
Jan 08, 2007 15:22

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Picking Up The Pieces"
Location: History of Magic Classroom, First Floor
Open To: History of Magic Students
Currently Involving: Professor Ferguson

At the beginning of every class, Cadogan found himself incredibly nervous. He knew his knowledge of the subject was good enough, he was excited about teaching and having the new spot ( Read more... )


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Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm ohsweetmerlin January 9 2007, 17:20:32 UTC
Merlin Flanagan had sincerely hoped that this new Professor would be better than the ones prior. Of course, he'd enjoyed Atticus's teaching style, but the smell of horse was... erm, a bit interesting, to say the least.

Merlin, as always, was completely oblivious to the fact that girls would see him as swoon worthy. His perception was 'young Professor - not like Snape!'. Because really, any good Gryffindor knew that the best way to decide whether one liked a Professor was to compare them to the Potions Master. Usually, this made them seem even better than their first impression.

"I know I am, but we're not here t'talk 'bout Merry Flanagan, Ellie. We're here t'learn 'bout magical history!" Merlin joked as he entered the class room, plopping down next to the twins and staring at the board with mouth slightly agape.

It wasn't that he didn't know how to answer the question written, because honestly? It was a good topic. The work he'd have to place into writing an essay, however - when writing was a poor spot for him he didn't like to admit he had - was enough to make him want to give up this NEWT level monstrosity immediately.


Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm darlingtwin January 9 2007, 18:32:01 UTC
Emma practically jumped when Ellie poked her. What in the bloody he... ohhhh he was pretty.

She sat up in her seat, trying to get a better look at this new teacher. Well, well, well, that was certainly enough to make a girl want to pay attention in the most boring class ever. Cadogan, ex-auror and suddenly he had all of Emma Daly's attention. That was, he had her attention until she kept reading.

Three sheets of parchment?!?!?! Why did the teachers insist on torturing her this way? What had she done to Professor Yummy up there? Had he never been in school? There's fun to be had and boys to be snogged.

After a moment she gave her sister a look. "Why did I let you drag me into this class again? Why aren't we doing something easy... like Care of Magical Creatures?"

Emma wanted to change her schedule at least once a week. However, she would never leave her sister... so that meant coming to boring classes like History of Magic.


Re: 6th Years - Gryffs & Snakes - Thursday 16 Feb @ 3pm eruditetwin January 9 2007, 19:03:35 UTC
Ellie couldn't help but giggle a little at Merry's comment, because she knew he was joking. "I was talking about the assignment," she found herself correcting him anyway, though her tone was mostly teasing.

Ellie had no such worries about the writing, because she actually enjoyed writing essays and she knew she was pretty good at it, too. She was seriously looking forward to this assignment and she couldn't help grinning approvingly at Professor Ferguson (Ellie couldn't quite bring herself to think of a teacher by his first name) as she continued to jot down her ideas.

Her twin didn't seem to be enjoying the lesson nearly as much and she turned to fix her with a mock pout. "Because you love me," she supplied easily. "And because I got tired of getting bitten in that class."

It wasn't like she'd forced Emma into taking all the same classes, anyway, and, besides, she knew her sister would thank her when they got their NEWTs and had good jobs and all of that.


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