I hope that this doesn't only bother me. I'm not talking about Studio Deen whitewashing Seychelles, Egypt and Turkey, since someone already covered that. I'm talking about the fans not doing their research and rendering a lot of non-white countries lily white. I've seen too many examples of this. People who make Greenland OCs tend to especially
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Comments 83
I notice Pixiv is guilty of whitewashing. Seychelles is always drawn white even though it is OBVIOUS by Hidekaz' art that she is not. I would not be surprised if racism is involved.
As for Japan. yea, as I said in my post, they are guilty of this. I also have a feeling that her whitewash is also for cosplay reasons. I mean, if seychelles is dark no one would be able to cosplay seychelles (but when they end up cosplaying seychelles, she doesn't even look like an african nation oxo).
Yet, people don't seem to realise their headcanon doesn't match with Himaruya's. =T At least, Himaruya knows what he's doing and moreover, he's curious about culture of others. So fans should be lucky about that. I'm okay with variations of sorts such as Iceland's sliver hair or even Romania's tooth since nations-tans are distancing themselfes from a real person. That wouldn't be exciting, otherwise.
They may not have negative history with the same minorities the West has, but they have had plenty of negative history with the Ainu, the Koreans, the Chinese, etc. And it might not have been the same in terms of scale, but what Unit 731 did was just as horrifying as the Nazi death camps and the gulags.
Since they did not have years of racism in that way, they would not have even thought of how offensive it would seem to Americans. A lot of the things they do that seem offensive probably mean no harm.They didn't have the history, and they probably didn't have anyone who would object to it. I think about 99% of Japan's population is ethnic Japanese, and there are very few blacks among the other 1%, so there ( ... )
I'm so sorry, I don't know as much about Japanese history as I do about European history. I know they've done some very sketchy things, but I meant that in the context of offending westerners.
I do know about the Ainu and kind-of-sort-of taking their land away a la the Native Americans, but I didn't think it was terribly relevant to the wank, so I didn't mention it. I know the Japanese were/are hardly saints, what with raping and murdering so many Chinese women and other atrocities, but I was just trying to stay relevant T_T Sorry if I came off as an ignorant lout.
I will actually give them Seychelles, but Egypt? No. No, no, no, no, no. I have never seen a native Egyptian that was that pale.
Like Zetzu said, things like this make it difficult for someone like me to cosplay. It's so hard to find a character that is brown enough for me to not look like an idiot. Pfft. Ideas like this always make me a little uncomfortable in the fandom because I feel that people hold whiteness as a standard of beauty, and it's quite hard to be a multi-ethnic fan when many people, inadvertently or not, imply that people like me are unattractive because we are not white or completely white.
Thank you for wanking on this.
But surprisingly enough, I know an Egyptian guy who is very, very pale and very, very white. So much to the fact that when he mentioned he was Egyptian everyone in my class was surprised. But all the other Egyptian people I know are a lot darker than that :/
And yeah, I've always wanted to cosplay but Hetalia's the only fandom I'm part of and having dark chocolate brown skin it's hard finding a character who I can cosplay without looking weird. I'm already self-concious of the fact that clothing stores' clothes typically cater to Caucasian people and hence the colour tones are to suit that skin colour and look awful on me, but knowing that there are people who find dark skin unattractive almost is so hurtful ._.
And I agree that it is so hard to find clothing/cosplay that complements a darker skin tone! Purple has become my friend. When all that mixing is said and done, I pretty much have a middle-eastern skin tone, so those are the stores I frequent. Too bad we don't have a female middle-eastern nation, then I could cosplay...
Anyway, I think you should cosplay as whoever you want to and tell anyone who says something to shove it.
I've never tried cosplay, but you can still cosplay, I'm sure. If you make a really awesome costume and work it well, I'll still be super impressed no matter what anyone looks like. And I've always found dark skin types attractive anyways (people find it unatrractive? Really?).
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