[fanfic] Zombie Apocalypse AU Starring Fem!USA- Chapter 26, 27 & 28

Dec 27, 2012 08:49

Title: Zombie Apocalypse AU Starring Fem!USA- Chapter 26, 27 & 28
Genre: Humor
Characters/Pairings: No pairings. Amelia(fem!USA), Francis(France), Chun-Yan(fem!China), Arthur(U.K.), Feliks(Poland), Toris(Lithuania), Eduard(Estonia), Anya(fem!Russia), Feliciano(N. Italy), Monika(fem!Germany), Kiku(Japan), Maddie(fem!Canada), Nikolai(male!Belarus)
Rating: K+
Warnings: Zombie Apocalypse AU
Summary: Toris tries to get Nikolai to stop being such a jerk, Anya is up to her socially awkward shenanigans, and Feliciano gives Monika a late-nite visit in nothing but his boxers.

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 & 4, Chapter 5 & 6, Chapter 7 & 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10 & 11, Chapter 12 & 13, Chapter 14 & 15, Chapter 16, 17, & 18, Chapter 19, 20, & 21, Chapter 22 & 23, Chapter 19, 20, & 21, Chapter 24 & 25

Also on tumblr.

Chapter 26

“What in the bloody hell is going on over here?” Arthur and the rest of the guys finally made it from the main camp.

Feliciano ran over to Monika. “We heard a commotion! What happened here, Monika?”

“I witnessed this and I still don’t have a clue,” Monika admitted.

Chun-Yan shook her head. “This handsome creep came out of nowhere and grabbed Anya. It turned out he’s her brother.”

“Mr. Nikolai!” Toris shouted, “Everyone calm down, please! I am so sorry about this, Miss Amelia! Mr. Nikolai is cool but he gets a little overprotective of his sister. He was just very worried about her after being separated after that zombie attack. This has been one big misunderstanding!”

“Are you sure?” Amelia asked dubiously.

“Yes! You will calm down, Mr. Nikolai. Yes? OK! Everything will be cleared up in the morning, Miss Amelia. I will take care of this!”

Amelia and Maddie look at each other. Amelia shrugged and they slowly released Nikolai.

“Thank you! Just head on back everyone and I will clean everything up.”

“He did not have that bike before,” Eduard noted as he followed the others, “The others in our group must have made it to the town before we did. What a relief! Raivis is fine! I was so worried about him.”

Toris waited until everyone was back at the main camp before he helped Nikolai stand up. “Mr. Nikolai… You cannot just threaten women like that! Especially these women! You are lucky you just have a banged up knee. It could have been a lot worse!”

Nikolai sneered at him. “How do you know I started it?”

“We discussed this before, Mr. Nikolai. You have to learn to stop being so hostile around people. When we get to the truck…”

“I am not staying!” Nikolai slowly limped towards the bike. “We are going to the town.”

Toris grabbed his arm. “You cannot ride a bike like that. You can barely walk. Besides, it is also dangerous to ride alone at night. You do not have to share a tent with anyone. When we get back, I will wrap up your knee for you.”

“I am not staying. I am taking Anya back to the town!”

“We are not leaving, Nikolai. We are staying with them,” Anya said sternly.

“What are you talking about, dear sister? Why would you want to stay with these idiots?”

“I joined a stupid hero group so I will travel with them.”

“What?!” Nikolai was so shocked that he lost his balance and fell on the ground. “What were you thinking?”

Anya helped him back up. “I get to bash zombies in their heads with my shovel. How could I refuse? That is a dream job right there.”

“I will not allow you to be a sidekick! You are better than that!”

Anya thought for a moment. “Maybe I can have her change the job title to “zombie exterminator” or something. Would that be better?”

“Join a hero group… Ridiculous! How did you get such a dumb idea anyway?”

“Toris said it would be a good idea for me to make friends. I am making progress with this “bonding” thing he talked about.”

“Let us not talk about this now!” Toris interrupted quickly as Nikolai glared maliciously at him. “It is late! We should all get some sleep and discuss this later.”

Chapter 27

“It’s mid-August, it shouldn’t be this cold,” Maddie thought as she woke up freezing in the tent. It felt like winter. She got into her sleeping bag and glanced at sleeping Amelia who was shivering in her own sleeping bag beside her. Maddie scooted over and put her arm around her sister.

Maddie attempted to go back to sleep but she suddenly had a strange feeling. She turned looked and saw Anya staring into the tent at them. Maddie felt like screaming but stopped herself. “Um… Hello,” she squeaked.

“Hello,” Anya greeted.

“Uh… Hi.”

“I have a question.”

“S… Sure.”

“Why does she not hit and kick you while she sleeps?”

“Eh… Well… She doesn’t toss and turn when I’m around because I’m her sister, I guess.”

“Oh.” Anya crawled into the tent with her sleeping bag and set it down beside Amelia. “Good to know. Goodnight!” She slipped into it, snuggled up against Amelia, and went to sleep.

Maddie didn’t even know what to think. She hoped that after she went back to sleep, she would forget this ever happened.

Meanwhile in the women’s tent, Monika enjoyed the quiet and warmth of having the tent to herself for once without Anya creepily staring at her. She read one of the medical textbooks she borrowed from Dr. Mathias back in town. She realized that after the outbreak that she had to learn to treat more than just animals.

“Hey Monika!” Feliciano greeted as he entered the tent in nothing but his boxers.


“I decided to keep you company!”

“What the hell are you thinking? What would everyone think if everyone saw you in here wearing nothing but that!? Get out of here! This is the women’s tent!”

“But Monika, none of the women are in here at the moment so it’s OK!”

Monika fought the urge to hit him for that remark but she knew he didn’t mean it like that. “What do you want?”

“It’s too crowded in the men’s tent. This tent has loads of room!” Feliciano paused for a moment and shuddered. “I don’t want to be near that new guy. He’s scary.”

Monika sighed. “Fine! Just please stay on that side of the tent. The last thing I want is rumors going around about this.”

Feliciano tilted his head. “What kind of rumors?”

Monika shook her head and lied down. “Nevermind.”

Chapter 28

Toris crawled out of a smaller tent he put up next to the men’s tent. “All done, Mr. Nikolai! Now you have a whole tent to yourself since you do not want to stay with the others. That is unless you want to me stay with you tonight for company.”

Nikolai scowled at him.

“Or not,” Toris quickly added. “I have a question for you. How did you find us?”

“I put a tracking device on my sister a while go in case I lost her. The batteries fell out during that zombie attack. Once we entered the town, I got new batteries.”

“I do not think she would approve of that.”

“Hmph!” Nikolai crossed his arms. “I want my knife back.”

“Miss Maddie is not going to give you your knife back until you calm down and prove you can get along with everyone.”

“I will just steal it back.”

“I would not attempt that. See that big sleeping polar bear?” Toris pointed to Kumajiro who was sleeping right outside Amelia’s tent. “That is hers.”

“I am not scared of that bear.”

“If you ask Miss Maddie nicely, I believe she will give it back. We will be living together for a long time. You can at least learn to tolerate everyone.”

“I do not want to.” Nikolai became irritated and changed the subject. “Sister should be in this tent with me. Why does she choose to sleep with the idiot twins?”

“Now, now… I think you would like Miss Amelia once you get to know her. I think you both have a lot in common.”

Nikolai scoffed in disbelief. “Like what?”

“Well,” Toris began, “You are overly protective of your sister and she is overly protective of anyone who she thinks needs saving. That is why she yelled at you when she thought you were attacking Miss Anya.”


Toris smiled. “I think you both are very attractive.”

“What did you say?”

“Uh… I said you both are incredibly aggressive and like causing commotions.”

“Whatever.” Nikolai shrugged. “How about you go to bed and leave me alone?”

Toris nodded. “It is late. Well, have a good night.” He unzipped the door of the men’s tent then paused. “Oh by the way, I hope you are not planning to sneak over to their tent when I go to bed. Mr. Francis stays up all night to watch over our camp and he does not go to sleep until after breakfast. He will not let you near them.”

Nikolai cursed, stormed into his tent, and angrily zipped up the tent’s door.

Toris sighed. “That is what I thought. Goodnight, Mr. Nikolai.”

-belarus, -russia, -lithuania, -canada, fan: fic, -italy north (veneziano), -america, -germany, =group: genderbends

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