Parvati Patil, diary entry, 1989..ish.

May 23, 2007 04:18

Name: Parvati Patil
Format: Diary (images)
Date: June 3, 1989.
Relevance: Establishing the Patils' status in in the England Wizarding world. Mostly, sort of, a look into what Parvati's parents were like, through the eyes of ten year-old Vati. Complete with pictures!

Written on the back of each page is 'Magical translation: HINDI to ENGLISH'


Attached to the last page of the entry are four photos, all stuck between the pages of the diary before they were torn out.

Written on the back of the photo: MILA PATIL(31) and AJIT PATIL(32). Taken the night of AJIT'S advance to the position of the HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS.

Written on the back of the photo: PADMA PATIL(11) and PARVATI PATIL(11). Taken by MILA PATIL, the day the PATILs moved to ENGLAND

Written on the back of the photo: PATIL ESTATE in DELHI, INDIA

Written on the back of the photo: PATIL ESTATE in ENGLAND

Transcript: PAGE ONE

Dear Diary,

Daddy got a new job! He's the boss now, of the department that he worked at before. But that means we have to move to England. I heard it rains a lot there. I hate rain, it means we can't play outside! But the good part about moving would be that mommy will take me and Padma out shopping to buy new clothes! I won't have to wear a sari all the time! I get regular witches robes! Oh, what else to write about..

OH! The day that daddy got his new job, there was a huuuge ball with lots of food and fancy things, and I got to meet the Minister of Magic! Sort of anyway. We had a family meeting during the ball, but the Minister and other men I don't remember were there too. They talked funny, though. But at the family meeting, they told me and Padma that once we moved to England, we would have to be extra careful who we talked to and what we say to them. He said we'd be moving into a neighborhood with other pureblooded families, and one of them told me and Padma that the Parkinsons have a daughter who is the same age as us! Maybe it won't be so bad moving if we make friends with her! But then ---

Transcript: PAGE TWO

after we got excited about having a new friend, daddy was getting angry, but not at us. Apparently he didn't want us to be friends with anyone that aco aso associates with the Parkinsons. And then the Minister told my daddy to be reasonable! He said that we'd have to..set aside differences and become friends with the Parkinsons and the Malfoys and the Zabinis (hehe, that made Padma and me laugh and laugh, that name sounds like zuccini!) And when my daddy asked me while I was giggling I told him and they all laughed too! But then I also said that we have to make new friends, I told my daddy, but he said they weren't nice people! And then the men yelled more about being reasonable again, and mommy took mine and Padma's hands and pulled us out of the room because they were starting to fight! It was a good thing they were in a different room, because the ball was still going on, and so we danced more.

When we got home, mommy and daddy kind of gought too. My mommy asked "why can't you just accept that not all purebloods like not-purebloods!" or something like that, and my daddy said that they were not JUST --

Transcript: PAGE THREE

not okay with not-purebloods, but those families were rumored to be death eaters. That made my mommy gasp, and she asked if he was sure, and he just said that he didn't want his family in danger because of his job, but mommy said he had to keep it, and all I kept wondering was what a death eater was and so I asked, but daddy said they were just "bad people" and we weren't like them and mommy kept insisting that he couldn't assume that of anyone so I'm guessing it's much different than how the boy in my class is a bad person.

Speaking of the boy in my class, he threw a rock in the pond when I was playing in the grass there and he got my sari all wet! Ugh. Padma says he's just immature, I think he's just stupid. But I don't want to think about him anymore, I won't to think about... death eaters. I want to know all about them so I can find them and ask them why they're so mean. Once I get to England, that's what I'll do. Make new friends, and find the death eaters. I just can't tell daddy, because he'll get mad at me.


diary, parvati_patil

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