodles and rooled her eyes, giving her a light poke to pay attention. This was how it always was, though, because Emma knew Ellie would let her copy her notes later. Ellie sighed, because she knew it was fruitless trying to get her sister to change her study habits, not that she'd stop trying.

She almost laughed, though, as Emma sat up straighter upon realizing they had a new Professor. Ellie, herself, always had her attention focused right at the front and even she had to admit that this teacher was definitely not a chore to look at. The light dancing in her eyes, though, was much more for the essay they'd just been assigned.

"Brilliant," she muttered to herself as she started to jot down a rough outline of the points she wanted to discover. She knew she had a couple of books in her room that would help nicely!

((haha yeah, she's a nerd.. also? Emma puppeted with permission))


Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm ohsweetmerlin January 9 2007, 17:20:32 UTC
Merlin Flanagan had sincerely hoped that this new Professor would be better than the ones prior. Of course, he'd enjoyed Atticus's teaching style, but the smell of horse was... erm, a bit interesting, to say the least.

Merlin, as always, was completely oblivious to the fact that girls would see him as swoon worthy. His perception was 'young Professor - not like Snape!'. Because really, any good Gryffindor knew that the best way to decide whether one liked a Professor was to compare them to the Potions Master. Usually, this made them seem even better than their first impression.

"I know I am, but we're not here t'talk 'bout Merry Flanagan, Ellie. We're here t'learn 'bout magical history!" Merlin joked as he entered the class room, plopping down next to the twins and staring at the board with mouth slightly agape.

It wasn't that he didn't know how to answer the question written, because honestly? It was a good topic. The work he'd have to place into writing an essay, however - when writing was a poor spot for him he didn't like to ( ... )


Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm darlingtwin January 9 2007, 18:32:01 UTC
Emma practically jumped when Ellie poked her. What in the bloody he... ohhhh he was pretty.

She sat up in her seat, trying to get a better look at this new teacher. Well, well, well, that was certainly enough to make a girl want to pay attention in the most boring class ever. Cadogan, ex-auror and suddenly he had all of Emma Daly's attention. That was, he had her attention until she kept reading.

Three sheets of parchment?!?!?! Why did the teachers insist on torturing her this way? What had she done to Professor Yummy up there? Had he never been in school? There's fun to be had and boys to be snogged.

After a moment she gave her sister a look. "Why did I let you drag me into this class again? Why aren't we doing something easy... like Care of Magical Creatures?"

Emma wanted to change her schedule at least once a week. However, she would never leave her sister... so that meant coming to boring classes like History of Magic.


7th Years prof_ferguson January 8 2007, 23:48:22 UTC
((Professor Ferguson will jump in if enough students show.))

On the board was written the following assignment:

You seventh years probably need a break. This week is easy. Write a description of your favourite topic covered in History of Magic and why it interests you. Also, introduce yourself in one paragraph or less. Try to keep me awake as well. You know how History of Magic class can be.


Re: 7th Years - Claws & Puffs - Tues Feb 14 @ 3pm daridavison January 9 2007, 07:22:11 UTC
Dari, for one, loved History of Magic class. It wasn't her absolute favorite out of all of her classes (That slot was reserved for Divination. Or Potions. She could never decide.), but she still really liked this one, too.

She took one look at the new Professor, however, and completely renounced any prior claims that she liked any other class more than this one. The new teacher was gorgeous! As if she hadn't enjoyed this class enough already!

She chewed her lip thoughtfully as she read the assignment. Easy, my arse, she pouted inwardly. How was she supposed to pick only one topic as her favorite when she was so fascinated by all of magical history?


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